Home Review Acrobat 9 D Documenti Word Boris Adhon Design Layed References Mailings View Help Find Cube Body 1 AN AS A E. 21 Aalbob Alb AaBb Aalbo Replace Create and Shane Neue ** A--A- 5 Nurme No Space Healing Heading Select Adobe PDF Sigrutes pood Paragraph Se Editing Adobe Red The following transactions occurred during the 2020 fiscal year for the City of Evergreen For budgetary purposes, the city reports encumbrances in the Expenditures section of its budgetary comparison schedule for the General Fund but excludes expenditures chargeable to a prior year's appropriation, 1. The budget prepared for the fiscal year 2020 was as follows: Foet Estimated Revenue Taxes 51.543,000 Licons and permite 372,000 Intergovernmental av 397,000 Miscellaneous reyences 62.000 Total estimated tevens 2.774.000 Appropriations General government 471,000 Public safety BB8,000 Public Work 650,000 Health and welfare 600 000 incollane 36.000 Total appropriatione 2,693,000 Thugtad Increato in und balance 2 Encubrincessed against the appropriations during the year were as follows: - E 0 A, T Normal * No Space Heading! Heading 2 Replace Select- Create and Shares Adobe POF Sigruar Ade Art Paragraph Editing General governments 58,000 Dublie safety 250,000 olie work 392,000 Health and welfare 160.000 Miscellaneous 71,000 $931,000 3. The current year's tax levy of $2,00.000 was recorded; uncollectibles were estimated as $65.000, 4. Tax collections of the current year's levy totaled $1.459,000. The City also collected $132,000 in taxes from the prior year's levy in the first 60 days after year and (These delinquent collections had been anticipated prior to year end.) 5. Personnel costs during the year were charged to the following appropriations in the amounts indicated. Encumbrances were not recorded for personnel costs Becaute no liabilities currently exist for withholdings, you may lgnore any FICA or federal or state income tax withholdings {Expenditures charged to Miscellaneous should be treated as General Government expenses in the governmental activities general journal at the government-wide level) Gatineal govern alle safety 5 411,000 35.000 250.000 439.000 11.100 Faith and welfare credit to Voucher Vaynb}****780,100 o da e Share End AXA A E. Aalb Alb AaBb AaBbcc A.P.A. Hati ... Normal No Spa Heading! Heading 2 Create and the past Adobe Por Font Paragrah Styles Editing 6. Invoices for all items ordered during the prior year were received and approved for payment in the amount of $14,470. Encumbrances had been recorded in t prior year for these items in the amount of $14,000. The amount chargeable to each year's appropriations should be charged to the Public Safety appropriation 7. Invoices were received and approved for payment for items ordered in documents recorded as encumbrances in Transaction (2) of this problem. The following appropriations were affected. Adobe Acrobat toatiability Estimated Liability General governments 52,700 s 52,200 Dublic safety 236,200 240.900 Public works 360,000 357.000 Health and welfare 130, 600 130, 100 Miscellaneous 71.000 71.000 859,500 5 851,200 8. Revenue other than taxes collected during the year consisted of licenses and permits, $373,000: Intergovernmental revenue $400,000 and $66.000 of miscellaneous revenues. For purposes of accounting for these revenues at the government-wide level, the intergovernmental revenues were operating grants and contributions for the Public Safety function. Miscellaneous revenues are not identifiable with any funetion and therefore, are recorded as General Revenues at the government wide level 9. Payments on Vouchers Payable totaled $2,505.000, Additional information follows: The General Fund Fund Balance - Unassigned account bad a credit batance of 596,000 as of December 31, 2010, no entries have been made in the Fund Balance Unassigned account during 2020. Prepare a budgetary comparison schedule for the General Fund of the City of Evergreen for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020 th De 0