Homework: Continuing Problem 2-6 Score: 0 of 20 pts X CP3-46 (similar to) Oudoor Adventure Company completed the following transactions in November and December and prepared the folowing unadjusted bial balance a Decemcer 31, 2018 2 o& (3 complete) HY Score: 39.45%, 39.45 of 100 pts Question Hep * (Cick the lcon to wiw he Novenber and December transacions) (Cik he icon to view the unasjasted trisl balencon) Ad Deoember 31, the business gatters the following intormarion for the adjusting entries lCick the koon to view the addiional information.) Read the requiremerts Requirement 1. Joumalize and post the adsning entres n the T accourts, denote each adueting amount as Ad and an account balance as Ba Begin by joumaliating the tjuing entries (Rcond debits fret, then credits Seledl the explanation on the lest ine of the journa ntry tabie) ?.Ofesoplies on hand, S800 Accounts and Reqirements Accourth Payable 2. Prepare an adjushed al beliance as of December 31.2018 Purchased office Print Done Choose trom any list or enter any number in the input felds and then click Check Answer 10-aring Clear Al 8 Homework: Continuing Problem 2-6 Score: 0 of 20 pts X CP3-46 (similar to) Oudoor Adventure Company completed the following transactions in November and December and prepared the folowing unadjusted bial balance a Decemcer 31, 2018 2 o& (3 complete) HY Score: 39.45%, 39.45 of 100 pts Question Hep * (Cick the lcon to wiw he Novenber and December transacions) (Cik he icon to view the unasjasted trisl balencon) Ad Deoember 31, the business gatters the following intormarion for the adjusting entries lCick the koon to view the addiional information.) Read the requiremerts Requirement 1. Joumalize and post the adsning entres n the T accourts, denote each adueting amount as Ad and an account balance as Ba Begin by joumaliating the tjuing entries (Rcond debits fret, then credits Seledl the explanation on the lest ine of the journa ntry tabie) ?.Ofesoplies on hand, S800 Accounts and Reqirements Accourth Payable 2. Prepare an adjushed al beliance as of December 31.2018 Purchased office Print Done Choose trom any list or enter any number in the input felds and then click Check Answer 10-aring Clear Al 8