i cant figure out the lasst three blanks
Meac re mametes Data table Regulrements =x Suppose the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstow. . ew York, has approached Hungry - Cardz with a special order, The Hall of Fame wishes io purchase 52,000 baseball card packs for a special promotional campaign and offers $0.27 per pack, a total of $14,040. Hungry - Cordr's lotal production cost is 50.47 per pack, as follonak: EIt (Click the icon to viru so of information) Hungry - Cartz has enough yoiess capacity to handie tha spec Data table Rend the reouirements. Requirements 1. Prepare a diflerential arnalyais to delertine whether Hungry - Cardz should accept the special nales order, 2. Now assume that the Hal of Fame wants special hologram baseball cards. Hungry - Cartz wif spend 55,800 to develop this hologram, which will be useless atier the special order in completad. Should Hungry - Cerdz accept the specal order unoer these circumntances, assuming no change in the special pricinf of $0.27 per pack? Meac re mametes Data table Regulrements =x Suppose the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstow. . ew York, has approached Hungry - Cardz with a special order, The Hall of Fame wishes io purchase 52,000 baseball card packs for a special promotional campaign and offers $0.27 per pack, a total of $14,040. Hungry - Cordr's lotal production cost is 50.47 per pack, as follonak: EIt (Click the icon to viru so of information) Hungry - Cartz has enough yoiess capacity to handie tha spec Data table Rend the reouirements. Requirements 1. Prepare a diflerential arnalyais to delertine whether Hungry - Cardz should accept the special nales order, 2. Now assume that the Hal of Fame wants special hologram baseball cards. Hungry - Cartz wif spend 55,800 to develop this hologram, which will be useless atier the special order in completad. Should Hungry - Cerdz accept the specal order unoer these circumntances, assuming no change in the special pricinf of $0.27 per pack