hen connecting your laptop or tablet to the ernet from your home, you are most likely ng a(n) intranet extranet a. Unificd b. Social backing c. E-Leaming d. Telecommuting e. Data warchousing Internet Service Provider local-area network coaxial cable 4Green Designs Inc employees meet frequently ur computer on the Internet has an assigned dress called the ique to it and distinguishes it from all the with engineers and designers all over the country to review and discuss blueprints graphs, pictures and write proposals. What type of collaboration technology would benefit Green Designs the most? address that is b. Crowdsourcing c. Version control systems IP TCP Wi-Fi Ethernet e Corporate portal 45. Skype and Vonage are examples of Voice over-IP services b. Unified communication c. Content Management systems d. Version control systems e. Web-based call centers contains a link to other web page or document that can be quested by the user from his or her computer website URL IP TCP hypertext 46 Organizations that need to reduce training cost and the expemse of renting facility space while training a large amount of employces can use he Web: is regulated to assure information quality reduces information overload follows a socialist way of content creation enables user applications that allow the access to information located in databases all over the world can be accessed by users through software applications called Webcrawlers c. E-leaming e. Telepresence your co-workers through methods, this is considered a crowdsouarcing maintain an index of billions of Web ages and use the index to find pages . Browsers c. virtual collaboration d. workflow c. telepresence Search engines Portals . 48. When a student use Google Drive to work . . Webcrawlers school project with a classmate, this is ICANN increased feelings of isolation, loss of fringe benefits, lower pay, reduce visibility, slower a Crowdsourcing b.Virtual collaboration c. E-leaning d. Workflow romotions, and lack of socializations are some f the disadvantages of