How can you ensure that diversity policy actions are implemented successfully in the workplace? Individuals are protected from discrimination off any kind by ffederal, state, and territorial legislation. In all facets off personel and proffessional liffe, this should be observed. Anti-discrimination legislation should be understood and integrated into organisational policies, practises, and any codes off conduct. Actions to ensure understanding is made include: Discussions on diversity A presentation on workplace diversity policy changes Allowing a short period off time to elapse ffor infformation to be read, questions to be asked and meaning to be confirmed/clarified Meetings to discuss how diversity policy should transpose to workplace practices and procedures Diversity workshop/training sessions Meetings on diversity plans, objectives, and schedules for implementation. Commonwealth anti-discrimination laws that apply: Age Discrimination Act 2004 is in place to protect individuals from age-related discrimination, such as pay levels, work opportunities and conditions off employment Disability Discrimination Act 1992 protects individuals from discrimination based upon their disability status and is particularly applicable to employment and education issues but will also apply to your customers/clients, e.g., access to premises . Racial Discrimination Act 1975 seeks to protect individuals from discrimination based upon their race, ethnic origin, and cultural differences in all environments. Sex Discrimination Act 1984 promotes equality between the genders, especially in the workplace; it seeks to prevent discrimination on matters such as recruitment, pey gaps, promotions, family commitments and other gender-related employment issues Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 is overseen by the Australian Human Rights Commission and is in place to handle and investigate complaints off discrimination Fair Work Act 2009 provides requirements for business, including small businesses, on equitable work practices that should be used with employees, such as unifair dismissal laws, protections for employees and obligations off employers Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 promotes gender equality in the workplace and the removal off barriers to equal participation at work by women