i need the second point of the question answered please
advance java is the subject
Question 3 (30 points) - What is Thread Lifecycle in Java. Specify states, and transition between differmat states occur. Suppose that you are designing the reservation system for a local cinema. The system newls to ensure that a particular seat can only be reserved care, even if anultiple concurrent requests for the same seat are performed. Consider the class skrketon below. this lnewas so list the seams in decreveing orther thetr attacking streteths lasing Stroam APL. public class Tousn i private long id : private boolean active: private String namez private List-Players players: private int rating: f a calue in the range 0100 Hoctters and setters. public class Player \{ public caum Position \{COAl, DEFENSE, MIIDF1EY.D, AIIACK\}: private long id: private String name, surname: private Position position ; private int age: private String country : private Team team: private int rating: f( a value in the range 0100 ffgetters and setters Question 3 (30 points) - What is Thread Lifecycle in Java. Specify states, and transition between differmat states occur. Suppose that you are designing the reservation system for a local cinema. The system newls to ensure that a particular seat can only be reserved care, even if anultiple concurrent requests for the same seat are performed. Consider the class skrketon below. this lnewas so list the seams in decreveing orther thetr attacking streteths lasing Stroam APL. public class Tousn i private long id : private boolean active: private String namez private List-Players players: private int rating: f a calue in the range 0100 Hoctters and setters. public class Player \{ public caum Position \{COAl, DEFENSE, MIIDF1EY.D, AIIACK\}: private long id: private String name, surname: private Position position ; private int age: private String country : private Team team: private int rating: f( a value in the range 0100 ffgetters and setters