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MANUQLM Leadership & Management 2022-23 Coursework Assignment Psychopathic Leadership: A Case Study of a Corporate Psychopath CEO (gddy, 2017) You are required to analyse and evaluate the issues raised by the case study and notjust describe these or repeat what has been published. The assignment should be treated as a serious piece of research work. You will, therefore. be responsible for identifying and using the relevant literature. You will nd that the Module textbook and Reading List are a good place to begin, as well as the Assessment Suggested Reading folder You are required to answer the following three questions: 1. Using the academic literature on ethics: a. Dene ethics. b. Use the definition to identify the positive and negative ethical issues raised in the Psychopathic Leadership case study. c. Discuss the impact of the negative ethical issues and how the organisation concerned might have dealt with them better. (1000 wordsf40 marks). 2. Using the academic literature on leadership styles: 3. Dene what is meant by 'leadership style', and identity the main leadership styles. b. Identify the leadership styles of the two CEOs in the Psychopathic Leadership case study and discuss their suitability for the organisation. c. In the instances where the leadership styles were not appropriate, what other style or styles of leadership might have been more appropriate and why? (1000 words/40 marks). 3. Learning and behaviour: a. What have you personally learned about leadership from studying the Psychopathic Leadership case study? b. How would this affect your future behaviour as a leader? (500 wordsi20 marks) Your answers will include: . A discussion of the key issues involved in the Psychopathic Leadership case study. . A discussion of the relevant aspects of the leadership and ethics literature. a A clear and logical structure. . Conclusions which critically evaluate the assignment questions. . Evidence that the answers are based on and cite the relevant academic literature