I just help with Q4 ( Tell how you will evaluate the results of your test, e.g., number of discounts redemptions vs the control position through coupon codes, store visits, increased sales,etc. ?)
Case Reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c_aXT1SH8_t_cseKB6dtmsvdvE4XtNqR/view?usp=sharing
Read the case Hi Ho Silver at the end of Chapter 4. After reviewing the case information, write a 2 to 3-page paper where you recommend test scenarios to improve the results of the .925 club promotions {see Discussion Question 2 on p 190) and the Miss You campaign [see Discussion Question 3 on p 190). Consider the types of tests that Spiller discusses on p 141-144: List tests, Offer tests, Creative tests, and Contact Strategy tests. You may consider multiple tests for both the .925 club and the Miss You campaign. Your description of each test should include the following in narrative form: 1. Specify the objective of your test what are you trying to learn? 2. Describe Hi Ho Silver's control position, (i.e., what they are currently doing in each of those areas, e.g., sending monthly discount postcards to customers who haven't purchased recently for Miss You) 3. What you are proposing to test to improve their results {e.g., additional list segments, new creative, new offers, new timing, etc.) o ell how you will evaluate the results of your test, e.g., number of discounts redemptions vs the control position through coupon codes, store visits, increased sales, etc. For your testing of the .925 Club, create a test matrix that shows the list segments you propose using as the rows, and the different products, offers or creative executions you'd like to test. Use as many rows or columns for each test that you specify, and fill in your proposed quantities for each test cell. For example: Test A Test B Test nth Total (Description) (Description) (Description) QTY -- nth ___ Consider the information that Hi Ho Silver has in the customer database (see p 183) and how you might use it to craft special offers to different customer segments. In addition to standard demographic data you might consider things like spouse name, loyalty number, brand preferences, etc. While we don't know the exact number of people in the database or the number who might be in each segment your propose reaching, you can speculate about the quantities you'll put in each test cell. The zip code chart on shown on p 188 shows some 30,000 customers in 6 different zip codes, so let's assume that there might be as many as 50,000 total. Make sure your quantities are realistic based on the number of people who might be in the database. For the Miss You campaign, create a new mailing schedule similarto the current one based on the new timing that you recommend. Include your rationale as to why you're recommending it, and how you will evaluate the results against the previous schedule. You can also consider promotions other than postcards to these inactive customers. Think about the data you have on them