help with program
11. Personal Web Page Generator Write a program that asks the user for his or her name, then asks the user to enter a sentence that describes himself or herself. Here is an example of the program's screen: Enter your name: Julie Taylor Eiter Describe yourself: I am a computer science major, a member of the Jazz club, and I hope to work as a mobile app developer after I graduate. Enter Once the user has entered the requested input, the program should create an HTML file, containing the input, for a simple Web page. Here is an example of the HTML content, using the sample input previously shown: Julie Taylor /h1> > I am a computer science major, a member of the Jazz club, and I hope to work as a mobile app developer after I graduate. body> Requirements : 1. Use easy to understand input and output. 2. Use variable names which are reflective of their meaning. 4. Use a sufficient number of comments to make your code understandable. 5. Run a sufficient number of sample cases to confirm that you program is working. 6. Add one non-trivial additional feature to your code going beyond the basic problem statement above. (Research Python and htm1 code online - document your new feature with code comments.) Starter Code: def main () : * input your name and description * Add code here - Create the file. * Add code here 1 Write the HTML write_html (htm1_file, name, description) * Cal1 to function implementing additional feature (Requirement 6) * Add code here Close the file. Add code here def write html (html_file, name, description): * Add code here + Add code here + Write the body: call write_body + Add code here A Write the /html tag. * Add code here def write_head(htm1_file): i write the head part of the page + Add code here def write body (htm1 Iile, nane, description): 1 write the body part of the page 4 Add code here def additional_function code goes hore: (Requirement 6) maxn()