I had posted this and all the answers were wrong. please organize your answers
This problem is designed to familiarize you with basic Microsoft Excel functions that are commonly used in data analysis and in other Excel problems you will be working in MindTap. You will be using the Microsoft Excel Online file below to work in the spreadsheet and then answer the questions. Feel free to click on the Excel Online link now to open the spreadsheet. It will open in a separate browser tab. Column A contains a generic dataset. Column C is a list of questions that correspond to the questions below, Column D indicates which Excel function(s) that question is designed to teach. Column E is where you will work with the function(s) to generate the answer to each question. And finally Column F displays the formula you used to generate your answer in Column E. To place your answers from Column E into the blanks below, use the copy/paste keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C and Ctri+V on a PC or Cmd+C and Cmd+V on a Mac. If you would like to learn more about a specific function, you can always visit the Microsoft office Supoort site and type the function into the search box at the tog-right of the page. How many data observabons are present (sample size)? What is the sum of the data? What is the mean (average) of the data (unrounded)? What is the median of the data? What is the minimum value of the data? What is the maximum value of the data? What is the square root of the sample size (unrounded)? What is the value of the third observation when squared? What is the square root of the sample size (to 2 digits)? What is the square root of the sample size rounded down to the nearest whole number? What is the square root of the sample size rounded up to the nearest whole number? What is the sample variance (unrounded)? What is the samole standard deviation (unrounded)? What is the sample variance (to 2 decimals)? What is the sample standard deviation (to 2 decimols)? What is the square root of the sample size rounded down to the nearest whole number? What is the square root of the sample size rounded up to the nearest whole number? What is the sample variance (unrounded)? What is the sample standard deviation (unrounded)? What is the sample variance (to 2 decimals)? What is the sample standard deviation (to 2 decimals)? How many observations are less than 75? Is the mean less than 75 (TRUE or FALSE)