i have to select either yes or no for the pull downs!
Convert the following ERD. You should complete the conversion by hand and then select the appropriate conversion lines that makeup the full conversion. Notation - Primary keys are denoted with a trailing asterisk. For example, if is a primary key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). - Foreign keys are denoted with a trailing arrow. For example, if is a foreign key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). faculty (faclD*, nameFirst, nameMid, nameLast, office) faculty (faclD*, nameFirst, nameLast, email) faculty_email (faclD->, email) faculty (faclD*, name(f,m,l), office) faculty_office (faciD->, email) Convert the following ERD. You should complete the conversion by hand and then select the appropriate conversion lines that makeup the full conversion. Notation - Primary keys are denoted with a trailing asterisk. For example, if is a primary key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). - Foreign keys are denoted with a trailing arrow. For example, if is a foreign key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). yellow(yellowid ) yellow(yellowiD, purplelD->) purple(purplelD*, yellowiD->) purple(purpleiD*) Convert the following ERD. You should complete the conversion by hand and then select the appropriate conversion lines that makeup the full conversion. Notation - Primary keys are denoted with a trailing asterisk. For example, if is a primary key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). - Foreign keys are denoted with a trailing arrow. For example, if is a foreign key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). faculty (faclD*, nameFirst, nameMid, nameLast, office) faculty (faclD*, nameFirst, nameLast, email) faculty_email (faclD->, email) faculty (faclD*, name(f,m,l), office) faculty_office (faciD->, email) Convert the following ERD. You should complete the conversion by hand and then select the appropriate conversion lines that makeup the full conversion. Notation - Primary keys are denoted with a trailing asterisk. For example, if is a primary key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). - Foreign keys are denoted with a trailing arrow. For example, if is a foreign key, it will show as in the answer choice(s). yellow(yellowid ) yellow(yellowiD, purplelD->) purple(purplelD*, yellowiD->) purple(purpleiD*)