How do I get the code to repeat no matter what input the person does for the while loop? This is python and we cant use functions.
ORDLITH by Cescon Download Comor_ORDLITHpy (391) Format Bun Option Window Help TOTT random.randint 1.4) print(' ') print("You rolled: ".int(toll) itells that what they got roll 1: dreidel - tainel) print("oimel) print(" 's bankintbank) int(pot pot-int (pot-pot) print("Congrats. You get the whole poti") Oll2: dreidel - (hey'> print they print(" 's bankint (banki + int ipot/2) print("You get all of the poti, int (bank)+ int (pot/2)) I don't know how to fix the error for troll -3: dreidel (shin) printsin print("That's to had :") bankwint bank-1) print("You have lint (hank), "Pieces") potwintpot+1) print("the pot now has", int pot)). Pieces) it roll drediel ('nun print("hun print("didn't win, didn't lose". int(bank). "Pieces") printin' print the pot has, int (pot). *pieces) print("Now I will roll print ("pinning... roll - random tandint (1.4) print("I rolledt",int (roll)) computer turn rott dreidel - imel intime print come int combank) +int pot) Tiott Ipot-ot) printi got the whole pot put urna wartable toll dreidel - they print("hey) printin") comBanks inician) Int. (pot/2) ALIEN WAF Posting Mix ition. Oplay Q conno Downloads/DRDL2 Program Specification 20121.pd CL VE DRDL2: DREIDEL GAME - MULTIPLE PLAYS. Create a loop so the User can play until they don't want to. . After a round of play, ask them if they want to keep playing, responding "yes" or "no" Incorporate input validation. If they type something that is not a valid option, tell the user it is not a valid option and ask for an input again. Be efficient, make a nice user interface Program name: DRDL2 ALIENWARE F2 F3 F4 FS FB F7 FB FO FO FW F12 Crede Roman - Honda 2 od Download/DRDL2 Program Specification 2012).pdf DRDL2H: EXTENDED VALIDATION & RE-ANTE Full input validation: User can enter Upper or Lower case, for "yes" or "no" or 'y' or 'n' or 'yea' or 'nay', for example Tell the user they cannot play if their bank is Zero. Tell the user if the computer's bank is Zero (and then no play if the computer is the only other player). Change: When pot is empty, every player needs to ANTE in 3 pieces. (original ante amount - if there are more than 4 players, ante should be 2 pieces) Be efficient, make a nice user interface Program name: DRDL2H ALIENWARE FIO FI F12 F9 F8 69 F4 F7 FS F5 Connor OROLITH by Downloads\Connor DROLITH D (19.1) File Edit Format Run Options Window Help 59 print("onin) Go print("That's to bad :1") 61 bankint (bank-1) 62 print("You have: ", cintbank). "Pieces 63 pot-intpot+1 print("The pot now has int(pot)). "Pieces") 65 troll be dredio un') printi nun en print Paidn't win, didn't lost int (bank)"Pieces 30 172 72 3 74 print print("The pot bas. Int (pot). "Pieces print("Now I will toll") print Spinning..." roll - random.randint(1.4) 76 7 79 00 01 3 37 BE 50 91 print(" rolled", int (roll)) Computer turn 11 roll-1: dreidel (ime) print("imel) print(" ") comBank-int (con Bank) int ( [pot)) potwint (pot-pot) print("I got the whole pot!) put wrong vaiba kit roll - 2: dreidel - they') print("hey") print(" ") comankint IcomBank) int(pot/2) print("I got half of the Pott and have: ".intcomBank) roll: dreidel - (hin) print(") print that's to bad :) combank-int coman-1) print havent (con Bank)) print (I have int condank). "Piece point pot+1) print("the pot now (pot) roll - drediet - toun) print (hun) canaankin (combank print("didn't win, didn't lose! condank)." I 100 101 102 103 LO TOS ALIEN V