I NEED HELP PUTTING THIS INFORMATION IN STEP BY STEP IN SPSS PLEASE .. showing me how to enter the data as well as the other steps with showing the graph etc
Problem Set A counseling psychologist is interested in the effects of type of therapy (individual vs group) and over time (before therapy type vs after therapy type) reduces the number of cigarette packs smoked per month in young smokers diagnosed with major depression (N=28). Participants were recruited via a flyer at local mental health providers offices that was looking for participants that had been diagnosed with major depression that were cigarette smokers and were willing to participate for seven months. The counseling psychologist randomly assigned half the participants (n=14) to attend individual therapy once a week for three months then to attend group therapy once a week for three months. The other half of the participants (n=14) were assigned to attend group therapy once a week for three months then to attend individual therapy once a week for three months. Assigning half the participants to go to individual then group and then other half to group then individual therapy type reduces bias. The counseling psychologist asked all participants for the month before starting therapy to record for the number of cigarette packs smoked. The participants then reported the number of cigarette packs they smoked at the end of each month while attending therapy over the next six months. The researcher used the reported number of cigarette packs smoked at the end of the first month before starting therapy, at the end of the third month of their first type of therapy, and at the end of the sixth month, which is the end of their second type of therapy. The number of cigarette packs smoked at the end of the three months of their first type of therapy was also used as their packs smoked before starting their second type of therapy. This means that the same score is shown and used twice in the analysis for each participant. The research question: "What are the effects of type of therapy and time on the number of cigarette packs smoked per month in young adult smokers who have been diagnosed with major depression?" Hint: You will need ONE column per combination of IVA levels by IVB levels (i.e., if IVA had 3 levels and IVB had 2 levels then you would have 6 columns) with the dependent variable (SCORES) in the rows. Participant# Ind Therapy IndTherapy GroTherapy GrpTherapy Before After Before After Mixed Methods