Home Team Profile Productivity Report Today's Productivity Benchmarking Report Headcount Report Screen Summary You are targeting a total Production Volume increase of 10% in the next 7 days compared to the last 7 days' Actual Production Volume. Assuming you maintain the same Productivity Rate as last week for the next 7 days, approximately how many Scheduled Hours will you need to schedule to achieve this goal? -10 7 Volume (Packages) Scheduled Hours Overtime Hours Productivity Yesterday Plan Actual Difference Plan Actual Difference Plan Actual Difference Rate Total Productivity 86,000 84,881 (-1.119) 1.720 1726 (6) 28 44 (16) 48.0 Team 1 31.000 31.211 211 620 599 -21 10 9 -1 51.3 Team 2 22,500 22,275 (-225) 450 440 6 10 (4) 49.5 Team 3 19,000 19,380 380 380 440 (60) 20 (13) 42.1 Team 4 13,500 12.015 (-1,485) 270 247 -23 5 5 0 47.7 Volume (Packages) Scheduled Hours Overtime Hours Productivity Last 7 Days Plan Actual Difference Plan Actual Difference Plan Actual Difference Rate Total Productivity 602,000 584.413 (-17,588) 12,040 12,088 (48) 196 264 (68) 473 Team 1 217.000 208,320 (-8,680) 4.340 4,428 (88) 70 92 (22) 46.1 Team 2 157,500 156,713 (-788) 3,150 3,035 - 115 42 51 (9) 50.8 Team 3 133,000 134,330 1,330 2.660 2,821 (161) 49 101 (52) 46.0 Team 4 94,500 85,050 (-9.450) 1,890 1,804 -86 35 20 -15 46.6 Note. The Productivity Report shows Planned Actual and Difference from the Pastor Volume in Packages Scheduled Hours, and Overtime Hours Productivity Rate is calculated as follows: Actual Volume/Actual Scheduled Hours. Acuw Overtime Hourly Goal for Productivity Rate is 50 packages per hour Differences in red parentheses highlight where Plan was not met 10.219 13,591 15,827 16.103 1/8 Exit Answer the question and select Next to continue. Virtual Job Tryout Home Team Profile Productivity Report Today's Productivity Benchmarking Report Report Screen Summary During your shift today, there was a technical issue that impacted productivity across the teams in your area. Based on the data, during which of the following hours of the shift did this issue most likely occur? 105% 100% Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 PROOUCTIVITY PERCENT TO GOAL 95% Hour 4 90% 85% 2 1 6 5 POURS INTO SHIFT Total Team 4 Team 1 -Team 2 Team 3 Note. You are currently 6 hours into today's 10-hour shift Exit 2/8 Answer the question and select Next to continue