BUS8330 Sprig 2022 Group j I have been sharing with you in class news materials on how international trade ts into everyday life. Stories such as this one dealing with European Union's Vaccine export controls:
You can already see how this story relates to our discussion in class about the ability of countries to impose import and export control regulations. See page 461 of the eText, for example. These regulations could be impediments to free trade but are nonetheless allowed in certain circumstances. For this project, your group must nd a story like this one that relates to any of the topics we have already covered in class 7 free trade, dispute resolution, international trade in the context of Canada, the WTO rules and mechanisms, barriers to international trade, regional trade agreements, international sale of goods contracts, etc. It could also deal with a topic we are yet to cover 7 intellectual property, competition, transportation, insolvency, payments for international trade in goods and services, electronic commerce, contemporary challenges to international trade, etc. When you nd a story that your group agrees upon and it is approved by me, this is what your group should do: 1. Summarize the story 2. Explain how the story relates to a topic or topics in the course 3. Indicate what specic challenges are faced in international trade in relation to the story and topic of the course. 4. Are there any international regulations, treaties or agreements that apply to the topic? 5. Offer any proposals you may have on how to overcome those challenges 6. Conclusion To ensure that there is no repetition of topics, when your group agrees on the story/topic of your project, a member of the group should email the topic to me for approval before you can continue. The earlier you are able to do this, the better for your group in terms of nishing the project ahead of, or on due date. You will decide among your group members how to allocate the tasks for the project. You must submit your project as a power point by due date via email, Thereafter, groups will take turns to deliver their presentations orally during our classes until all the groups have had an opportunity