Help please
i. QU'E-ll His and Pat have been BFFs since 2013. They met each other and started'J to become friends back when they were still small-time talents of \"ECH.\" which stands for ECHDsers Production Company. From then on, they kept on receiving projects that gave both His and Fat a fortune. in 2022. when CVlDlg restrictions became more bearable. His and Fat thought of investing their hard-earned money in business. Having quite an entrepreneurial mindset, His talked to Pat and proposed to use their money in the gourmet tuyo business. Adsrnant at convincing Fat to join him in his venture, His explained that their gourmet tuyo business is one of a kind. They will call their product 'lSslSeSHN.' They will secure all the licenses and permits necessary to operate their business. His promised that they would even apply for Philippine Standard Certication Marl: to make their gourmet tuyo appealing to the public. Feeling that His had all things thought out, Pat agreed. But their business was not as protable as ertpectcd. Hence, theyr needed to think of a strateg.r to boost their income. Pat then realised why not use their network since they are both inuenoers with millions oi followers. Pat proposed to sell dieir products by membership; another inuencer will sign up for PhP 5D.DDD.DD and in return. said inuencer will receive PhP 45,. worth of ISlSSHAN which hefshe could sell {or PhP75.D. The PhF' 5.000.; prot received from said inuencer will then be divided to three :3] parts : 1" part would go the one who encouraged the inuencer to sign up as member; the 2\"\" part would go the business: and the 3'\" share would go to the Fat and His in equal shares. Realising that this might work. Ris agreed. Later on. they nd themselves million peso richer without a sweat. They were able to recruit 100 new member oi" HSKiS-SIMN Tribe. Eggs nally-g 1 : 1What is a Philippine Standard Certication Marl-t? How can a business acquire the right to use it?I And what value does it bring to the business or product? [10 pomts} gyms lumber 2 : What is Chain Distribution Plan? Is it logal in the Philippines? [5 points] W Did His and Pat engage in a pyramid sales scheme? Defend your answer. {it} points}