i need help with #4 please, must be a structured reference
4. Experienced students may serve as mentors it they ate at least age 21 and have at least 3 years of postsecondary education, in cell L2, enter a formula using the If and AND functions and structured relerences as folows to determine if Koy Cobert is eigible to serve os a mentor: a. The If function should determine it the student's age is greater than or equal to 21 AND the student's postsecondary years are greater than or equal to 3, and should refurn the text Yes it a student meets both of thiose criteria or the text No li a student meets none or only one of those criteria. b. Fill the formula into the range L3:L31, if necessary. X Create a formula using a tunction. In the Student Representalives worksheet, the formula in cel 22 should use a structured reference to the Age volue in the logicall argument of the AND function, X Copy a formula into a range. In the Student Representat ves worksheot, cell 2 . contains an incorrect formula. 5. Lael is always on the lookout for students who might be interested in running for office in student groups. In cel M2, enter a formula using a nested If function and structured reterences as tollows to determine frst if a student has already been eloctod to otfice in a student group, and it not, whether that student meets the qualifications to run in the future: a. If the value in the Elecled column is equal to the text "Yes", the formula should display Elected as the text. b. Otherwise, the formula should determine it the value in the Finance Cetified column is equal to the text "Yes" and tetum the text Yes if true And No if lalse. X Create a formula using o function. in the Student Representatives workheet, the formula in coi M2 should use a structured reterence to the finance Cerilled vaue in the logical fest argument of the inner If function. X Copy a formula into a range. In the student Representatives worishoet, cet M2 contoins an incorrect formula. 6. Students who wark with student organizations are also considered for employment at the Student Activities Office. Students with more than 4 yoars of postsecondary educaton are qualified for more complex Ter 2 jobs: In cell N1, enter the text Ner as the column heading