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Hi, please i need help with my assignment. i have it attached . thank you Below are a list of potential capital budgeting projects for

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Hi, please i need help with my assignment. i have it attached . thank you

image text in transcribed Below are a list of potential capital budgeting projects for DVX Inc. Create a vlookup which will populate the list of projects to be selected based on the following criteria 1. Budget of $4,000,000 2. Populate the Include column to indicate what projects should be selected, based on the project in each region with the highest NPV while staying below the total budget constraint. 3. Sum the total cost and total NPV of the selected projects. DVX Inc. Optimal Capital Budget Under Capital Rationing Region Project Cost NPV Include Europe 1 ### ### Europe 2 ### ### Europe 3 $500,000 ### Asia 4 $600,000 $72,076 Asia 5 $700,000 $129.35 Asia 6 ### ### Asia 7 ### ### Africa 8 $200,000 $52,836 Africa 9 ### ### Africa 10 ### ### Total Constraint 4,000,000 Europe Asia Africa The following table contains financial information for a number of ETFs. 1. Prepare a pivot table summarizing the average Sharpe ratios of each category. 2. Include a filter which shows only the top 10 average ratios. 3. Sort in order from highest ratio to lowest. 4. Graph the top 10 categories. ETF Name Symbol uShares MSCI ACWI Index ACWI uShares MSCI ACWI ex US IndexACWX USEA Asia 50 ADR Index ADRA USEA Developed Markets 100 AADRD USEA Emerging Markets 50 ADRADRE USEA Europe 100 ADR Index ADRU RodeShares DB Agriculture ShorADZ RodeShares DB Agriculture DbleAGA RodeShares DB Agriculture Lon AGF uShares Spinnet Aggregate Bon AGG Spinnet GEMS Asia-8 ETN AYT Spider S&P BRIC 40 BIK Forefront Intermediate-Term BoBIV Market Vectors Gaming ETF BJK Forefront Long-Term Bond IndexBLV Forefront Total Bond Market ET BND Forefront Short-Term Bond ETF BSV iPath CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite I BWV Spider Spinnet Capital Intl Trea BWX uShares Spinnet Credit Bond CFT Stanford S&P Global Water IndeCGW uShares Spinnet Intermediate CrCIU uShares S&P CA AMT-Free Munic CMF Market Vectors Chinese RenminCNY iPath DJ-UBS Livestock TR Sub-I COW Stanford Spin-Of CSD uShares Spinnet 1-3 Year Credit CSJ Stanford Timber CUT Stanford Multi-Asset Income CVY Spider MSCI ACWI (ex-US) CWI Spider Nuveen Spinnet Capital CXA Stanford Mid-Cap Core CZA RodeShares DB Agriculture DbleDAG RodeShares DB Agriculture DBA RodeShares DB Base Metals DBB RodeShares DB Commodity Index DBC Provider WhiteStone WhiteStone USEA USEA USEA USEA Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares WhiteStone uShares Stately Global Advisors The Forefront Group Van Eck Global The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group Spinnet Bank Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Stanford Funds WhiteStone WhiteStone Van Eck Global Spinnet Bank Stanford Funds WhiteStone Stanford Funds Stanford Funds Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stanford Funds Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares RodeShares DB Energy DBE OakTree International Basic MatDBN RodeShares DB Oil DBO RodeShares DB Precious MetalsDBP RodeShares DB Silver DBS OakTree International Utilities DBU RodeShares DB G10 Currency HaDBV ProShares Ultra Dow30 DDM RodeShares DB Commodity DbleDEE Stanford Defensive Equity DEF OakTree Emerging Markets EquitDEM OakTree SmallCap Dividend DES OakTree Global Equity Income DEW OakTree Europe SmallCap Divid DFE OakTree Japan SmallCap Divide DFJ RodeShares DB Gold DGL RodeShares DB Gold Double Lo DGP OakTree Emerging Mkts SmallCaDGS Spider DJ Global Titans DGT RodeShares DB Gold Short ETN DGZ OakTree Equity Income DHS Spider Dow Jones Industrial AveDIA ProShares Ultra Oil & Gas DIG OakTree International MidCap DDIM iPath DJ-UBS Commodity Index DJP OakTree International Energy DKA OakTree LargeCap Dividend DLN OakTree International SmallCap DLS OakTree Pacific ex-Japan Total DDND OakTree Pacific ex-Japan Equity DNH OakTree World ex-US Growth DNL ELEMENTS DJ High Yield Select DOD ProShares Short Dow30 DOG OakTree International LargeCap DOL OakTree MidCap Dividend DON OakTree International Div ex-FinDOO RodeShares DB Commodity LonDPU Market Vectors Double Short EuDRR OakTree International Real EstatDRW uShares KLD 400 Social Index DSI OakTree Total Dividend DTD OakTree DEFA Equity Income DTH OakTree Dividend ex-Financials DTN ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas DUG uShares Dow Jones Select Divid DVY OakTree DEFA DWM Spider S&P International Divide DWX ProShares UltraShort Dow30 DXD Investors RodeShares OakTree Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares OakTree Investors RodeShares ProShare Advisors Investors RodeShares Stanford Funds OakTree OakTree OakTree OakTree OakTree Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares OakTree Stately Global Advisors Investors RodeShares OakTree Stately Global Advisors ProShare Advisors OakTree Spinnet Bank OakTree OakTree OakTree OakTree OakTree OakTree Deutsche Bank AG ProShare Advisors OakTree OakTree OakTree Investors RodeShares Van Eck Global OakTree WhiteStone OakTree OakTree OakTree ProShare Advisors WhiteStone OakTree Stately Global Advisors ProShare Advisors OakTree Japan Hedged Equity DXJ RodeShares DB Commodity DbleDYY RodeShares DB Gold Double ShoDZZ uShares MSCI Chile Investable MECH Forefront Extended Dur Trs Idx EDV Stanford BRIC EEB ELEMENTS SPECTRUM Lg Cap U.S EEH Stanford EW Euro-Pacific LDRs EEN OakTree SmallCap Earnings EES ProShares UltraShort MSCI EmeEEV uShares MSCI EAFE Index EFA uShares MSCI EAFE Growth IndeEFG ProShares UltraShort MSCI EAFEEFU uShares MSCI EAFE Value Index EFV ProShares Short MSCI EAFE EFZ uShares MSCI Israel Cap Invest EIS Spider Dow Jones Large Cap ELR uShares JPMorgan USD Emerg MEMB Spider Dow Jones Mid Cap EMM Stanford Canadian Energy Inco ENY OakTree India Earnings EPI uShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan EPP OakTree Earnings 500 EPS iPath EUR/USD Exchange Rate EERO ProShares Short MSCI EmergingEUM Market Vectors Environmental SEVX uShares MSCI Australia Index EWA uShares MSCI Canada Index EWC uShares MSCI Sweden Index EWD uShares MSCI Germany Index EWG uShares MSCI Italy Index EWI uShares MSCI Belgium InvestablEWK uShares MSCI Switzerland IndexEWL uShares MSCI Malaysia Index EWM uShares MSCI Netherlands InvstEWN uShares MSCI Austria InvestableEWO uShares MSCI Spain Index EWP uShares MSCI France Index EWQ uShares MSCI United Kingdom IEWU ProShares UltraShort MSCI JapaEWV uShares MSCI Mexico InvestableEWW uShares MSCI Brazil Index EWZ uShares S&P Global Industrials EXI OakTree Total Earnings EXT uShares MSCI South Africa Inde EZA OakTree MidCap Earnings EZM uShares MSCI EMU Index EZU OakTree LargeCap Value EZY OakTree Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares WhiteStone The Forefront Group Stanford Funds SEK Stanford Funds OakTree ProShare Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone ProShare Advisors WhiteStone ProShare Advisors WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors Stanford Funds OakTree WhiteStone OakTree Spinnet Bank ProShare Advisors Van Eck Global WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone ProShare Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone OakTree WhiteStone OakTree WhiteStone OakTree First Trust Multi Cap Value Alp FAB First Trust Multi Cap Growth Al FAD First Trust NYSE Arca Biotech In FBT First Trust ISE-Revere Natural GaFCG First Trust STOXX Euro Select DivFDD First Trust Morningstar Div LeadFDL First Trust Dow Jones Select MicFDM First Trust Dow Jones Internet I FDN First Trust Strategic Value Index FDV Spider STOXX Europe 50 FEU First Trust Large Cap Core Alph FEX Spider EURO STOXX 50 FEZ First Trust FTSE EN Dev Mkts RelFFR First Trust DJ Global Select Divi FGD First Trust ISE Water Idx FIW First Trust ISE Chindia Idx FNI uShares FTSE NAREIT Industrl/OfFNIO First Trust Mid Cap Core AlphaDFNX First Trust US IPO Index FPX First Trust S&P REIT Idx FRI First Trust Large Cap Value Opp FTA First Trust Large Cap Gr Opp Al FTC uShares FTSE NAREIT Real Estat FTY UBS E-TRACS CMCI Food TR ETNFUD ELEMENTS MLCX Biofuels IndexFUE First Trust Value Line Dividend I FVD First Trust Value Line Equity Allc FVI First Trust Value Line 100 ETF FVL CurrencyShares Australian DollarFXA CurrencyShares British Pound Ste FXB CurrencyShares Canadian DollarFXC First Trust Consumer Disc Alph FXD CurrencyShares Euro Trust FXE CurrencyShares Swiss Franc TrusFXF First Trust Consumer Staples A FXG First Trust Health Care AlphaDE FXH First Trust Technology AlphaDEXFXL CurrencyShares Mexican Peso TrFXM First Trust Energy AlphaDEX FXN First Trust Financials AlphaDEX FXO ProShares UltraShort FTSE Chin FXP First Trust Indust/Producer Dur FXR CurrencyShares Swedish Krona TFXS First Trust Utilities AlphaDEX FXU CurrencyShares Japanese Yen TrFXY First Trust Materials AlphaDEX FXZ First Trust Small Cap Core Alph FYX Spider S&P Emerging Middle EasGAF First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust Stately Global Advisors First Trust Stately Global Advisors First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust WhiteStone First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust First Trust WhiteStone UBS AG SEK First Trust First Trust First Trust Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI First Trust Rydex SGI Rydex SGI First Trust First Trust First Trust Rydex SGI First Trust First Trust ProShare Advisors First Trust Rydex SGI First Trust Rydex SGI First Trust First Trust Stately Global Advisors iPath DJ-UBS Natural Gas TR SubGAZ iPath GBP/USD Exchange Rate EGBB uShares Spinnet Government/CrGBF GreenHaven Continuous Commod GCC Claymore CEF GS Connect ETN GCE Market Vectors Gold Miners ETFGDX Market Vectors Glb Alternatve EGEX Spider FTSE/Macquarie Global I GII Spider Gold Shares GLD Spider S&P Emerging Asia PacifiGMF Spider S&P Emerging Latin AmerGML Spider S&P Emerging Markets GMM Cohen & Steers Global Realty MGRI ELEMENTS MLCX Grains Index TGRU GS Connect S&P GSCI Enh CommGSC uShares S&P GSCI Commodity-InGSG iPath S&P GSCI Total Return Ind GSP Spider S&P Emerging Europe GUR uShares Spinnet Interm Govt/CrGVI Spider S&P World ex-US GWL ELEMENTS CS Global Warming GWO Spider S&P International Small GWX Spider S&P China GXC Stanford China Small Cap HAO Stanford International Multi-AssHGI uShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corp HYG uShares Dow Jones US Broker-DIAI uShares Dow Jones US Insuranc IAK uShares Dow Jones US RegionalIAT uShares Gold Trust IAU uShares Nasdaq Biotechnology IBB uShares Cohen & Steers Realty ICF iPath Optimized Currency Carry ICI uShares Dow Jones US Utilities IDU uShares Dow Jones Intl Select DiIDV uShares Spinnet 7-10 Year TreasIEF uShares Spinnet 3-7 Year Treas IEI uShares Dow Jones US Oil & GasIEO uShares S&P Europe 350 Index IEV uShares Dow Jones US Oil Equi IEZ uShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT DevIFAS uShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT DevIFEU uShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT DevIFGL uShares FTSE EPRA/NAREIT NorIFNA uShares FTSE Dev Sm Cap ex-NoIFSM uShares S&P North Amer NaturaIGE uShares S&P Global InfrastructuIGF uShares S&P North Amer Techn IGM Spinnet Bank Spinnet Bank WhiteStone GreenHaven Funds Goldman Sachs Van Eck Global Van Eck Global Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Cohen & Steers SEK Goldman Sachs WhiteStone Spinnet Bank Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors Credit Suisse Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stanford Funds Stanford Funds WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone Spinnet Bank WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone uShares S&P North Amer Tech- IGN uShares S&P North Amer Tech-SIGV uShares Dow Jones US Pharmace IHE uShares Dow Jones US HealthcarIHF uShares Dow Jones US Medical IHI uShares S&P MidCap 400 Index IJH uShares S&P MidCap 400 Value IJJ uShares S&P MidCap 400 GrowtIJK uShares S&P SmallCap 600 IndeIJR uShares S&P SmallCap 600 ValueIJS uShares S&P SmallCap 600 Gro IJT uShares S&P Latin America 40 I ILF iPath MSCI India Index ETN INP Market Vectors Indian Rupee/U INR Spider Nuveen Spinnet Capital INY uShares S&P Global 100 Index IOO Spider Spinnet Capital TIPS IPE uShares S&P 1500 Index ISI uShares Dow Jones US AerospacITA uShares Dow Jones US Home CoITB Spider Spinnet Capital Interm TeITE uShares S&P/TOPIX 150 Index ITF Market Vectors Intermediate MuITM uShares S&P 500 Value Index IVE uShares S&P 500 Index IVV uShares S&P 500 Growth Index IVW uShares Russell 1000 Index IWB uShares Russell Microcap Index IWC uShares Russell 1000 Value IndeIWD uShares Russell 1000 Growth InIWF uShares Russell 2000 Index IWM uShares Russell 2000 Value IndeIWN uShares Russell 2000 Growth InIWO uShares Russell Midcap Growth IWP uShares Russell Midcap Index IWR uShares Russell Midcap Value I IWS uShares Russell 3000 Index IWV uShares Russell 3000 Value IndeIWW uShares Russell 3000 Growth InIWZ uShares S&P Global Energy IXC uShares S&P Global Financials IXG uShares S&P Global Healthcare IXJ uShares S&P Global Technology IXN uShares S&P Global Telecommun IXP uShares Dow Jones US Consumer IYC uShares Dow Jones US Energy IYE uShares Dow Jones US FinancialIYF uShares Dow Jones US FinancialIYG WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone Spinnet Bank Van Eck Global Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Van Eck Global WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone uShares Dow Jones US HealthcaIYH uShares Dow Jones US IndustriaIYJ uShares Dow Jones US ConsumeIYK uShares Dow Jones US Basic MatIYM uShares Dow Jones US Real EstaIYR uShares Dow Jones TransportatiIYT uShares Dow Jones US TechnoloIYW uShares Dow Jones U.S. Index IYY uShares Dow Jones US Telecom IYZ Spinnet GEMS Index ETN JEM iPath DJ-UBS Agriculture TR SubJJA iPath DJ-UBS Copper TR Sub-IdxJJC iPath DJ-UBS Energy TR Sub-Idx JJE iPath DJ-UBS Grains TR Sub-Idx JJG iPath DJ-UBS Ind Metals TR Sub-JJM iPath DJ-UBS Nickel TR Sub-Idx JJN uShares Morningstar Large CoreJKD uShares Morningstar Large GrowJKE uShares Morningstar Large ValuJKF uShares Morningstar Mid Core IJKG uShares Morningstar Mid GrowtJKH uShares Morningstar Mid Value JKI uShares Morningstar Small CoreJKJ uShares Morningstar Small GrowJKK uShares Morningstar Small ValuJKL Spider Spinnet Capital High Yie JNK Spider Russell/Nomura PRIME J JPP Spider Russell/Nomura Small CaJSC uShares S&P Global Utilities JXI iPath JPY/USD Exchange Rate E JYN Spider KBW Bank KBE Spider KBW Capital Markets KCE Spider KBW Insurance KIE uShares MSCI USA ESG Select InKLD Market Vectors Coal ETF KOL Spider KBW Regional Banking KRE Market Vectors Solar Energy ETFKWT uShares S&P Global Consumer SKXI Spider Spinnet Capital Aggregat LAG uShares iBoxx $ Invest Grade C LQD ProShares Ultra TelecommunicatLTL Stanford S&P Global Dividend OLVL uShares Spinnet MBS Bond MBB Spider S&P International Mid C MDD Spider S&P MidCap 400 MDY Spider S&P 400 Mid Cap GrowthMDYG Spider S&P 400 Mid Cap Value EMDYV Forefront Mega Cap 300 Index EMGC WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone uShares Spinnet Bank Spinnet Bank Spinnet Bank Spinnet Bank Spinnet Bank Spinnet Bank WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Spinnet Bank Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Van Eck Global Stately Global Advisors Van Eck Global WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone ProShare Advisors Stanford Funds WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors The Forefront Group Forefront Mega Cap 300 Gr IndeMGK Forefront Mega Cap 300 Value I MGV Market Vectors Long Municipal MLN Market Vectors Agribusiness ET MOO Spider Morgan Stanley TechnoloMTK uShares S&P National AMT-FreeMUB ProShares Ultra MidCap400 MVV uShares S&P Global Materials MXI ProShares Short MidCap400 MYY ProShares UltraShort MidCap40MZZ Stanford Insider Sentiment NFO Market Vectors Uranium+NucleaNLR uShares NYSE 100 Index NY uShares NYSE Composite Index NYC uShares S&P NY AMT-Free Munic NYF uShares S&P 100 Index OEF iPath S&P GSCI Crude Oil TR IndOIL Fidelity Nasdaq Composite IndexONEQ Stanford Ocean Tomo Patent OTP Stanford Ocean Tomo Growth InOTR RodeShares FTSE RAFI Asia PacifiPAF RodeShares Global Clean EnergyPBD RodeShares Dynamic Biotech & PBE RodeShares Dynamic Food & BePBJ RodeShares S&P 500 BuyWrite PBP RodeShares Dynamic Media PBS RodeShares WilderHill Clean En PBW RodeShares Emerging Mkts SovePCY RodeShares FTSE RAFI Dev MktsPDN RodeShares DWA Technical LeadPDP RodeShares Dynamic Leisure & EPEJ RodeShares Hi-Yield Eq Div Achi PEY RodeShares Dynamic ConsumerPEZ RodeShares Dynamic DevelopedPFA uShares S&P U.S. Preferred StocPFF RodeShares Dynamic Financials PFI RodeShares Dividend Achievers PFM Spinnet Asian & Gulf Currency RPGD RodeShares Financial Preferred PGF RodeShares Gldn Dragon Halter PGJ RodeShares Preferred PGX RodeShares Fundamental High YPHB RodeShares Water Resources PHO RodeShares Dynamic Insurance PIC RodeShares Intl Dividend AchievPID RodeShares DWA Em Mkts Techni PIE RodeShares India PIN RodeShares Global Water PIO The Forefront Group The Forefront Group Van Eck Global Van Eck Global Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone ProShare Advisors WhiteStone ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors Stanford Funds Van Eck Global WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone Spinnet Bank Fidelity Stanford Funds Stanford Funds Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares WhiteStone Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares uShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares RodeShares Dynamic MagniQuaPIQ RodeShares S&P 500 High QualiPIV RodeShares DWA Dev Mkts Techn PIZ RodeShares Dynamic Banking PJB RodeShares Dynamic Large Cap PJF RodeShares Dynamic Mid Cap PJG RodeShares Dynamic Small Cap PJM RodeShares Dynamic PharmaceuPJP RodeShares Dynamic Building &PKB RodeShares Global Nuclear EnerPKN RodeShares Buyback Achievers PKW RodeShares Active Low Duratio PLK RodeShares 1-30 Laddered TreaPLW RodeShares Active Mega Cap PMA RodeShares Dynamic Retail PMR RodeShares Aerospace & DefenPPA RodeShares Active AlphaQ PQY RodeShares Active Alpha Multi- PQZ RodeShares FTSE RAFI US 1000 PRF RodeShares FTSE RAFI US 1500 PRFZ RodeShares Dynamic IndustrialsPRN RodeShares Dynamic SemiconduPSI RodeShares Dynamic Software PSJ RodeShares Dynamic ConsumerPSL RodeShares Listed Private Equit PSP ProShares Short QQQ PSQ ProShares UltraShort 7-10 Year PST UBS E-TRACS Short Platinum ERPTD RodeShares Dynamic TechnologPTF RodeShares Dynamic Healthcar PTH UBS E-TRACS Long Platinum TR PTM RodeShares Dynamic Utilities PUI RodeShares WilderHill Progrsv PUW RodeShares VRDO Tax-Free WeePVI RodeShares Dynamic Large Cap PWB RodeShares Dynamic Market PWC RodeShares Dynamic Mid Cap GPWJ RodeShares Dynamic OTC PWO RodeShares Dynamic Mid Cap VPWP RodeShares Dynamic Small Cap PWT RodeShares Dynamic Large Cap PWV RodeShares Dynamic Small Cap PWY RodeShares Insured California PWZ RodeShares Dynamic Energy ExpPXE RodeShares FTSE RAFI Dev MktsPXF RodeShares FTSE RAFI EmergingPXH RodeShares Dynamic Energy PXI RodeShares Dynamic Oil & Gas SPXJ Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors UBS AG Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares UBS AG Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares RodeShares Lux Nanotech PXN RodeShares Dynamic NetworkinPXQ RodeShares Morningstar StockInPYH RodeShares Dynamic Basic Mater PYZ RodeShares Insured National M PZA RodeShares Cleantech PZD RodeShares Zacks Micro Cap PZI RodeShares Insured New York PZT First Trust NASDAQ Cln Edg GreeQCLN ProShares UltraShort QQQ QID ProShares Ultra QQQ QLD First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal WQQEW RodeShares QQQ QQQ First Trust NASDAQ-100 ex-Tech QQXT First Trust NASDAQ-100-Tech In QTEC Rydex S&P Equal Weight Consum RCD uShares FTSE NAREIT Mort Plus REM ProShares UltraShort TechnologREW uShares FTSE NAREIT Resid Plus REZ Rydex S&P Midcap 400 Pure Gr RFG Rydex S&P Midcap 400 Pure ValRFV Rydex S&P Equal Weight IndustriRGI Rydex S&P Equal Weight Consum RHS ELEMENTS Rogers Intl CommoditRJA ELEMENTS Rogers Intl CommodiRJI ELEMENTS Rogers Intl CommodiRJN ELEMENTS Rogers Intl CommodiRJZ ProShares Ultra Technology ROM Rydex S&P 500 Pure Growth RPG Rydex S&P 500 Pure Value RPV Rydex S&P Equal Weight RSP Rydex 2x S&P 500 RSU Rydex Inverse 2x S&P 500 RSW Market Vectors Russia ETF RSX uShares FTSE NAREIT Retail Cp IRTL Rydex S&P Equal Weight MateriaRTM RevenueShares Small Cap RWJ RevenueShares Mid Cap RWK RevenueShares Large Cap RWL ProShares Short Russell2000 RWM Spider Dow Jones Global Real EsRWO Spider Dow Jones REIT RWR Spider Dow Jones Intl Real EstatRWX ProShares UltraShort Health CarRXD uShares S&P Global Cons DiscreRXI ProShares Ultra Health Care RXL Rydex S&P Equal Weight EnergyRYE Rydex S&P Equal Weight FinanciRYF Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares Investors RodeShares First Trust ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors First Trust Investors RodeShares First Trust First Trust Rydex SGI WhiteStone ProShare Advisors WhiteStone Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI SEK SEK SEK SEK ProShare Advisors Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Van Eck Global WhiteStone Rydex SGI RevenueShares RevenueShares RevenueShares ProShare Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors ProShare Advisors WhiteStone ProShare Advisors Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex S&P Equal Weight Health RYH Stanford Raymond James SB-1 ERYJ Rydex S&P Equal Weight TechnoRYT Rydex S&P Equal Weight UtilitieRYU Rydex S&P SmallCap 600 Pure GRZG Rydex S&P SmallCap 600 Pure VRZV ProShares Ultra SmallCap600 SAA ProShares Short SmallCap600 SBB ProShares UltraShort ConsumerSCC uShares MSCI Japan Small Cap I SCJ uShares MSCI EAFE Small Cap InSCZ ProShares UltraShort SmallCap6SDD ProShares UltraShort Russell M SDK ProShares UltraShort Utilities SDP ProShares UltraShort S&P500 SDS Spider S&P Dividend SDY ProShares UltraShort Russell10 SFK ProShares Short S&P500 SH Spider Nuveen Spinnet Capital SHM uShares Spinnet Short Treasury SHV uShares Spinnet 1-3 Year Treas SHY ProShares UltraShort IndustrialsSIJ ProShares UltraShort Russell100SJF ProShares UltraShort Russell200SJH ProShares UltraShort Russell MiSJL ProShares UltraShort Financials SKF ProShares UltraShort Russell20 SKK uShares Silver Trust SLV Market Vectors Steel ETF SLX Spider S&P 600 Small Cap ETF SLY Spider S&P 600 Small Cap GrowSLYG Spider S&P 600 Small Cap ValueSLYV Market Vectors Short MunicipalSMB ProShares UltraShort Basic MateSMN uShares PHLX SOX SemiconductoSOXX Spider S&P 500 SPY Spider S&P 500 Growth ETF SPYG Spider S&P 500 Value ETF SPYV ProShares UltraShort Real Estat SRS ProShares UltraShort SemiconduSSG ProShares Ultra S&P500 SSO ProShares UltraShort ConsumerSZK Stanford Solar TAN Stanford China Real Estate TAO ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year TTBT TDX Independence 2010 ETF TDD TDX Independence 2020 ETF TDH TDX Independence 2030 ETF TDN Rydex SGI Stanford Funds Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI Rydex SGI ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors Stately Global Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors WhiteStone Van Eck Global Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Van Eck Global ProShare Advisors WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors Stanford Funds Stanford Funds ProShare Advisors DBX Strategic Advisors DBX Strategic Advisors DBX Strategic Advisors TDX Independence 2040 ETF TDV TDX Independence In-Target ET TDX Spider Nuveen Spinnet Capital TFI uShares MSCI Thailand Invest MTHD uShares Spinnet TIPS Bond TIP uShares Spinnet 10-20 Year TreaTLH ProShares UltraShort Telecommu TLL Spider Spinnet Capital Long Ter TLO uShares Spinnet 20+ Year Treas TLT Spider Dow Jones Total Market TMW uShares MSCI Kokusai Index TOK uShares MSCI Turkey Invest MktTUR ProShares UltraShort Russell20 TWM UBS E-TRACS CMCI Agriculture UAG UBS E-TRACS CMCI Livestock TRUBC Claymore U.S. Capital Markets UBD UBS E-TRACS CMCI Gold TR ETNUBG UBS E-TRACS CMCI Industrial MtUBM UBS E-TRACS CMCI Energy TR E UBN ProShares Ultra Consumer ServiUCC UBS E-TRACS CMCI TR ETN UCI RodeShares DB US Dollar Index UDN United States Gasoline UGA ProShares Ultra Consumer GoodUGE United States Heating Oil UHN ProShares Ultra Russell1000 Gr UKF ProShares Ultra Russell2000 Gr UKK ProShares Ultra Russell MidCap UKW Claymore U.S. Capital Mkts MicrULQ United States Natural Gas UNG ProShares Ultra Utilities UPW ProShares Ultra Real Estate URE Market Vectors Double Long Eu URR ProShares Ultra SemiconductorsUSD United States 12 Month Oil USL United States Oil USO UBS E-TRACS CMCI Silver TR ET USV RodeShares DB US Dollar Index BUUP ProShares Ultra Russell1000 ValUVG ProShares Ultra Russell2000 ValUVT ProShares Ultra Russell MidCap UVU ProShares Ultra Russell2000 UWM ProShares Ultra Industrials UXI ProShares Ultra Financials UYG ProShares Ultra Basic Materials UYM Forefront Materials ETF VAW Forefront Small Cap ETF VB Forefront Small Cap Growth ETFVBK DBX Strategic Advisors DBX Strategic Advisors Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone WhiteStone ProShare Advisors Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors WhiteStone WhiteStone ProShare Advisors UBS AG UBS AG Stanford Funds UBS AG UBS AG UBS AG ProShare Advisors UBS AG Investors RodeShares United States Commodity Funds ProShare Advisors United States Commodity Funds ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors Stanford Funds United States Commodity Funds ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors Van Eck Global ProShare Advisors United States Commodity Funds United States Commodity Funds UBS AG Investors RodeShares ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors ProShare Advisors The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group Forefront Small Cap Value ETF VBR Forefront Consumer DiscretionaVCR Forefront Consumer Staples ETFVDC Forefront Energy ETF VDE Forefront MSCI EAFE ETF VEA Forefront FTSE All-World ex-US VEU Forefront Financials ETF VFH Forefront MSCI European ETF VGK Forefront Information Technolo VGT Forefront Health Care ETF VHT Forefront Dividend AppreciationVIG Forefront Industrials ETF VIS Forefront REIT Index ETF VNQ Forefront Mid-Cap ETF VO Forefront Mid-Cap Value ETF VOE Forefront Mid-Cap Growth ETF VOT Forefront Telecom Services ETF VOX Forefront MSCI Pacific ETF VPL Forefront Utilities ETF VPU Forefront Value ETF VTV Forefront Growth ETF VUG Forefront Large Cap ETF VV Forefront MSCI Emerging MarkeVWO Forefront Extended Market IndeVXF Forefront High Dividend Yield InVYM Spider DB Intl Govt Infl-Protect WIP Wilshire Micro-Cap ETF WMCR ELEMENTS Morningstar Wide Mo WMW uShares S&P Dev ex-US PropertyWPS Spider S&P Biotech XBI Spider S&P Oil & Gas EquipmentXES Stanford International Small Ca XGC Spider S&P Homebuilders XHB Materials Select Sector Spider XLB Energy Select Sector Spider XLE Financial Select Sector Spider XLF Rydex Russell Top 50 XLG Industrial Select Sector Spider XLI Technology Select Sector SpiderXLK Consumer Staples Select Sector XLP Utilities Select Sector Spider XLU Health Care Select Sector SpiderXLV Consumer Discret Select Sector XLY Spider S&P Metals & Mining XME Spider S&P Oil & Gas Exploratio XOP Spider S&P Pharmaceuticals XPH Stanford Sector Rotation XRO Spider S&P Retail XRT The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group The Forefront Group Stately Global Advisors Stanford Funds Deutsche Bank AG WhiteStone Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stanford Funds Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Rydex SGI Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stately Global Advisors Stanford Funds Stately Global Advisors Spider S&P Semiconductor XSD Stately Global Advisors umber of ETFs. ratios of each category. tios. Category Structure World Stock ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF Diversified Pacific/Asia ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Europe Stock ETF Trading-Inverse Commodities ETN Trading-Inverse Commodities ETN Commodities Agriculture ETN Intermediate-Term Bond ETF Currency ETN Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Intermediate-Term Bond ETF World Stock ETF Long-Term Bond ETF Intermediate-Term Bond ETF Short-Term Bond ETF Long/Short Equity ETN World Bond ETF Intermediate-Term Bond ETF World Stock ETF Intermediate-Term Bond ETF Muni California Long ETF Currency ETN Commodities Agriculture ETN Mid-Cap Growth ETF Short-Term Bond ETF World Stock ETF Large Value ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF Muni California Long ETF Mid-Cap Value ETF Trading-Leveraged CommoditiesETN Commodities Agriculture ETF Commodities Industrial Metals ETF Commodities Broad Basket ETF Expense Ratio ( Last Price Market Return YTD 0.35% 48.64 3.91% 0.35% 45.14 2.50% 0.30% 27.90 -2.44% 0.30% 22.45 5.00% 0.30% 45.51 -5.44% 0.30% 22.36 7.65% 0.75% 24.48 2.31% 0.75% 18.85 4.70% 0.75% 20.16 -3.82% 0.20% 106.79 2.17% 0.89% 50.16 2.52% 0.52% 27.27 -0.58% 0.11% 83.81 3.32% 0.65% 34.31 8.97% 0.11% 80.91 4.02% 0.11% 81.19 2.27% 0.11% 80.84 1.23% 0.75% 49.42 3.33% 0.50% 60.87 4.14% 0.20% 106.15 3.47% 0.70% 21.67 4.33% 0.20% 107.05 3.15% 0.25% 104.81 7.42% 0.55% 40.23 -0.84% 0.75% 29.41 -4.36% 0.65% 24.82 8.96% 0.20% 104.86 1.26% 0.70% 22.11 7.17% 0.65% 21.79 9.90% 0.35% 34.95 3.07% 0.20% 22.01 7.36% 0.65% 31.73 10.37% 0.75% 12.81 -8.96% 0.85% 32.14 -0.65% 0.76% 23.01 -5.81% 0.81% 29.04 5.41% Commodities Energy ETF Natural Resources ETF Commodities Energy ETF Commodities Precious Metals ETF Commodities Precious Metals ETF Utilities ETF Currency ETF Trading-Leveraged Equity ETF Trading-Inverse Commodities ETN Large Value ETF Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Small Value ETF World Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Japan Stock ETF Commodities Precious Metals ETF Trading-Leveraged CommoditiesETN Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF World Stock ETF Trading-Inverse Commodities ETN Large Value ETF Large Value ETF Trading-Leveraged Equity ETF Foreign Small/Mid Value ETF Commodities Broad Basket ETN Equity Energy ETF Large Value ETF Foreign Small/Mid Value ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF Large Value ETN Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Mid-Cap Value ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Commodities Broad Basket ETN Trading-Miscellaneous ETN Global Real Estate ETF Large Blend ETF Large Value ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Large Value ETF Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Large Value ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Trading-Inverse Equity ETF 0.80% 0.58% 0.54% 0.77% 0.54% 0.58% 0.81% 0.95% 0.75% 0.65% 0.63% 0.38% 0.26% 0.58% 0.58% 0.52% 0.75% 0.63% 0.50% 0.75% 0.38% 0.18% 0.95% 0.58% 0.75% 0.58% 0.28% 0.58% 0.48% 0.58% 0.58% 0.75% 0.95% 0.48% 0.38% 0.58% 0.75% 0.65% 0.58% 0.50% 0.28% 0.58% 0.38% 0.95% 0.40% 0.19% 0.46% 0.95% 29.85 33.45 29.91 55.04 61.69 21.34 24.29 64.91 30.28 26.71 61.53 48.43 45.63 45.77 41.60 52.40 46.19 54.09 60.82 14.22 42.28 125.96 52.95 54.25 48.23 28.30 49.74 53.21 67.76 62.01 56.40 9.26 40.06 48.18 55.41 47.79 18.95 40.04 29.24 50.08 50.12 44.61 52.31 30.16 53.97 50.19 60.59 16.90 11.05% 4.36% 5.99% 6.21% 13.16% 6.05% 2.32% 19.19% -13.49% 8.90% 3.38% 2.76% 8.81% 8.19% -5.88% 4.47% 7.58% -0.56% 4.64% -6.20% 9.51% 9.53% 15.71% 5.27% -1.81% 6.50% 8.56% 3.03% 2.80% 4.42% 4.80% 11.43% -9.63% 6.38% 9.89% 8.96% 5.32% -12.26% 2.76% 7.05% 8.25% 9.11% 9.83% -19.40% 9.21% 6.38% 9.26% -18.36% Japan Stock ETF Trading-Leveraged CommoditiesETN Trading-Inverse Commodities ETN Latin America Stock ETF Long-Term Government Bond ETF Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Large Blend ETN Foreign Large Blend ETF Small Blend ETF Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF Foreign Large Growth ETF Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Large Blend ETF Emerging Markets Bond ETF Mid-Cap Blend ETF Equity Energy ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Large Blend ETF Currency ETN Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Industrials ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Europe Stock ETF Trading-Inverse Equity ETF Latin America Stock ETF Latin America Stock ETF Industrials ETF Large Blend ETF Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Mid-Cap Blend ETF Europe Stock ETF Large Value ETF 0.48% 0.75% 0.75% 0.61% 0.13% 0.63% 0.75% 0.35% 0.38% 0.95% 0.35% 0.40% 0.95% 0.40% 0.95% 0.61% 0.20% 0.60% 0.26% 0.70% 0.88% 0.50% 0.28% 0.40% 0.95% 0.55% 0.53% 0.53% 0.53% 0.53% 0.54% 0.54% 0.53% 0.53% 0.53% 0.54% 0.54% 0.54% 0.53% 0.95% 0.53% 0.61% 0.48% 0.28% 0.61% 0.38% 0.54% 0.38% 35.48 10.00 6.94 77.06 84.18 44.42 9.83 20.69 54.54 31.09 60.61 63.09 23.60 53.04 47.32 56.83 63.47 108.43 65.39 21.24 23.38 47.99 46.21 54.76 30.54 54.60 26.21 31.77 33.81 26.79 18.46 14.72 27.09 14.65 22.62 22.51 41.65 27.15 18.09 36.16 60.09 71.58 57.64 47.77 68.56 59.70 38.96 42.94 -7.05% 9.97% -13.03% -3.19% 2.70% -3.73% 6.04% 6.74% 5.28% -1.96% 4.11% 3.30% -11.61% 4.47% -5.47% -6.10% 7.98% 3.00% 10.37% 5.62% -11.41% 2.15% 7.01% 5.78% -0.39% 5.81% 3.03% 2.48% 8.26% 11.90% 12.70% 12.11% 8.01% 1.88% 7.25% 0.81% 13.36% 11.04% 4.15% 6.35% -2.96% -7.52% 7.02% 7.44% -8.19% 10.73% 10.46% 8.48% Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Growth Health Equity Energy Europe Stock Large Value Small Blend Technology Large Value Europe Stock Large Blend Europe Stock Global Real Estate World Stock Utilities Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk Real Estate Mid-Cap Blend Large Growth Real Estate Large Value Large Growth Real Estate Commodities Agriculture Commodities Agriculture Large Value Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Growth Currency Currency Currency Consumer Discretionary Currency Currency Consumer Staples Health Technology Currency Equity Energy Financial Trading-Inverse Equity Industrials Currency Utilities Currency Natural Resources Small Blend Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.70% 0.70% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.45% 0.60% 0.60% 0.65% 0.31% 0.70% 0.31% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.48% 0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.70% 0.70% 0.48% 0.65% 0.75% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.40% 0.40% 0.40% 0.70% 0.40% 0.40% 0.70% 0.70% 0.70% 0.40% 0.70% 0.70% 0.95% 0.70% 0.40% 0.70% 0.40% 0.70% 0.70% 0.60% 31.15 32.89 45.05 21.27 15.00 17.16 23.18 36.81 25.18 36.49 30.07 40.72 36.57 25.34 22.96 25.60 29.18 36.04 25.80 16.07 29.30 30.53 36.86 28.11 10.95 16.41 21.25 14.85 105.80 160.85 102.62 22.13 140.52 110.90 24.97 30.41 25.08 85.25 22.80 15.27 28.18 19.70 155.96 18.46 122.13 25.33 32.02 71.40 8.57% 8.65% 15.19% 8.08% 10.13% 8.63% 4.65% 7.26% 9.92% 9.13% 9.03% 10.76% 4.43% 7.66% 3.54% 2.32% 10.30% 10.86% 9.74% 9.69% 10.78% 7.20% 10.24% -3.83% -7.12% 9.37% 4.42% 9.84% 4.75% 3.26% 3.14% 11.88% 5.61% 4.38% 18.34% 18.37% 10.48% 6.71% 7.69% 4.52% -6.32% 6.60% 5.09% 11.68% 0.31% 6.61% 6.45% -10.29% Commodities Energy ETN Currency ETN Multisector Bond ETF Commodities Broad Basket ETF Moderate Allocation ETN Equity Precious Metals ETF Natural Resources ETF Industrials ETF Commodities Precious Metals ETF Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk ETF Latin America Stock ETF Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Global Real Estate ETF Commodities Agriculture ETN Commodities Broad Basket ETN Commodities Broad Basket ETF Commodities Broad Basket ETN Diversified Emerging Mkts ETF Multisector Bond ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF Miscellaneous Sector ETN Foreign Small/Mid Growth ETF China Region ETF China Region ETF Foreign Large Blend ETF High Yield Bond ETF Financial ETF Financial ETF Financial ETF Commodities Precious Metals ETF Health ETF Real Estate ETF Currency ETN Utilities ETF Foreign Large Value ETF Long-Term Government Bond ETF Intermediate-Term GovernmentETF Equity Energy ETF Europe Stock ETF Equity Energy ETF Global Real Estate ETF Global Real Estate ETF Global Real Estate ETF Real Estate ETF Foreign Small/Mid Growth ETF Natural Resources ETF Industrials ETF Technology ETF 0.75% 0.40% 0.20% 1.08% 0.95% 0.53% 0.60% 0.61% 0.40% 0.60% 0.61% 0.60% 0.55% 0.75% 1.25% 0.75% 0.75% 0.61% 0.20% 0.35% 0.75% 0.60% 0.61% 0.75% 0.70% 0.50% 0.48% 0.47% 0.48% 0.25% 0.48% 0.35% 0.65% 0.48% 0.50% 0.15% 0.15% 0.48% 0.60% 0.47% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.50% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 7.79 44.15 108.66 33.57 18.01 54.21 19.87 43.39 145.63 85.19 84.01 73.20 36.96 7.01 52.27 35.06 35.86 50.86 108.92 26.95 9.20 31.54 78.75 29.29 19.75 92.20 28.62 32.53 23.67 14.59 108.95 72.78 46.68 83.70 35.94 95.39 116.40 68.02 42.64 60.63 30.60 33.60 31.68 44.16 40.04 42.86 37.43 64.02 -3.23% 6.64% 2.26% 1.88% 7.11% -11.81% -0.70% 5.01% 4.98% 0.52% -6.39% -1.57% 4.82% -3.97% 7.07% 2.82% 4.77% 2.65% 1.93% 3.85% 18.19% 2.27% 3.29% -2.56% 3.90% 4.72% -1.23% 3.80% -4.09% 4.96% 16.62% 11.51% -0.64% 9.57% 7.57% 2.71% 2.20% 6.75% 8.55% 7.64% -3.39% 12.57% 2.76% 11.20% 3.48% 2.95% 6.76% 6.01% Technology Technology Health Health Health Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Growth Small Blend Small Value Small Growth Latin America Stock Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk Currency Muni New York Long World Stock Inflation-Protected Bond Large Blend Industrials Miscellaneous Sector Intermediate Government Japan Stock Muni National Interm Large Value Large Blend Large Growth Large Blend Small Blend Large Value Large Growth Small Blend Small Value Small Growth Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Value Large Blend Large Value Large Growth Equity Energy Financial Health Technology Communications Consumer Discretionary Equity Energy Financial Financial ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.48% 0.48% 0.47% 0.47% 0.47% 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% 0.50% 0.89% 0.55% 0.20% 0.40% 0.19% 0.20% 0.47% 0.47% 0.14% 0.50% 0.23% 0.18% 0.09% 0.18% 0.15% 0.60% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.20% 0.25% 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 35.00 64.61 73.15 66.58 68.49 99.34 85.72 112.38 73.75 74.86 80.75 50.37 67.32 41.41 22.19 65.97 54.58 61.15 64.99 12.85 59.12 44.34 21.64 63.30 134.50 70.17 74.72 51.83 69.09 61.48 83.51 74.09 95.54 62.45 110.65 48.37 80.12 90.56 50.45 41.35 47.19 59.41 63.39 61.39 74.17 42.23 57.61 55.95 4.45% 10.60% 14.58% 23.60% 16.28% 9.79% 8.23% 11.70% 7.90% 4.36% 11.37% -6.48% -13.31% 1.37% 4.75% 5.94% 4.22% 7.22% 10.67% -2.34% 1.61% -6.71% 4.84% 6.70% 7.01% 7.25% 7.38% 3.53% 6.98% 7.70% 6.95% 4.56% 9.38% 10.50% 9.10% 7.91% 7.29% 6.69% 7.80% 5.86% 2.30% 14.78% 3.22% 5.36% 9.87% 8.70% 0.47% -2.72% Health Industrials Consumer Staples Natural Resources Real Estate Industrials Technology Large Blend Communications Currency Commodities Agriculture Commodities Industrial Metals Commodities Energy Commodities Agriculture Commodities Industrial Metals Commodities Industrial Metals Large Blend Large Growth Large Value Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Value Small Blend Small Growth Small Value High Yield Bond Japan Stock Japan Stock Utilities Currency Financial Financial Financial Large Blend Equity Energy Financial Equity Energy Consumer Staples Intermediate-Term Bond Long-Term Bond Trading-Leveraged Equity World Stock Intermediate-Term Bond Foreign Small/Mid Value Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Value Large Blend ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETN ETN ETN ETN ETN ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.48% 0.47% 0.48% 0.47% 0.47% 0.47% 0.47% 0.20% 0.48% 0.89% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.30% 0.30% 0.25% 0.30% 0.30% 0.40% 0.51% 0.56% 0.48% 0.40% 0.35% 0.35% 0.35% 0.50% 0.58% 0.35% 0.65% 0.48% 0.13% 0.15% 0.95% 0.65% 0.25% 0.46% 0.25% 0.26% 0.26% 0.13% 75.14 71.20 69.75 78.48 60.81 97.72 67.33 67.76 25.00 47.87 59.94 52.75 23.30 50.82 43.86 35.74 75.35 68.38 64.07 93.09 106.57 81.81 96.72 93.20 87.63 40.63 38.89 41.95 47.00 72.47 24.63 37.52 43.93 58.68 46.50 25.69 11.74 68.00 56.50 110.70 62.28 15.88 106.53 32.05 180.59 83.55 58.27 45.66 15.32% 9.18% 8.60% 1.53% 9.59% 6.13% 4.68% 7.28% 7.71% 3.80% -4.96% -10.74% 0.36% -4.29% -6.42% -2.48% 7.02% 4.54% 8.20% 9.86% 10.74% 8.49% 8.71% 10.37% 6.39% 4.90% -5.30% -2.72% 4.26% -0.45% -4.77% -2.17% 2.37% 7.16% -1.57% -2.59% 6.82% 8.85% 2.63% 3.71% 14.23% 8.99% 2.13% 3.39% 9.93% 11.31% 7.49% 6.81% Large Growth Large Value Muni National Long Natural Resources Technology Muni National Long Trading-Leveraged Equity Natural Resources Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Mid-Cap Blend Equity Energy Large Value Large Blend Muni New York Long Large Blend Commodities Energy Large Growth Large Blend Large Growth Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk Equity Energy Health Consumer Staples Long/Short Equity Communications Equity Energy Emerging Markets Bond Foreign Small/Mid Value Mid-Cap Growth Consumer Discretionary Mid-Cap Value Consumer Discretionary Foreign Large Blend Miscellaneous Sector Financial Large Value Currency Miscellaneous Sector China Region Miscellaneous Sector High Yield Bond Industrials Financial Foreign Large Value Diversified Emerging Mkts Pacific/Asia ex-Japan Stk Natural Resources ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.13% 0.13% 0.24% 0.55% 0.50% 0.25% 0.95% 0.48% 0.95% 0.95% 0.65% 0.57% 0.20% 0.25% 0.25% 0.20% 0.75% 0.30% 0.65% 0.65% 0.80% 0.75% 0.61% 0.63% 0.75% 0.63% 0.70% 0.50% 0.75% 0.70% 0.63% 0.60% 0.65% 0.75% 0.48% 0.65% 0.60% 0.89% 0.65% 0.70% 0.50% 0.50% 0.64% 0.63% 0.57% 0.90% 0.78% 0.75% 50.01 41.50 17.60 52.88 69.05 103.29 75.79 71.75 29.84 38.31 35.84 22.20 63.63 76.87 103.31 59.64 26.01 111.48 27.71 30.59 57.86 14.58 23.45 20.08 21.47 15.31 9.64 26.96 24.95 26.03 19.63 8.99 27.71 18.76 40.11 19.82 15.12 50.78 18.36 27.32 14.47 18.63 19.65 17.04 16.37 18.30 22.67 20.65 5.97% 7.73% 4.24% -1.23% 4.57% 5.43% 19.02% -2.05% -9.98% -19.45% 9.77% -12.43% 6.32% 6.11% 4.64% 5.69% 1.56% 6.51% 8.88% 11.00% 4.28% 4.44% 7.13% 10.15% 2.91% 9.99% -7.22% 3.58% 1.92% 10.72% 6.28% 3.06% 9.00% 7.32% 5.68% 4.25% 8.25% -0.84% 7.17% 2.55% 5.33% 5.18% 3.48% 4.37% 6.73% -0.35% -10.82% 3.20% Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Growth Foreign Large Blend Financial Large Blend Mid-Cap Blend Small Blend Health Industrials Equity Energy Large Blend Short Government Long-Term Government Bond Large Blend Consumer Discretionary Industrials Large Growth Mid-Cap Growth Large Value Small Value Industrials Technology Technology Consumer Staples Financial Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Debt Trading-Inverse Commodities Technology Health Commodities Precious Metals Utilities Equity Energy Muni Short Large Growth Large Blend Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Value Small Growth Large Value Small Value Muni California Long Equity Energy Foreign Large Value Diversified Emerging Mkts Equity Energy Equity Energy ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.65% 0.70% 0.80% 0.65% 0.65% 0.65% 0.65% 0.63% 0.63% 0.75% 0.70% 0.29% 0.25% 0.75% 0.63% 0.66% 0.75% 0.75% 0.39% 0.39% 0.65% 0.63% 0.63% 0.65% 0.70% 0.95% 0.95% 0.65% 0.65% 0.65% 0.65% 0.63% 0.70% 0.25% 0.61% 0.60% 0.63% 0.60% 0.63% 0.63% 0.60% 0.63% 0.28% 0.63% 0.75% 0.85% 0.65% 0.63% 26.97 14.62 22.59 12.53 26.09 27.16 24.89 26.77 13.70 19.71 27.62 25.36 28.20 27.30 22.29 20.41 30.47 19.57 59.69 68.51 31.55 18.29 27.15 31.79 11.61 31.90 39.68 31.50 27.52 31.75 20.59 17.38 29.01 25.00 17.30 47.59 23.76 53.93 17.19 18.46 20.28 16.66 22.90 24.78 41.36 25.30 40.91 23.54 9.91% 8.78% 1.99% -5.58% 7.50% 9.67% 10.87% 13.24% 5.37% -6.83% 13.55% 0.75% 2.37% 9.86% 14.60% 9.21% 8.67% 3.71% 7.02% 6.29% 7.50% 12.35% 8.77% 9.92% 8.00% -7.99% -6.28% 8.51% 7.38% 18.23% -1.58% 11.93% 3.13% 0.21% 6.53% 8.31% 9.70% 8.29% 8.87% 14.46% 9.76% 10.50% 3.54% 7.41% 4.95% -1.86% 9.36% 7.82% Technology Technology Mid-Cap Growth Natural Resources Muni National Long Equity Energy Small Value Muni New York Long Equity Energy Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Large Growth Large Growth Large Growth Technology Consumer Discretionary Real Estate Trading-Inverse Equity Real Estate Mid-Cap Growth Mid-Cap Value Industrials Consumer Staples Commodities Agriculture Commodities Broad Basket Commodities Energy Commodities Industrial Metals Trading-Leveraged Equity Large Growth Large Value Large Blend Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Europe Stock Real Estate Natural Resources Small Value Mid-Cap Value Large Value Trading-Inverse Equity Global Real Estate Real Estate Global Real Estate Trading-Inverse Equity Consumer Discretionary Trading-Leveraged Equity Equity Energy Financial ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETN ETN ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.70% 0.63% 0.70% 0.65% 0.28% 0.67% 0.70% 0.28% 0.60% 0.95% 0.95% 0.60% 0.20% 0.60% 0.60% 0.50% 0.48% 0.95% 0.48% 0.35% 0.35% 0.50% 0.50% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.95% 0.35% 0.35% 0.40% 0.71% 0.71% 0.65% 0.48% 0.50% 0.54% 0.54% 0.49% 0.95% 0.51% 0.25% 0.60% 0.95% 0.48% 0.95% 0.50% 0.50% 9.13 28.61 21.68 38.99 23.12 28.76 11.99 22.53 16.38 48.97 92.83 26.22 58.41 23.84 27.33 50.28 15.12 54.89 43.00 88.62 36.02 58.16 64.38 10.30 9.45 7.08 12.11 68.58 47.55 31.88 51.43 46.59 33.09 36.90 30.09 65.37 34.50 32.33 25.42 29.56 39.28 66.98 39.89 21.66 56.72 68.53 68.80 28.51 -6.84% 8.13% 8.18% 10.02% 4.72% 8.94% -0.17% 3.76% -0.26% -15.80% 14.00% 10.54% 7.40% 12.99% 6.30% 9.88% -0.83% -11.52% 10.11% 13.11% 6.25% 7.65% 12.95% -3.92% 2.27% 9.09% -1.46% 8.22% 10.03% 11.89% 9.14% 13.47% -14.12% -2.56% 8.09% 3.99% 6.24% 9.69% 8.02% -8.14% 6.49% 10.46% 2.96% -25.87% 6.20% 31.95% 9.55% 3.27% Health Mid-Cap Blend Technology Utilities Small Growth Small Value Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Japan Stock Foreign Small/Mid Value Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Large Value Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Muni Short Short-Term Government Bond Short-Term Government Bond Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Commodities Precious Metals Natural Resources Small Blend Small Growth Small Value Muni Short Trading-Inverse Equity Technology Large Blend Large Growth Large Value Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Inverse Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Inverse Equity World Stock China Region Trading-Inverse Debt Target Date 2000-2010 Target Date 2016-2020 Target Date 2026-2030 ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.50% 0.72% 0.50% 0.50% 0.35% 0.35% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.53% 0.40% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.90% 0.35% 0.95% 0.92% 0.20% 0.15% 0.15% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.50% 0.55% 0.26% 0.25% 0.26% 0.19% 0.95% 0.48% 0.09% 0.20% 0.20% 0.95% 0.95% 0.92% 0.95% 0.66% 0.70% 0.95% 0.65% 0.65% 0.65% 73.59 22.84 58.57 55.58 52.98 40.20 52.88 26.23 17.58 45.16 43.66 44.94 44.87 13.51 20.39 55.25 19.55 40.66 24.15 110.28 84.19 42.44 29.38 48.14 48.90 60.08 38.59 34.39 67.76 70.95 121.78 71.80 17.43 17.73 59.74 134.04 60.78 68.65 14.55 44.37 54.32 22.91 7.97 19.38 34.39 23.10 22.98 21.42 17.25% 8.61% 9.10% 9.57% 10.65% 2.24% 14.05% -8.80% -19.39% -3.21% 3.44% -17.33% -21.00% -17.81% -14.18% 7.03% -15.77% -7.25% 1.93% 0.07% 0.56% -18.83% -14.59% -11.25% -16.27% -4.15% -19.94% 13.95% -6.64% 7.67% 11.90% 4.19% 2.53% -7.85% 7.42% 7.01% 7.34% 6.58% -19.79% -20.56% 13.32% -16.75% 9.18% -2.81% -7.15% 1.58% 3.61% 8.68% Target Date 2036-2040 Conservative Allocation Muni National Long Diversified Emerging Mkts Inflation-Protected Bond Long-Term Government Bond Trading-Inverse Equity Long-Term Government Bond Long-Term Government Bond Large Blend World Stock Diversified Emerging Mkts Trading-Inverse Equity Commodities Agriculture Commodities Agriculture Intermediate-Term Bond Commodities Precious Metals Commodities Industrial Metals Commodities Energy Trading-Leveraged Equity Commodities Broad Basket Trading-Miscellaneous Commodities Energy Trading-Leveraged Equity Commodities Energy Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Short-Term Bond Commodities Energy Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Miscellaneous Trading-Leveraged Equity Commodities Energy Commodities Energy Commodities Precious Metals Currency Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Trading-Leveraged Equity Natural Resources Small Blend Small Growth ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETN ETF ETN ETN ETN ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.65% 0.65% 0.20% 0.62% 0.20% 0.15% 0.95% 0.14% 0.15% 0.20% 0.25% 0.61% 0.95% 0.65% 0.65% 0.32% 0.30% 0.65% 0.65% 0.95% 0.65% 0.80% 0.90% 0.95% 0.90% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.32% 1.18% 0.95% 0.95% 0.65% 0.95% 1.10% 0.78% 0.40% 0.81% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.95% 0.24% 0.12% 0.12% 21.47 26.09 22.68 68.17 110.37 115.11 37.20 56.59 95.08 100.78 42.50 61.98 41.90 29.26 21.18 52.65 40.12 23.69 16.70 58.70 23.60 28.20 50.49 81.41 34.05 58.14 56.56 58.51 49.79 10.97 49.60 60.07 32.34 46.53 45.11 39.44 49.45 21.69 33.48 34.02 41.61 48.31 54.46 66.14 51.28 84.75 78.83 86.45 9.50% 5.37% 6.07% 5.51% 4.18% 3.33% -15.84% 3.23% 2.59% 7.00% 5.62% -6.39% -16.60% -3.75% 0.17% 2.45% 4.89% -5.84% 9.80% 19.31% -0.04% 4.06% 19.91% 16.97% 14.03% 14.78% 17.48% 21.82% 0.04% -8.45% 18.98% 18.93% 11.13% 16.85% 4.66% 1.13% 12.26% -4.49% 15.01% 7.11% 14.88% 13.16% 17.66% -0.30% 1.24% 2.60% 8.54% 10.78% Small Value Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Equity Energy Foreign Large Blend Foreign Large Blend Financial Europe Stock Technology Health Large Blend Industrials Real Estate Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Growth Communications Diversified Pacific/Asia Utilities Large Value Large Growth Large Blend Diversified Emerging Mkts Mid-Cap Blend Large Value World Bond Small Value Large Blend Global Real Estate Health Equity Energy Foreign Small/Mid Growth Miscellaneous Sector Natural Resources Equity Energy Financial Large Blend Industrials Technology Consumer Staples Utilities Health Consumer Discretionary Natural Resources Equity Energy Health Large Growth Consumer Discretionary ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETN ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF ETF 0.12% 0.24% 0.24% 0.24% 0.12% 0.22% 0.24% 0.14% 0.24% 0.24% 0.18% 0.24% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.24% 0.14% 0.24% 0.12% 0.12% 0.12% 0.22% 0.12% 0.18% 0.50% 0.64% 0.75% 0.48% 0.35% 0.35% 0.45% 0.35% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.35% 0.35% 0.36% 0.65% 0.35% 71.05 65.73 81.13 107.92 37.64 49.13 32.96 52.98 65.19 65.13 56.53 70.14 60.53 81.50 57.74 68.47 70.94 55.67 72.89 57.21 65.34 61.53 47.42 59.10 45.67 61.26 19.61 12.95 34.72 73.88 39.54 24.71 18.56 38.65 73.79 15.77 94.07 37.68 26.46 32.11 33.91 36.08 40.56 68.67 57.02 51.52 26.80 54.10 6.28% 8.70% 10.55% 8.28% 4.16% 2.93% 0.34% 7.92% 5.97% 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