I attached the instructions and the example output, text file,and the program.
I done the program with struct, and I need you help me to Chang to class. The class needs 3 file. Tasksmain.cpp , tasks.cpp , tasks.h.
What To Code Make the Task struct a Task class with private member variables for the name, description, etc. Keep in mind that Task is for ONE task only and shouldnt have any array of tasks in it The Task class is a data' dass that stores the information for only one task. This class should be very simple. It should just have a whole set of setters' and 'getters' for each component/field in the class (name, description, due date, completed) and a print function. Keep in mind that it only works on one task so don't put anything in this class that needs access to the list of tasks (and don't pass the list in). class Task private: char name[MAX STR]; New Actions The program should start by reading in the tasks from tasks.td file. The format is the same as in project 2. When program is done, the tasks should be written out to the same file. 1. Complete a Task: Ask a user for a task name. Then mark the task as completed. If task is not in list, print out an error message and return to main menu. You must create and use a Task class. private. The member variables will be changed or read via a set of public member functions. You will need more than one file for this project. The task class needs two files: a implementation (cpp) file and a header (h) file. There will still be one main.cpp file. So you need to turm in at least 3 files for this project. Please see d2l for module 4 "Using Multiple Files" for how to structure your code. You need to use C-strings, no 'string' type in your entire code. All functions, including main, must be less than 30 lines long (this count does not include comments, blank lines and on separate lines) function and pass it into functions in main.cpp. how many actual tasks are in the array zero and return to the main menu. No global variables are allowed in this program. Create a list of Task objects in the main There should be only one array in your main.cpp file: There should also be a count of The program should not crash if the file tasks.txf is not present. In this case, set count to Do not use goto's in your code or you will get an automatic zero for the project. Your code must compile under a g++ Linux system using 2011 standard (switch -std-c+ +11). If it has more than 2 compilation errors, you get an automatic zero for this project