I need the following program to able to scan/detect an error on any sentence and also to able to indicate if any variable is assigned
I need the following program to able to scan/detect an error on any sentence and also to able to indicate if any variable is assigned with a numerical value.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Interpreter { public class StatementRecognizer { StatementRegex[] statementRegexes; public event Action OnError;
public StatementRecognizer() { var commentStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^0",StatementType.CommentStatement); var printStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^2(-(13|10|6|8|7))?$", StatementType.PrintStatement); var readStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^3-(6|8|7)$", StatementType.ReadStatement); var endStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^5$", StatementType.EndStatement); var arithmaticStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^(((6|7|8|10|13)(-(23)-(6|7|8|10|13))+)|((6|8|10)(-(23|24|25|26)-(6|8|10))+))$", StatementType.ArithmaticStatement); //conditionalStatement needs some fixes var conditionalStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^(22-)?(((13|7)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(13|7)))|((6|8|10)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(6|8|10))))((-(20|21)-(((13|7)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(13|7)))|((6|8|10)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(6|8|10)))))+)?$", StatementType.ConditionalStatement); //assignmentStatmentNeedsSomeFixes ex: a = 3 .add. b var assignmentStatment = new StatementRegex(@"^((7-1-(7|13))|(6-1-(6|10))|(8-1-(8|10)))$", StatementType.AssignmentStatement); var thenStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^(27-)((3-(6|8|7))|(2(-(13|10|6|8|7))?$)|(((7-1-(7|13))|(6-1-(6|10))|(8-1-(8|10)))$))", StatementType.ThenStatement); var ifStatement = new StatementRegex(@"^(4-)(22-)?(((13|7)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(13|7)))|((6|8|10)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(6|8|10))))((-(20|21)-(((13|7)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(13|7)))|((6|8|10)(-(14|15|16|18|19)-(6|8|10)))))+)?(-27-)((3-(6|8|7))|(2(-(13|10|6|8|7))?$)|(((7-1-(7|13))|(6-1-(6|10))|(8-1-(8|10)))$))$", StatementType.IfStatement); statementRegexes = new StatementRegex[] { commentStatement, printStatement, readStatement, endStatement, arithmaticStatement, conditionalStatement, assignmentStatment, thenStatement, ifStatement };
public Statement Verify(WordTokens[] wordTokens) {
var list = new List(); Statement expression = null; foreach(var token in wordTokens) { list.Add(token); var result = IdentifyStatements(list.ToArray()); if (result != null && (result.type == StatementType.PrintStatement && wordTokens.Count() > list.Count())) continue; else { if (result?.type == StatementType.IfStatement) { var statement = (IfStatement)result; var exp = (Statement)statement.expression; if ((exp.type == StatementType.PrintStatement || exp.type == StatementType.AssignmentStatement) && wordTokens.Count() > list.Count()) continue; } else if (result?.type == StatementType.AssignmentStatement && wordTokens.Count() > list.Count()) continue; } if(result != null) { if (expression != null) { expression.SetSubStatement(result); } else expression = result; list = new List(); } } return expression; }
PrintStatement CheckForPrintStatement(WordTokens[] tokens) { var allowedTokenTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.String, TokenType.StringVariable, TokenType.Real, TokenType.RealVariable, TokenType.Integer, TokenType.IntegerVariable, TokenType.Number }; if (tokens == null || tokens.Length == 0 || tokens.First().tokens.First().type != TokenType.PrintKeyword) return null; if (tokens.Length == 1) return new PrintStatement(tokens,null); else if (tokens.Length == 2) { var secondToken = tokens[1]; if (allowedTokenTypes.Any(t => t == secondToken.tokens.First().type)) return new PrintStatement(tokens, secondToken); else { var errorString = allowedTokenTypes.Select(t => t.ToString()).Aggregate((current, next) => { return current + " " + next; }); errorString = "Error: Second token must be any of the following: " + errorString; OnError?.Invoke(errorString); return null; } } else if(tokens.Length > 2) { OnError?.Invoke("Too many arguments for print statement."); return null; } OnError?.Invoke("Unidentified Error."); return null; }
AssignmentStatement CheckForAssignment(WordTokens[] tokens) { var intTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.Integer, TokenType.IntegerVariable, TokenType.UnsignedInteger }; var realTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.Real, TokenType.RealVariable }; var stringTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.String, TokenType.StringVariable };
if(tokens.Length > 2) { var firstTokenType = tokens.First().tokens.First().type; var firstToken = tokens.First();
var secondTokenType = tokens[1].tokens.First().type; var thirdTokenType = tokens[2].tokens;
if (secondTokenType == TokenType.AssignmentOperator) { var isArithmatic = CheckForArithmaticStatement(tokens.Skip(2).ToArray()); switch (firstTokenType) { case TokenType.IntegerVariable:
if (isArithmatic == null && thirdTokenType.Any(t => intTypes.Any(type => t.type == type))) return new AssignmentStatement(tokens, firstToken, tokens[2]); else if (isArithmatic != null && thirdTokenType.Any(t => intTypes.Any(type => t.type == type))) return new AssignmentStatement(tokens, firstToken, tokens[2], isArithmatic); break; case TokenType.RealVariable: if (isArithmatic == null && thirdTokenType.Any(t => realTypes.Any(type => t.type == type))) return new AssignmentStatement(tokens, firstToken, tokens[2]); else if (isArithmatic != null && thirdTokenType.Any(t => realTypes.Any(type => t.type == type))) return new AssignmentStatement(tokens, firstToken, tokens[2], isArithmatic); break; case TokenType.StringVariable: if (isArithmatic == null && thirdTokenType.Any(t => stringTypes.Any(type => t.type == type))) return new AssignmentStatement(tokens, firstToken, tokens[2]); else if (isArithmatic != null && thirdTokenType.Any(t => intTypes.Any(type => t.type == type))) return new AssignmentStatement(tokens, firstToken, tokens[2], isArithmatic);
break; default: OnError?.Invoke("First token type is not a variable."); return null; } }else { OnError?.Invoke("Second argument has to be an assignment operator."); return null; } } OnError?.Invoke("Not enough arguments for Assignment Statement"); return null; }
RelationalStatement CheckForRelational(WordTokens[] tokens) { var conditionalOperators = new TokenType[] { TokenType.EqualRelationalOperator, TokenType.NotEqualRelationalOperator, TokenType.GreaterThanRelationalOperator, TokenType.LessThanRelationalOperator, TokenType.EqualGreaterRelationalOperator, TokenType.EqualLessRelationalOperator, };
var stringTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.String, TokenType.StringVariable }; var realTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.Real, TokenType.RealVariable }; var intTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.Integer, TokenType.IntegerVariable, TokenType.UnsignedInteger };
var firstToken = tokens.First(); bool isRelational = false; if (tokens.Length >= 3) { var op = tokens.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }).FirstOrDefault(t => t.value.tokens.Any(to => conditionalOperators.Any(o => o == to.type))); if (op != null) { var index = op.index; var before = tokens[index - 1]; if (index + 1 >= tokens.Length) return null; var after = tokens[index + 1]; var isStrings = (stringTypes.Any(t => before.tokens.Any(tk => tk.type == t)) && stringTypes.Any(t => after.tokens.Any(tk => tk.type == t))); var isReals = (realTypes.Any(t => before.tokens.Any(tk => tk.type == t)) && realTypes.Any(t => after.tokens.Any(tk => tk.type == t))); var isInts = (intTypes.Any(t => before.tokens.Any(tk => tk.type == t)) && intTypes.Any(t => after.tokens.Any(tk => tk.type == t))); isRelational = isStrings || isReals || isInts; if (isRelational) return new RelationalStatement(tokens, op.value, before, after); }
} return null; }
ArithmaticStatement CheckForArithmaticStatement(WordTokens[] tokens) { if (tokens?.Length == 0) return null; var typesForAdd = new TokenType[] { TokenType.String, TokenType.StringVariable, TokenType.RealVariable, TokenType.IntegerVariable, TokenType.Number, TokenType.Real, TokenType.Integer }; var typesForRest = new TokenType[] { TokenType.RealVariable, TokenType.IntegerVariable, TokenType.Number, TokenType.Real, TokenType.Integer }; var firstToken = tokens.First().tokens.First(); var arithmaticOperators = new TokenType[] { TokenType.AddArithmaticOperator, TokenType.SubArithmaticOperator, TokenType.MulArithmaticOperator, TokenType.DivArithmaticOperator }; if(tokens.Length > 2) { var secondToken = tokens[1].tokens.First(); var thirdToken = tokens[2].tokens.First(); if(arithmaticOperators.Any(op => secondToken.type == op)) { switch (secondToken.type) { case TokenType.AddArithmaticOperator: if (typesForAdd.Any(t => t == firstToken.type) && typesForAdd.Any(t => t == thirdToken.type)) return new ArithmaticStatement(tokens, tokens.First(), tokens[2], tokens[1]); break; case TokenType.SubArithmaticOperator: if (typesForRest.Any(t => t == firstToken.type) && typesForRest.Any(t => t == thirdToken.type)) return new ArithmaticStatement(tokens, tokens.First(), tokens[2], tokens[1]); break; case TokenType.MulArithmaticOperator: if (typesForRest.Any(t => t == firstToken.type) && typesForRest.Any(t => t == thirdToken.type)) return new ArithmaticStatement(tokens, tokens.First(), tokens[2], tokens[1]); break; case TokenType.DivArithmaticOperator: if (typesForRest.Any(t => t == firstToken.type) && typesForRest.Any(t => t == thirdToken.type)) return new ArithmaticStatement(tokens, tokens.First(), tokens[2], tokens[1]); break; } }else { OnError?.Invoke("Second argument must be an arithmatic operator"); return null; } } OnError?.Invoke("Not enough arguments for Arithmatic Statement"); return null; }
ReadStatement CheckForReadStatement(WordTokens[] tokens) { var allowedTokenTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.StringVariable, TokenType.RealVariable, TokenType.IntegerVariable };
if (tokens.Length == 2) { var secondToken = tokens[1]; if (allowedTokenTypes.Any(t => t == secondToken.tokens.First().type)) return new ReadStatement(tokens,secondToken); else { var errorString = allowedTokenTypes.Select(t => t.ToString()).Aggregate((current, next) => { return current + " " + next; }); errorString = "Error: Second token must be any of the following: " + errorString; OnError?.Invoke(errorString); return null; } } else if (tokens.Length > 2) { OnError?.Invoke("Too many arguments for print statement."); return null; } OnError?.Invoke("Unidentified Error."); return null; }
IfStatement CheckForIfStatement(WordTokens[] tokens) { var firstToken = tokens.First(); var thenTokenPair = tokens.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }).FirstOrDefault(i => i.value.tokens.Any(t => t.type == TokenType.ThenKeyword)); if (thenTokenPair != null) { var thenIndex = thenTokenPair.index; var condition = tokens.Skip(1).Take(thenIndex - 1).ToArray(); var statment = tokens.Skip(thenIndex + 1).ToArray(); var isConditional = CheckForConditional(condition); var isRelational = CheckForRelational(condition); var conditionStatement = (ConditionStatement)isConditional == null ? (ConditionStatement)isRelational : (ConditionStatement)isConditional; if (conditionStatement != null) { var asisgnment = CheckForAssignment(statment); var print = CheckForPrintStatement(statment); var read = CheckForReadStatement(statment); var arithmatic = CheckForArithmaticStatement(tokens); if (arithmatic != null) return new IfStatement(tokens, conditionStatement, arithmatic); else if (asisgnment != null) return new IfStatement(tokens, conditionStatement, asisgnment); else if (print != null) return new IfStatement(tokens, conditionStatement, print); else if (read != null) return new IfStatement(tokens, conditionStatement, read);
} else if (isRelational != null) {
return null;
LogicalStatement CheckForConditional(WordTokens[] tokens) { var firstToken = tokens.First(); var validOperators = new TokenType[] {TokenType.AndLogicalOperator, TokenType.OrLogicalOperator }; if (tokens.First().tokens.Any(t => t.type == TokenType.NotLogicalOperator)) { var statement = tokens.Skip(1).ToArray(); var isConditional = CheckForConditional(statement); var isRelational = CheckForRelational(statement); if (isConditional != null) return new LogicalStatement(tokens, null, isConditional, tokens.First()); if (isRelational != null) return new LogicalStatement(tokens, null, isRelational,tokens.First()); } else { var op = tokens.Select((value, index) => new { value, index }).FirstOrDefault(t => t.value.tokens.Any(to => validOperators.Any(vOp => vOp == to.type))); if(op != null) { var index = op.index; var firstStatement = tokens.Take(index).ToArray(); var secondStatement = tokens.Skip(index + 1).ToArray();
var firstConditional = CheckForConditional(firstStatement); var firstRelational = CheckForRelational(firstStatement);
var secondConditional = CheckForConditional(secondStatement); var secondRelational = CheckForRelational(secondStatement);
ConditionStatement first = ((ConditionStatement)firstConditional) == null ? (ConditionStatement)firstRelational : (ConditionStatement)firstConditional; ConditionStatement second = ((ConditionStatement)secondConditional) == null ? (ConditionStatement)secondRelational : (ConditionStatement)secondConditional; if (first != null && second != null) return new LogicalStatement(tokens, first, second, op.value); } } return null; }
Statement CheckForArithmaticAssingmentRelationalConditional(WordTokens[] tokens) { var assignment = CheckForAssignment(tokens); var relational = CheckForRelational(tokens); var arithmatic = CheckForArithmaticStatement(tokens); var conditional = CheckForConditional(tokens);
if (assignment != null) return assignment; else if (relational != null) return relational; else if (arithmatic != null) return arithmatic; else return conditional; }
Statement CheckForArithmaticStatementRelationalConditional(WordTokens[] tokens) { var arithmatic = CheckForArithmaticStatement(tokens); var relational = CheckForRelational(tokens); var conditional = CheckForConditional(tokens); if (arithmatic != null) return arithmatic; else if (relational != null) return relational; else return conditional; }
Statement IdentifyStatements(WordTokens[] tokens) { TokenType firstToken; WordTokens token; if(tokens?.Length > 0 && (token = tokens.First()).tokens?.Length > 0) { firstToken = token.tokens.First().type; switch (firstToken) { case TokenType.CommentKeyword:
var commentStatement = new Statement(tokens); commentStatement.type = StatementType.CommentStatement; return commentStatement; case TokenType.AssignmentOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Assignment Operator"); break; case TokenType.PrintKeyword: return CheckForPrintStatement(tokens); case TokenType.ReadKeyword: return CheckForReadStatement(tokens); case TokenType.IfKeyword: return CheckForIfStatement(tokens); case TokenType.EndKeyword: var statement = new Statement(tokens); statement.type = StatementType.EndStatement; return statement; case TokenType.IntegerVariable: return CheckForArithmaticAssingmentRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.StringVariable: return CheckForArithmaticAssingmentRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.RealVariable: return CheckForArithmaticAssingmentRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.Integer: return CheckForArithmaticStatementRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.Number: return CheckForArithmaticStatementRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.UnsignedInteger: return CheckForArithmaticStatementRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.Real: return CheckForArithmaticStatementRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.String: return CheckForArithmaticStatementRelationalConditional(tokens); case TokenType.GreaterThanRelationalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Greater Than Operator"); break; case TokenType.LessThanRelationalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Less Than Operator"); break; case TokenType.EqualRelationalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Equal Operator"); break; case TokenType.EqualGreaterRelationalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Equal Greater Than Operator"); break; case TokenType.EqualLessRelationalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Equal Less Than Operator"); break; case TokenType.NotEqualRelationalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Not Equal Operator"); break; case TokenType.AndLogicalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the And Operator"); break; case TokenType.OrLogicalOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Or Operator"); break; case TokenType.NotLogicalOperator: break; case TokenType.AddArithmaticOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Add Operator"); break; case TokenType.SubArithmaticOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Substract Operator"); break; case TokenType.MulArithmaticOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Multiplication Operator"); break; case TokenType.DivArithmaticOperator: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Division Operator"); break; case TokenType.ThenKeyword: OnError?.Invoke("No statement starts with the Then Operator"); break; default: OnError?.Invoke("Undefined error ocurred."); break; } } return null; }
public string TranslateToString(WordTokens[] wordTokens) { //This has to change a bit. I am selecting the first token, i should test all. var result = wordTokens.Where(w => w.tokens?.Length > 0) .Select(w => ((int)w.tokens.First().type).ToString()) .Aggregate((current, next) => current.ToString() + "-" + next.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Resulting REGEX STRING: " + result); return result;
} }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections; namespace Interpreter { public class Runner { private Dictionary
public Runner(Tokenizer tokenizer) { this.tokenizer = tokenizer; variables = new Dictionary
public bool Run(Statement expresion) { string result = string.Empty; TokenType resultType; var type = expresion.type; switch (type) { case StatementType.None: break; case StatementType.CommentStatement: break; case StatementType.AssignmentStatement: ((AssignmentStatement)expresion).Execute(variables,out result, out resultType, tokenizer); break; case StatementType.PrintStatement: ((PrintStatement)expresion).Execute(variables, out result, out resultType, tokenizer); break; case StatementType.ReadStatement: ((ReadStatement)expresion).Execute(variables, out result, out resultType, tokenizer); break; case StatementType.IfStatement: ((IfStatement)expresion).Execute(variables, out result, out resultType, tokenizer); break; case StatementType.EndStatement: return false; case StatementType.ConditionalStatement: ((ConditionStatement)expresion).Evaluate(variables); break; case StatementType.ArithmaticStatement: ((ArithmaticStatement)expresion).Execute(variables, out result, out resultType, tokenizer); break; case StatementType.ThenStatement: break; default: break; } return true; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Interpreter { public class StatementRegex { private Regex regEx; private StatementType type;
public StatementRegex(string regEx, StatementType type) { this.regEx = new Regex(regEx); this.type = type; }
public StatementType Verify(string sentence) { return regEx.IsMatch(sentence) ? type : StatementType.None; } }; }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Interpreter { public enum StatementType { None, CommentStatement, AssignmentStatement, PrintStatement, ReadStatement, IfStatement, EndStatement, ConditionalStatement, ArithmaticStatement, ThenStatement } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Interpreter { public class Token { public string value; public TokenType type; public static TokenType[] NumericTypes { get { return numericTypes; } } public static TokenType[] StringTypes { get { return stringTypes; } }
public static TokenType[] VariableTypes { get { return variableTypes; } }
private static TokenType[] numericTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.Number, TokenType.Integer, TokenType.Real, TokenType.RealVariable, TokenType.IntegerVariable }; private static TokenType[] stringTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.String, TokenType.StringVariable }; private static TokenType[] variableTypes = new TokenType[] { TokenType.StringVariable, TokenType.RealVariable, TokenType.IntegerVariable };
public Token(string value, TokenType type) { this.value = value; this.type = type; } }
public enum TokenType { CommentKeyword, AssignmentOperator, PrintKeyword, ReadKeyword, IfKeyword, EndKeyword, IntegerVariable, StringVariable, RealVariable, Integer, Number, UnsignedInteger, Real, String, GreaterThanRelationalOperator, LessThanRelationalOperator, EqualRelationalOperator, EqualGreaterRelationalOperator, EqualLessRelationalOperator, NotEqualRelationalOperator, AndLogicalOperator, OrLogicalOperator, NotLogicalOperator, AddArithmaticOperator, SubArithmaticOperator, MulArithmaticOperator, DivArithmaticOperator, ThenKeyword, } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Interpreter { public class TokenRegex { private Regex regEx; private TokenType type; private int length;
public TokenRegex(string reg, TokenType type, int length = -1) { regEx = new Regex(reg, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); var optiones = regEx.Options; this.type = type; this.length = length; }
public Token Verify(string expresion) { var isMatch = regEx.IsMatch(expresion); if (isMatch && (expresion.Length == length || length == -1)) return new Token(expresion, type);
return null; } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Interpreter { public class WordTokens { public string value; public Token[] tokens;
public WordTokens(string value, Token[] tokens) { this.value = value; this.tokens = tokens; }
} }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Interpreter { public class Statement { private WordTokens[] tokens; public StatementType type; protected Statement subStatement;
public Statement(WordTokens[] tokens, Statement subStatement = null) { this.tokens = tokens; this.subStatement = subStatement; }
public void SetSubStatement(Statement statement) { if (subStatement == null) subStatement = statement; else subStatement.SetSubStatement(statement); }
public bool IsNumeric(WordTokens token) { return token.tokens.Any(tok => Token.NumericTypes.Any(t => tok.type == t)); }
public bool IsVariable(WordTokens token) { return token.tokens.Any(tok => Token.VariableTypes.Any(t => tok.type == t)); } }
public class IfStatement : Statement , ExpressionStatement { public ConditionStatement condition; public ExpressionStatement expression;
public IfStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, ConditionStatement condition, ExpressionStatement expression, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.condition = condition; this.expression = expression; type = StatementType.IfStatement; }
public void Execute(Dictionary
public interface ConditionStatement { bool Evaluate(Dictionary
public class RelationalStatement : Statement, ConditionStatement { private WordTokens op; private WordTokens left; private WordTokens right;
public RelationalStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, WordTokens op, WordTokens left, WordTokens right, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.op = op; this.type = StatementType.ConditionalStatement; }
public bool Evaluate(Dictionary } public class LogicalStatement : Statement, ConditionStatement { private ConditionStatement left; private WordTokens op; private ConditionStatement right; public LogicalStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, ConditionStatement left, ConditionStatement right, WordTokens op, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.op = op; type = StatementType.ConditionalStatement; } public bool Evaluate(Dictionary public class ArithmaticStatement : Statement, ExpressionStatement { private WordTokens op; private WordTokens left; private WordTokens right; public ArithmaticStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, WordTokens left, WordTokens right, WordTokens op, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.op = op; this.type = StatementType.ArithmaticStatement; } public void Execute(Dictionary public class PrintStatement : Statement, ExpressionStatement { private WordTokens variable; public PrintStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, WordTokens variable, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.variable = variable; type = StatementType.PrintStatement; } public void Execute(Dictionary } }else { if(variable != null) { if (variables.ContainsKey(variable.value)) { var variab = variables[variable.value]; Console.WriteLine(variab); } else if (variable.tokens.Any(t => Token.NumericTypes.Any(tt => tt == t.type))) Console.WriteLine(variable.value); else if (variable.tokens.Any(t => t.type == TokenType.String)) Console.WriteLine(variable.value.Replace('\"', ' ')); else Console.WriteLine("Error: Variable does not exist"); }else Console.WriteLine(""); } result = string.Empty; resultType = TokenType.PrintKeyword; } } public class ReadStatement : Statement, ExpressionStatement { private WordTokens variable; public ReadStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, WordTokens variable, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.variable = variable; type = StatementType.ReadStatement; } public void Execute(Dictionary var input = Console.ReadLine(); var variableType = variable.tokens.FirstOrDefault(t => Token.VariableTypes.Any(vt => t.type == vt)); if (variableType != null) { var resultTokens = tokenizer.Verify(input); if (resultTokens?.Length > 0) { result = string.Empty; resultType = TokenType.ReadKeyword; if (!variables.ContainsKey(variable.value)) variables.Add(variable.value, resultTokens.First().value); else variables[variable.value] = resultTokens.First().value; } } resultType = TokenType.ReadKeyword; result = string.Empty; } } public class AssignmentStatement : Statement, ExpressionStatement { private WordTokens variable; private WordTokens value; public AssignmentStatement(WordTokens[] tokens, WordTokens variable, WordTokens value, Statement subStatement = null) : base(tokens, subStatement) { this.variable = variable; this.value = value; type = StatementType.AssignmentStatement; } public void Execute(Dictionary if(subStatement != null) { if (subStatement.GetType().GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(ExpressionStatement))) { var expression = (ExpressionStatement)subStatement; expression.Execute(variables, out result, out resultType, tokenizer); if (variables.ContainsKey(variable.value)) { variables[variable.value] = result; } else { variables.Add(variable.value, result); } } }else if (value != null) { if(variables.ContainsKey(variable.value)) { variables[variable.value] = value.value; } else { variables.Add(variable.value, value.value); } } } }
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