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Hi everyone, I'm having a lot of trouble with a fairly simple problem. I have tried coding a recoding a height algorithm and need to

Hi everyone, I'm having a lot of trouble with a fairly simple problem. I have tried coding a recoding a height algorithm and need to write the code for the height command located in under "public int height(E e)" .

I must create the height comand code in by:

1. Search the tree for the "target node": that is, the node containing the target string, entered by the user.

2. Find the height of the subtree that has the "target node" as its root.

The first output example on page 2 shows how the program runs with an empty unwritten Height(E e) code section. The output example on the last page, page 4, shows how the output should appear when a user enters the following ; height Susan. It should function the same for height "Target node" of any target node in the tree to be used as the root whose height will be determined

Please help me solve the height method coding in

There are four java file classes of base code provided, which I will provide following the 4 page assignment instructions. There are 3 text files to add to the outer java program space to be used as test examples. load the file then height should return the height as an integer of the target node input by the user. is the file where the height code needs to be written and where height method is located. I need to finish this by Sunday afternoon, the sooner the better, I will be working all day, but I really need help. Please help me.

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There are four java files in the project:,,, and

There are three text files to be tested by the project: names.txt, cities.txt, and firstTen.txt

The four java files are as follows:


/* * CIT242 Lab25a: Binary Search Tree */ import; import; import; import java.util.*;

public class Lab25a {

static String userInput; static EnhancedBST tree;

/** * Output information regarding user commands. */ public static void outputHelpText() {

System.out.println(" COMMAND PARAMETER(S) DESCRIPTION"); System.out.println(" help Output this help text."); System.out.println(" contains string Test if tree contains string."); System.out.println(" height Output tree height (incomplete)."); System.out.println(" inorder Execute IN-order traversal."); System.out.println(" load filename Read input file into memory."); System.out.println(" postorder Execute POST-order traversal."); System.out.println(" preorder Execute PRE-order traversal."); System.out.println(" verbose Turn VERBOSE mode ON or OFF (optional feature)."); System.out.println(" q exit the program."); System.out.println(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ // Main method.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.println("This program accepts the following inputs and performs the corresponding actions:"); outputHelpText(); do { System.out.print("Command: "); userInput = input.nextLine(); if (Debug.getVerboseMode()) { System.out.printf("userInput=%s ", userInput); } if (userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("help")) { outputHelpText(); } else if (userInput.toUpperCase().equals("VERBOSE")) { Debug.setOrClearVerboseMode(); if (Debug.getVerboseMode()) { System.out.println("Verbose mode is now ON."); } else { System.out.println("Verbose mode is now OFF."); } } else if (userInput.charAt(0) != 'q') { processCommand(userInput.split("[ ]")); }

} while (userInput.charAt(0) != 'q'); System.out.println("Exit program."); } // end main

static void processCommand(String[] commandArgs) { String command; if (commandArgs.length inputStrings = loadFromFile(commandArgs[1]); tree = new EnhancedBST(); for (int i = 0; i

}// end processCommand

/** * Read the contents of a text file into an ArrayList of String objects. * * @param fName = file name * @return */ static ArrayList loadFromFile(String fName) { File documentFile = new File(fName); ArrayList contents; contents = new ArrayList(); Scanner input; int lineNum = 0; try { input = new Scanner(documentFile); while (input.hasNextLine()) { String inputText = input.nextLine(); if (Debug.getVerboseMode()) { System.out.println("inputText=" + inputText); } lineNum++; contents.add(inputText.trim()); } System.out.printf("%d records loaded. ", lineNum); } catch (FileNotFoundException FNF) { System.out.printf("file not found: %s ", fName); } return contents; }// end loadFromFile

} // end class Lab25a


/* Enhanced Binary Search Tree Class:

* The original BST class is provided in the Liang textbook.


public class EnhancedBST> implements Tree {

protected TreeNode root;

protected int size = 0;


* Create a default binary tree


public EnhancedBST() {



* Create a binary tree from an array of objects


public EnhancedBST(E[] objects) {

for (int i = 0; i






* Returns true if the element is in the tree


public boolean search(E e) {

TreeNode current = root; // Start from the root

while (current != null) {

if (e.compareTo(current.element)

current = current.left;

} else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {

current = current.right;

} else // element matches current.element


return true; // Element is found



return false;



* Returns height of node (or -1 if node not present)


public int height(E e) {

int nodeHeight = -1;

// (lab exercise)

return nodeHeight;

} // (end height)



* Insert element e into the binary tree Return true if the element is

* inserted successfully


public boolean insert(E e) {

if (root == null) {

root = createNewNode(e); // Create a new root

} else {

// Locate the parent node

TreeNode parent = null;

TreeNode current = root;

while (current != null) {

if (e.compareTo(current.element)

parent = current;

current = current.left;

} else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {

parent = current;

current = current.right;

} else {

return false; // Duplicate node not inserted



// Create the new node and attach it to the parent node

if (e.compareTo(parent.element)

parent.left = createNewNode(e);

} else {

parent.right = createNewNode(e);




return true; // Element inserted successfully


protected TreeNode createNewNode(E e) {

return new TreeNode(e);




* Inorder traversal from the root


public void inorder() {

System.out.printf("root=%10d ", System.identityHashCode(root));




* Inorder traversal from a subtree


protected void inorder(TreeNode root) {

if (root == null) {









* Postorder traversal from the root


public void postorder() {

System.out.printf("root=%10d ", System.identityHashCode(root));




* Postorder traversal from a subtree


protected void postorder(TreeNode root) {

if (root == null) {









* Preorder traversal from the root


public void preorder() {

System.out.printf("root=%10d ", System.identityHashCode(root));




* Preorder traversal from a subtree


protected void preorder(TreeNode root) {

if (root == null) {








* This inner class is static, because it does not access any instance

* members defined in its outer class


public static class TreeNode {

protected E element;

protected TreeNode left;

protected TreeNode right;

public TreeNode(E e) {

element = e;



public String toString() {

String leftText, rightText;

if (this == null) {

return "null";

} else {

if (this.left == null) {

leftText = "null";

} else {

leftText = String.format("%d", System.identityHashCode(left));


if (this.right == null) {

rightText = "null";

} else {

rightText = String.format("%d", System.identityHashCode(right));



return String.format("node=%10d, element=%12s, left=%10s, right=%10s",

System.identityHashCode(this), element.toString(), leftText, rightText);

} //(end toString)

} // (end class TreeNode)



* Get the number of nodes in the tree


public int getSize() {

return size;



* Returns the root of the tree


public TreeNode getRoot() {

return root;



* Returns a path from the root leading to the specified element


public java.util.ArrayList> path(E e) {

java.util.ArrayList> list

= new java.util.ArrayList();

TreeNode current = root; // Start from the root

while (current != null) {

list.add(current); // Add the node to the list

if (e.compareTo(current.element)

current = current.left;

} else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {

current = current.right;

} else {




return list; // Return an array list of nodes




* Delete an element from the binary tree. Return true if the element is

* deleted successfully Return false if the element is not in the tree


public boolean delete(E e) {

// Locate the node to be deleted and also locate its parent node

TreeNode parent = null;

TreeNode current = root;

while (current != null) {

if (e.compareTo(current.element)

parent = current;

current = current.left;

} else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {

parent = current;

current = current.right;

} else {

break; // Element is in the tree pointed at by current



if (current == null) {

return false; // Element is not in the tree


// Case 1: current has no left child

if (current.left == null) {

// Connect the parent with the right child of the current node

if (parent == null) {

root = current.right;

} else {

if (e.compareTo(parent.element)

parent.left = current.right;

} else {

parent.right = current.right;



} else {

// Case 2: The current node has a left child

// Locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of

// the current node and also its parent

TreeNode parentOfRightMost = current;

TreeNode rightMost = current.left;

while (rightMost.right != null) {

parentOfRightMost = rightMost;

rightMost = rightMost.right; // Keep going to the right


// Replace the element in current by the element in rightMost

current.element = rightMost.element;

// Eliminate rightmost node

if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost) {

parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;

} else // Special case: parentOfRightMost == current


parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;




return true; // Element deleted successfully




* Obtain an iterator. Use inorder.


public java.util.Iterator iterator() {

return new InorderIterator();


// Inner class InorderIterator

private class InorderIterator implements java.util.Iterator {

// Store the elements in a list

private java.util.ArrayList list

= new java.util.ArrayList();

private int current = 0; // Point to the current element in list

public InorderIterator() {

inorder(); // Traverse binary tree and store elements in list



* Inorder traversal from the root


private void inorder() {




* Inorder traversal from a subtree


private void inorder(TreeNode root) {

if (root == null) {









* More elements for traversing?


public boolean hasNext() {

if (current

return true;


return false;




* Get the current element and move to the next


public E next() {

return list.get(current++);


@Override // Remove the element returned by the last next()

public void remove() {

if (current == 0) // next() has not been called yet


throw new IllegalStateException();



list.clear(); // Clear the list

inorder(); // Rebuild the list





* Remove all elements from the tree


public void clear() {

root = null;

size = 0;


} //(end class EnhancedBST)


import java.util.Collection;

public interface Tree extends Collection {

/** Return true if the element is in the tree */

public boolean search(E e);

/** Insert element e into the binary tree

* Return true if the element is inserted successfully */

public boolean insert(E e);

/** Delete the specified element from the tree

* Return true if the element is deleted successfully */

public boolean delete(E e);

/** Get the number of elements in the tree */

public int getSize();

/** Inorder traversal from the root*/

public default void inorder() {


/** Postorder traversal from the root */

public default void postorder() {


/** Preorder traversal from the root */

public default void preorder() {


@Override /** Return true if the tree is empty */

public default boolean isEmpty() {

return this.size() == 0;



public default boolean contains(Object e) {

return search((E)e);



public default boolean add(E e) {

return insert(e);



public default boolean remove(Object e) {

return delete((E)e);



public default int size() {

return getSize();



public default boolean containsAll(Collection> c) {

// Left as an exercise

return false;



public default boolean addAll(Collection extends E> c) {

// Left as an exercise

return false;



public default boolean removeAll(Collection> c) {

// Left as an exercise

return false;



public default boolean retainAll(Collection> c) {

// Left as an exercise

return false;



public default Object[] toArray() {

// Left as an exercise

return null;



public default T[] toArray(T[] array) {

// Left as an exercise

return null;




/* * Debug methods for "verbose" logging */

public class Debug { private static boolean verboseMode = false; // Debug aid (false by default) //________________________________________________________________________________________ /** * * @return the current value of the Boolean 'verboseMode' attribute. */ public static Boolean getVerboseMode() { return verboseMode; }

//________________________________________________________________________________________ /** * * @param value = new value for the Boolean 'verboseMode' attribute. */ public static void setVerboseMode(Boolean value) { verboseMode = value; }

//________________________________________________________________________________________ /** * Turn "verbose mode" ON (true) or OFF (false). */ public static void setOrClearVerboseMode() { if (verboseMode) { verboseMode = false; } else { verboseMode = true; } } }



Test Text Files to load to program:

1. names.txt:














2. cities.txt:








3. firstTen.txt:













Please help me solve the following height method :

/** * Returns height of node (or -1 if node not present) */ public int height(E e) { int nodeHeight = -1; // (lab exercise) return nodeHeight; } // (end height)

Thank You for all those who try to help me with this assignment, it is only height but I always seem to write my code slightly off and it does not compile correctly.


Take Care and Thanks Again!

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