How to define the expression for the terminal and running costs P and L for nonlinear MPC controller in the form of the quadratic one
How to define the expression for the terminal and running costs P and L for nonlinear MPC controller in the form of the quadratic one and based on x_model = ca.MX.sym('xm', (Dim_state, 1))
and u_model = ca.MX.sym('um', (Dim_ctrl, 1)), and based on the following requirements:
Image transcription text
Car Overtaking In this task. you will design a nonlinear MP0 on a
kinematic bicycle carmodel to overtake the leading vehicle. You
will need to complete the nmpc_controllen function to ...
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Image transcription text
X Controller design: You ara supposed to design an MPC
controller of the following form to takeover the leading vehicle
with desired velocity and go back to the same lane as t...
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Constraints: 1 Cons1: Collision avoidance: We consider a
elliposoidal safety set for the vehicle when overtaking the car
(#)2+ (2)2 -120, We assign rx = 2 m, ry = 30 m. Cons1: ...
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Cons4: Input bounds The input is within the bounds: —1[)ml'52 =
"min 3 a g a".ax = 4 math:2 —fl.6rad : 5min g 6 3 5mm : 0.6rad
Submission detail Controller input The autograder will...
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And the relvant codes are:
import casadi as ca
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
def nmpc_controller():
# Declare simulation constants
T = 4 # TODO: You are supposed to design the planning horizon
N = 40 # TODO You are supposed to design the planning horizon
h = 0.1 # TODO: What is the time interval for simulation?
# system dimensions
Dim_state = 4 # TODO
Dim_ctrl = 2 # TODO
# additional parameters
x_init = ca.MX.sym('x_init', (Dim_state, 1)) # initial condition, # the state should be position to the leader car
v_leader = ca.MX.sym('v_leader',(2, 1)) # leader car's velocity w.r.t ego car
v_des = ca.MX.sym('v_des')
delta_last = ca.MX.sym('delta_last')
par = ca.vertcat(x_init, v_leader, v_des, delta_last)
# Continuous dynamics model
x_model = ca.MX.sym('xm', (Dim_state, 1))
u_model = ca.MX.sym('um', (Dim_ctrl, 1))
L_f = 1.0 # Car parameters, do not change
L_r = 1.0 # Car parameters, do not change
beta = ca.atan(L_r / (L_r + L_f) * ca.atan(u_model[1])) # TODO
xdot = ca.vertcat(x_model[3] * ca.cos(x_model[2] + beta) - v_leader[0],
x_model[3] * ca.sin(x_model[2] + beta) - v_leader[1],
x_model[3] / L_r * ca.sin(beta),
u_model[0]) # TODO
# Discrete time dynmamics model
Fun_dynmaics_dt = ca.Function('f_dt', [x_model, u_model, par], [xdot * h + x_model]) # TODO
# Declare model variables, note the dimension
x = ca.MX.sym('x', (Dim_state, N+1)) # TODO
u = ca.MX.sym('u', (Dim_ctrl, N)) # TODO
# Keep in the same lane and take over it while maintaing a high speed, cost function
P = x[2,N]**2 + x[3,N]**2 + x[4,N]**2 + x[0,N]**2 # TODO
L = sum([x[2,i]**2 + x[3,i]**2 + x[4,i]**2 + x[0,i]**2 + u[:,i]**2 for i in range(N)]) # TODO
Fun_cost_terminal = ca.Function('P', [x_model, par], [P])
Fun_cost_running = ca.Function('Q', [x_model, u_model, par], [L])
# state and control constraints
state_ub = ca.DM([2, 3, np.inf, 4]) # TODO
state_lb = ca.DM([-2, -1, -np.inf, 0]) # TODO
ctrl_ub = np.array([4, 0.6]) # TODO
ctrl_lb = np.array([-10, -0.6]) # TODO
# upper bound and lower bound
ub_x = np.matlib.repmat(state_ub, N + 1, 1)
lb_x = np.matlib.repmat(state_lb, N + 1, 1)
ub_u = np.matlib.repmat(ctrl_ub, N, 1)
lb_u = np.matlib.repmat(ctrl_lb, N, 1)
ub_var = np.concatenate((ub_u.reshape((Dim_ctrl * N, 1)), ub_x.reshape((Dim_state * (N+1), 1))))
lb_var = np.concatenate((lb_u.reshape((Dim_ctrl * N, 1)), lb_x.reshape((Dim_state * (N+1), 1))))
# dynamics constraints: x[k+1] = x[k] + f(x[k], u[k]) * dt
cons_dynamics = []
ub_dynamics = np.zeros((Dim_state * N, 1))
lb_dynamics = np.zeros((Dim_state * N, 1))
for k in range(N):
Fx = Fun_dynmaics_dt(x[:, k], u[:, k], par)
cons_dynamics.append(x[:, k+1] - Fx)
ub_dynamics = np.concatenate((ub_dynamics, np.zeros((Dim_state,1))))
lb_dynamics = np.concatenate((lb_dynamics, np.zeros((Dim_state,1)))) # TODO
# state constraints: G(x) <= 0
cons_state = []
for k in range(N):
#### collision avoidance:
r_x = 30
r_y = 2
cons_state.append((x[0, k] / r_x)**2 + (x[1, k] / r_y)**2 - 1)
#### Maximum lateral acceleration ####
dx = (x[:, k+1] - x[:, k]) / h
ay = x[3, k] * (x[2, k+1]-x[2, k]) / h # TODO: Compute the lateral acc using the hints
gmu = (0.5 * 0.6 * 9.81) # TODO
cons_state.append(ay - gmu) # TODO
cons_state.append(-ay - gmu) # TODO
#### lane keeping ####
cons_state.append(x[1, k] - 3)
cons_state.append(-x[1, k] + 1)
#### steering rate ####
if k >= 1:
d_delta = (u[1, k] - u[1, k-1]) / h
cons_state.append(d_delta - 0.6) # TODO
cons_state.append(-d_delta - 0.6) # TODO
d_delta = (u[1, k] - delta_last) / h # TODO, for the first input, given d_last from param
cons_state.append(d_delta - 0.6) # TODO
cons_state.append(-d_delta - 0.6) # TODO
ub_state_cons = np.zeros((len(cons_state), 1))
lb_state_cons = np.zeros((len(cons_state), 1)) - 1e5
# cost function: # NOTE: You can also hard code everything here
J = Fun_cost_terminal(x[:, -1], par)
for k in range(N):
J = J + Fun_cost_running(x[:, k], u[:, k], par)
# initial condition as parameters
cons_init = [x[:, 0] - x_init]
ub_init_cons = np.zeros((Dim_state, 1))
lb_init_cons = np.zeros((Dim_state, 1))
# Define variables for NLP solver
vars_NLP = ca.vertcat(u.reshape((Dim_ctrl * N, 1)), x.reshape((Dim_state * (N+1), 1)))
cons_NLP = cons_dynamics + cons_state + cons_init
cons_NLP = ca.vertcat(*cons_NLP)
lb_cons = np.concatenate((lb_dynamics, lb_state_cons, lb_init_cons))
ub_cons = np.concatenate((ub_dynamics, ub_state_cons, ub_init_cons))
# Define an NLP solver
prob = {"x": vars_NLP, "p":par, "f": J, "g":cons_NLP}
return prob, N, vars_NLP.shape[0], cons_NLP.shape[0], par.shape[0], lb_var, ub_var, lb_cons, ub_cons
Reference codes are:
import casadi as ca
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
#from nmpc_takeover_gsi import *
from nmpc_takeover_student import
def eval_controller(par_init: np.ndarray):
par_init: [x, y, yaw, v, v_x_leader, v_y_leader, v_x_desired]
x: x distance between our car and leader car
y: y distance between our car and leader car
yaw: yaw angle of our car
v: velocity of our car
v_x_leader: x velocity of leader car
v_y_leader: y velocity of leader car
v_x_desired: desired takeover x velocity of our car
# We define the default evaluation rate and other constants here
h = 0.1
N_sim = int(np.ceil(17/ h))
Dim_state = 4
Dim_ctrl = 2
# define some parameters
x_init = ca.MX.sym('x_init', (Dim_state, 1)) # initial condition, the state should be position to the leader car
v_leader = ca.MX.sym('v_leader',(2, 1)) # leader car's velocity
v_des = ca.MX.sym('v_des') # desired speed of ego car
delta_last = ca.MX.sym('delta_last') # steering angle at last step
par = ca.vertcat(x_init, v_leader, v_des, delta_last) # concatenate them
# Continuous dynamics model
x_model = ca.MX.sym('xm', (Dim_state, 1))
u_model = ca.MX.sym('um', (Dim_ctrl, 1))
L_f = 1.0
L_r = 1.0
beta = ca.atan(L_r / (L_r + L_f) * ca.atan(u_model[1]))
xdot = ca.vertcat(x_model[3] * ca.cos(x_model[2] + beta) - v_leader[0],
x_model[3] * ca.sin(x_model[2] + beta) - v_leader[1],
x_model[3] / L_r * ca.sin(beta),
# Discretized dynamics model
Fun_dynmaics_dt = ca.Function('f_dt', [x_model, u_model, par], [xdot * h + x_model])
# student controller are constructed here:
prob, N_mpc, n_x, n_g, n_p, lb_var, ub_var, lb_cons, ub_cons = nmpc_controller()
# students are expected to provide
# NLP problem, the problem size (n_x, n_g, n_p), horizon and bounds
opts = {'ipopt.print_level': 3, 'print_time': 0} # , '': 'yes'}
solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob , opts)
# our initial conditions, see if we want to change it ...
state_0 = par_init[:4] #np.array([-80, 0.0, 0.15, 30.])
d_last = 0
# our initial conditions, see if we want to change it ...
# logger of states
xt = np.zeros((N_sim+1, Dim_state))
ut = np.zeros((N_sim, Dim_ctrl))
# place holder for warm start
x0_nlp = np.random.randn(n_x, 1) * 0.01 # np.zeros((n_x, 1))
lamx0_nlp = np.random.randn(n_x, 1) * 0.01 # np.zeros((n_x, 1))
lamg0_nlp = np.random.randn(n_g, 1) * 0.01 # np.zeros((n_g, 1))
xt[0, :] = state_0
# main loop of simulation
for k in range(N_sim):
state_0 = xt[k, :]
# the leader car's velocity and desired velocity will not change in the planning horizon
par_nlp = np.concatenate((state_0, par_init[4:], np.array([d_last]))) # state_0 + [v_x_leader, v_y_leader, v_x_desired, d_last]
sol = solver(x0=x0_nlp, lam_x0=lamx0_nlp, lam_g0=lamg0_nlp,
lbx=lb_var, ubx=ub_var, lbg=lb_cons, ubg=ub_cons, p = par_nlp)
x0_nlp = sol["x"].full()
lamx0_nlp = sol["lam_x"].full()
lamg0_nlp = sol["lam_g"].full()
ut[k, :] = np.squeeze(sol['x'].full()[0:Dim_ctrl])
d_last = ut[k, 1]
ut[k, 0] = np.clip(ut[k, 0], -10, 4)
ut[k, 1] = np.clip(ut[k, 1], -0.6, 0.6)
xkp1 = Fun_dynmaics_dt(xt[k, :], ut[k, :], par_nlp)
xt[k+1, :] = np.squeeze(xkp1.full())
return xt, ut
# Initial test case
x_init = np.array([-49., # x: x distance between our car and leader car
0.0, # y: y distance between our car and leader car
0.0, # yaw: yaw angle of our car
50., # v: velocity of our car
20., # v_x_leader: x velocity of leader car
0.0, # v_y_leader: y velocity of leader car, fixed as 0.
50.0 # v_x_desired: desired takeover x velocity of our car
xt, ut = eval_controller(x_init)
Which the expression may similar as something like: J = 100 * ((x[0, -1] - 10)**2 + (x[1, -1] - 10)**2) + 100 * x[2, -1]**2 + 100 * x[3, -1]**2 as an example
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