ho Corporation manufactures and selis 50-hnch televison sets and uses standard costing. Actual The seling price per unit is $3.500. The budgeted ievel of groduction used is calaiate the data relating io Januacy, Febriacy and March 2020 are as follows budgeted fued manufacturing cost per unit is 1,300 unit. Thent we no price aliolancy, or spending variances. Any penduction-volume variance is whiten off to cost of goods sold in (Ctick to view the dats) the month in which it cocurs. Read the requirements- Requirement t. Prepare inoome statements for HD in January. February, and Mareh 2020 under (a) varlable costing and (b) absorption costing (a). Prepare inoome statements for HD in danuary, Fobruary, and March of 2020 under variable costing. Complete the top haf of the income statement for each month first, then complete the bottom portion. (Complote all input filds, Enter a "op for any zars belance acenurte) \begin{tabular}{lrrrr} \hline & January & February & March \\ \hline Unit data: & & & \\ Beginning inventory & 0 & 150 & 150 \\ Production & 1,300 & 1,225 & 1,340 \\ Sales & 1,150 & 1,225 & 1,355 \\ Variable costs: & $ & 600$ & 600$ & 600 \\ Manufacturing cost per unit produced & $ & 650$ & 650$ & 650 \\ Operating (marketing) cost per unit sold & $ & & & \\ Fixed costs: & & & 533,000$,533,000$ & 533,000 \\ Manufacturing costs & $ & 170,000$ & 170,000$ & 170,000 \\ Operating (marketing) costs & & & & \end{tabular} Requirements 1. Prepare income statements for HD in January, February, and March 2020 under (a) variable costing and (b) absorption costing. 2. Explain the difference in operating income for January, February, and March under variable costing and absorption costing. HO Carporafion manufactures and sells 50-inch television wets and uses ttandard costing. Actual The seling price per unil is 33,500 . The budgetind ievel of producton wsed fo calculase the deta relating to Jamiary. February, and March 2000 are as folows budgeted fxed manulacturng cost per unt is 1,300 units. There are no brich, alflelency or (Cick to view the dati.) spending variances. Any production-volume varlance is written off to cost of goods polf in the month in which it ocours Read the coqurements. Requirement 1. Prepare income statements for HD in January. February and March 2020 under (a) varable costing and (D) abeorpton coting (a). Prepare income statements lor HQ in January. Februaly, and March of 2020 under variable costing Corpilete the 10p haif of the income statement for each month frest, then complete the bottom portion. (Complete all ingut flelds. Limer a "UP for any zaro balance acoourta)