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doext II: ArrayList and InheriOpen with Google Docs Question 1 [20 points] Implement the class Student only. The code of the classes GradStudent and UndergradStudent is provided below. Student - id: int -name: String - courses: ArrayList
+ Student(id: int, name: String) + getId(): int + getName(): String + setId(id: int): void + setName(name: String): void + getCourses():ArrayList + addCourse(cName: String): void + dropCourse(cName: String): void + toString(): String UndergradStudent - nbOfCredits Earned: int + UndergradStudent(id:int, name: String, nbOfCreditsEarner, int) + getNbOfCredits Earned(): int + setNbOfCreditsEarned(n: int): void + toString(): String GradStudent - foundInternship: boolean + Grad Student(id:int, name: String, foundInternship: boolean) + getFour Internshipo: boolean + setFoundInternship(f:boolean): void + toStringO: String A. The Student class is characterized by three data fields: an int id, a String name, and an array list of String courses. Write the following methods: a) A constructor to initialize the id and the name data fields. b) Getters and setters (as shown in the UML). c) addCourse method that takes as parameter the name of the course to be added to the array list. d) dropCourse method that takes as parameter the name of the course to be deleted from the array list. e) A toString method to return information about all data fields. For Example: Student id: 9000123, name: Khaled Haddad, Courses Enrolled: CSCI250, CSCI250L, CSC200, NUTR 100. Question 2 [20 points] Write a client class (application) in which you: a) Create 5 students, 3 UndergradStudent and 2 GradStudent objects using values assigned by the programmer. Do not ask the user to enter the values. Add some courses of your choice to the students you created. b) Create an array (not an array list) and fill it with the 5 students c) Write a static method ArrayList getUndergradstudents (Student[] students, String course) that takes as parameter an array of students, and the name of a course. This method returns an array list containing all undergraduate students in the array students) enrolled in this course. d) In the main method, use the getUndergradstudents method to display the names of all the students enrolled in "CSC1250