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I have this YACC grammar file that I am trying to change into a ANTLR grammar file. I have spent days researching into LALR and

I have this YACC grammar file that I am trying to change into a ANTLR grammar file. I have spent days researching into LALR and LL but the subject is confusing and limited. I do not need a solution per say as I need to understand how to convert this into a ANTLR grammar file. What steps what should I know to do this. Could you convert a small sample for me and explain to me how you derived it. Alot of the documentation online is confusing if you could dumb it down for me so I can understand this better. Thank You,   program : decls EOFX {Progend($1,$2);} ; decls : ; | decls decl ; decl : record {Recdcl($1);} ; | proc {Procdcl($1);} ; | global {Globdcl($1);} ; | link {Linkdcl($1);} ; | invocable {Invocdcl($1);} ; invocable : INVOCABLE invoclist {Invocable($1, $2);} ; invoclist : invocop; | invoclist COMMA invocop {Invoclist($1,$2,$3);} ; invocop : IDENT {Invocop1($1);} ; | STRINGLIT {Invocop2($1);} ; | STRINGLIT COLON INTLIT {Invocop3($1,$2,$3);} ; link : LINK lnklist {Link($1, $2);} ; lnklist : lnkfile ; | lnklist COMMA lnkfile {Lnklist($1,$2,$3);} ; lnkfile : IDENT {Lnkfile1($1);} ; | STRINGLIT {Lnkfile2($1);} ; global : GLOBAL {Global0($1);} idlist {Global1($1, $2, $3);} ; record : RECORD IDENT {Record1($1,$2);} LPAREN fldlist RPAREN { Record2($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6); } ; fldlist : {Arglist1();} ; | idlist {Arglist2($1);} ; proc : prochead SEMICOL locals initial procbody END { Proc1($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6); } ; prochead: PROCEDURE IDENT {Prochead1($1,$2);} LPAREN arglist RPAREN { Prochead2($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6); } ; arglist : {Arglist1();} ; | idlist {Arglist2($1);} ; | idlist LBRACK RBRACK {Arglist3($1,$2,$3);} ; idlist : IDENT { Ident($1); } ; | idlist COMMA IDENT { Idlist($1,$2,$3); } ; locals : {Locals1();} ; | locals retention idlist SEMICOL {Locals2($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; retention: LOCAL {Local($1);} ; | STATIC {Static($1);} ; initial : {Initial1();} ; | INITIAL expr SEMICOL {Initial2($1,$2,$3);} ; procbody: {Procbody1();} ; | nexpr SEMICOL procbody {Procbody2($1,$2,$3);} ; nexpr : {Nexpr();} ; | expr ; expr : expr1a ; | expr AND expr1a {Bamper($1,$2,$3);} ; expr1a : expr1 ; | expr1a QMARK expr1 {Bques($1,$2,$3);} ; expr1 : expr2 ; | expr2 SWAP expr1 {Bswap($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 ASSIGN expr1 {Bassgn($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 REVSWAP expr1 {Brswap($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 REVASSIGN expr1 {Brassgn($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGCONCAT expr1 {Baugcat($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGLCONCAT expr1 {Bauglcat($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGDIFF expr1 {Bdiffa($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGUNION expr1 {Buniona($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGPLUS expr1 {Bplusa($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGMINUS expr1 {Bminusa($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSTAR expr1 {Bstara($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGINTER expr1 {Bintera($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSLASH expr1 {Bslasha($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGMOD expr1 {Bmoda($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGCARET expr1 {Bcareta($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNMEQ expr1 {Baugeq($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGEQUIV expr1 {Baugeqv($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNMGE expr1 {Baugge($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNMGT expr1 {Bauggt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNMLE expr1 {Baugle($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNMLT expr1 {Bauglt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNMNE expr1 {Baugne($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGNEQUIV expr1 {Baugneqv($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSEQ expr1 {Baugseq($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSGE expr1 {Baugsge($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSGT expr1 {Baugsgt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSLE expr1 {Baugsle($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSLT expr1 {Baugslt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGSNE expr1 {Baugsne($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGQMARK expr1 {Baugques($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGAND expr1 {Baugamper($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 AUGAT expr1 {Baugact($1,$2,$3);} ; expr2 : expr3 ; | expr2 TO expr3 {To0($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr2 TO expr3 BY expr3 {To1($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);} ; expr3 : expr4 ; | expr4 BAR expr3 {Alt($1,$2,$3);} ; expr4 : expr5 ; | expr4 SEQ expr5 {Bseq($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 SGE expr5 {Bsge($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 SGT expr5 {Bsgt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 SLE expr5 {Bsle($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 SLT expr5 {Bslt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 SNE expr5 {Bsne($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NMEQ expr5 {Beq($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NMGE expr5 {Bge($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NMGT expr5 {Bgt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NMLE expr5 {Ble($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NMLT expr5 {Blt($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NMNE expr5 {Bne($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 EQUIV expr5 {Beqv($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr4 NEQUIV expr5 {Bneqv($1,$2,$3);} ; expr5 : expr6 ; | expr5 CONCAT expr6 {Bcat($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr5 LCONCAT expr6 {Blcat($1,$2,$3);} ; expr6 : expr7 ; | expr6 PLUS expr7 {Bplus($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr6 DIFF expr7 {Bdiff($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr6 UNION expr7 {Bunion($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr6 MINUS expr7 {Bminus($1,$2,$3);} ; expr7 : expr8 ; | expr7 STAR expr8 {Bstar($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr7 INTER expr8 {Binter($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr7 SLASH expr8 {Bslash($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr7 MOD expr8 {Bmod($1,$2,$3);} ; expr8 : expr9 ; | expr9 CARET expr8 {Bcaret($1,$2,$3);} ; expr9 : expr10 ; | expr9 BACKSLASH expr10 {Blim($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr9 AT expr10 {Bact($1,$2,$3);}; | expr9 BANG expr10 {Apply($1,$2,$3);}; expr10 : expr11 ; | AT expr10 {Uat($1,$2);} ; | NOT expr10 {Unot($1,$2);} ; | BAR expr10 {Ubar($1,$2);} ; | CONCAT expr10 {Uconcat($1,$2);} ; | LCONCAT expr10 {Ulconcat($1,$2);} ; | DOT expr10 {Udot($1,$2);} ; | BANG expr10 {Ubang($1,$2);} ; | DIFF expr10 {Udiff($1,$2);} ; | PLUS expr10 {Uplus($1,$2);} ; | STAR expr10 {Ustar($1,$2);} ; | SLASH expr10 {Uslash($1,$2);} ; | CARET expr10 {Ucaret($1,$2);} ; | INTER expr10 {Uinter($1,$2);} ; | TILDE expr10 {Utilde($1,$2);} ; | MINUS expr10 {Uminus($1,$2);} ; | NMEQ expr10 {Unumeq($1,$2);} ; | NMNE expr10 {Unumne($1,$2);} ; | SEQ expr10 {Ulexeq($1,$2);} ; | SNE expr10 {Ulexne($1,$2);} ; | EQUIV expr10 {Uequiv($1,$2);} ; | UNION expr10 {Uunion($1,$2);} ; | QMARK expr10 {Uqmark($1,$2);} ; | NEQUIV expr10 {Unotequiv($1,$2);} ; | BACKSLASH expr10 {Ubackslash($1,$2);} ; expr11 : literal ; | section ; | return ; | if ; | case ; | while ; | until ; | every ; | repeat ; | CREATE expr {Create($1,$2);} ; | IDENT {Var($1);} ; | NEXT {Next($1);} ; | BREAK nexpr {Break($1,$2);} ; | LPAREN exprlist RPAREN {Paren($1,$2,$3);} ; | LBRACE compound RBRACE {Brace($1,$2,$3);} ; | LBRACK exprlist RBRACK {Brack($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr11 LBRACK exprlist RBRACK {Subscript($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; | expr11 LBRACE RBRACE {Pdco0($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr11 LBRACE pdcolist RBRACE {Pdco1($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; | expr11 LPAREN exprlist RPAREN {Invoke($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; | expr11 DOT IDENT {Field($1,$2,$3);} ; | AND FAIL {Kfail($1,$2);} ; | AND IDENT {Keyword($1,$2);} ; while : WHILE expr {While0($1,$2);} ; | WHILE expr DO expr {While1($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; until : UNTIL expr {Until0($1,$2);} ; | UNTIL expr DO expr {Until1($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; every : EVERY expr {Every0($1,$2);} ; | EVERY expr DO expr {Every1($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; repeat : REPEAT expr {Repeat($1,$2);} ; return : FAIL {Fail($1);} ; | RETURN nexpr {Return($1,$2);} ; | SUSPEND nexpr {Suspend0($1,$2);} ; | SUSPEND expr DO expr {Suspend1($1,$2,$3,$4);}; if : IF expr THEN expr {If0($1,$2,$3,$4);} ; | IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr {If1($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} ; case : CASE expr OF LBRACE caselist RBRACE {Case($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} ; caselist: cclause ; | caselist SEMICOL cclause {Caselist($1,$2,$3);} ; cclause : DEFAULT COLON expr {Cclause0($1,$2,$3);} ; | expr COLON expr {Cclause1($1,$2,$3);} ; exprlist: nexpr {Elst0($1);} | exprlist COMMA nexpr {Elst1($1,$2,$3);} ; pdcolist: nexpr { Pdcolist0($1); } ; | pdcolist COMMA nexpr { Pdcolist1($1,$2,$3); } ; literal : INTLIT {Iliter($1);} ; | REALLIT {Rliter($1);} ; | STRINGLIT {Sliter($1);} ; | CSETLIT {Cliter($1);} ; section : expr11 LBRACK expr sectop expr RBRACK {Section($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);} ; sectop : COLON {Colon($1);} ; | PCOLON {Pcolon($1);} ; | MCOLON {Mcolon($1);} ; compound: nexpr ; | nexpr SEMICOL compound {Compound($1,$2,$3);} ; program : error decls EOFX ; proc : prochead error procbody END ; expr : error ; 

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