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I need this complete by Feb 10, 2017 . Thanks in advance CS165 - Microsoft Office Final Project Instructions Part A: For first part of

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I need this complete by Feb 10, 2017 . Thanks in advance

image text in transcribed CS165 - Microsoft Office Final Project Instructions Part A: For first part of the final assignment, you will be creating a Word document, and Excel spreadsheet, and a PowerPoint presentation. Within these files, you will be utilizing a number of the features learned about this term in the course. Using the provided Microsoft Word file, you will be using various formatting and insertion techniques to make this document more visually appealing and useful. Perform the following tasks on this file: Apply an appropriate Title style to the document title Use Heading styles on the various subtitles Download and insert a picture into the document that corresponds with the topic in the document. Resize the picture as needed to have it fit logically. Change the line spacing in the document to 1.5 Convert the bolded text in the Multiple Intelligences section to a numbered list Insert a 2x4 table in the Overview section and enter the following information: Adult Online Learners by Age Group 25-29 30-39 40-99 Merge the two cells in the first row. 13% 19% 19% Use the Find and Replace feature to find all instances of the word pedagogy and replace it with instruction Be sure your name shows in the File Properties as the Author and name the file LastnameFirstname_WordFinal Using the provided Microsoft Excel file, you will be utilizing many of the features learned this term to bring it more to life and make it more useful for an end user. Perform the following tasks for this file: Enter the following values below in cell range F3:H5 90 14.99 1349.10 8 3.79 30.32 100 9.99 999.00 Adjust column widths as needed Apply the SUM function in cells F33 and H33. Use F3:F32 and H3:H32 as your cells to add, respectively. Merge and center the text in cell A1 across Columns A through E and apply the Heading 3 Style Apply the Heading 4 cell style to the column headings in Row 2 Add the word \"Total\" to cells E33 and G33 (to the left of the SUM function, total amount shown) Apply the Total Cell style to the cell range E33:H33 Apply the Currency [0] number format to cell ranges F3:H5 Apply the Comma [0] number format to the cell range F7:H32 Insert a Clustered Column Chart, to the right of the data set columns, that displays the total sales for any orders placed between 01/2015 and 05/2015. Set a Chart Title that makes sense for the data. In Rows 34, 35 and 36 enter the labels Average, Max, Min respectively. In columns F, G, and H use the corresponding Average, Max, & Min functions accordingly for rows 3 through 32. Rename the worksheet from Sheet 1 to DataSet Insert a 3-D Pie Chart using the cell range H3:H33 and use the Move Chart feature to move it to a new worksheet of its own. Label the new sheet PieChart. Add a title that makes sense for the data. Be sure your name shows in the File Properties as the Author and name the file LastnameFirstname_ExcelFinal Starting with a blank Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, apply the different steps below to change the visual layout and flow of the presentation. Perform the following tasks for this file: Apply the \"Organic\" theme to the presentation On slide 1, set the Title to \"PowerPoint Basics\" and the subtitle to \"CS165 Final Project\" Insert a second slide be sure the slide layout is set to \"Title and Content.\" Add the title \"Adding Online Pictures\" to the second slide Insert an Online picture in the content area of slide 2 by doing a search for \"Photography\" and choosing a picture that matches the topic. Resize the picture to fit the space accordingly. Add a \"Fly In\" Animation to the inserted picture with settings \"From Bottom-Left and for a duration of \"1 Second.\" Insert a third slide and set the slide layout to \"Two Content.\" Add the title \"How to use Bullet Points and SmartArt\" to the third slide. In the left pane add the following content for 3 bullet points: How Much Content is Too Much? Organizing Your Thoughts Selecting the Right Graphics In the right pane, add a SmartArt Graphic of your choice, in which you will display keywords from each of the bullet points added in the prior step. Think about what style of SmartArt will best display this. Insert a fourth slide and set the slide layout to \"Title and Content.\" Add the title \"Creating tables in PowerPoint\" In the Content section, add a 2x4 table, and populate it with the same content used in the Word table created earlier Format the top row with a \"Circle\" Bevel effect and the bottom two rows with a \"Cool Slant\" Bevel effect. Apply the \"Wipe\" Transition effect to all slides Be sure your name shows in the File Properties as the Author and name the file LastnameFirstname_PowerPointFinal ***NOTE: Part B of this project continues on the next page*** Part B Once you have completed building your project in Microsoft Office, you will now use G Suite to demonstrate your ability to work with collaborative features. Task 1: Altering Your Word Document Open Google Docs and upload your Microsoft Word document from Part A. Select the picture you inserted and right-click to insert a link to a website that might be relevant to the topic of adult learners. Select two areas in your document where you made changes to the formatting or content during Part A, highlight those areas, and leave a comment about what you changed. Use the Word Count tool to find the number of words in the document, and type the total word count at the bottom of the document. Format your word count total with: Font size: 24 Font color: purple Font: Cambria Bold and underline Rename your file LastnameFirstname_DocumentFinalGoogle Share your document by selecting \"Anyone with a address can EDIT, and copy and paste the link into the bottom of your Word document in the provided box next to \"Link #1\" Task 2: Importing Data and Formatting Your Excel Spreadsheet Open Google Sheets and upload your Excel spreadsheet from Part A Insert a new row underneath the column headers in row 2 In A3, use the NOW function to display the current date in month, day, year format (e.g. 07-04-2016). Use conditional formatting to turn any total sales above $1,000 (column G) green. Use conditional formatting to turn any orders placed with Vance (column C) purple. Format the totals column with a solid green column border. Set all 2015 sales data in columns A through G as protected, and set your spreadsheet to provide a warning if someone tries to edit the data. Share your document by selecting \"anyone with a address can EDIT\Adult Learning (excerpted from Wikipedia for the purpose of editing) Overview Typical adult learning theories encompass the basic concepts of behavioral change and experience. From there, complexities begin to diverge specific theories and concepts in an eclectic barrage of inferences. Up until the 1950s basic definitions of learning were built around the idea of change in behavior (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999). After this point more complexities were introduced \"such as whether one needs to perform in order for learning to have occurred or whether all human behavior is learned \" (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999, p. 249). Jean Piaget states that there are "four invariant stages of cognitive development that are age related" (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999, p. 139). According to the authors, Piaget contends that normal children will reach the final stage of development, which is the stage of formal operations, between the age of twelve and fifteen. As cited by Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin (1975, 1984), established from the work of Gruber (1973)on the development of creative thought in adults, has attempted to identify a fifth stage of development, in addition to Piaget's formal operations. "She [Arlin] contends that formal thought actually consists of two distinct stages, not one, as Piaget proposed" (p. 141). Arlin (1975) proposes that Piaget's fourth stage, formal operations, be renamed the problem-solving stage. According to Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin's hypothesized fifth stage was the problem-finding stage. This stage focuses on problem discovery. Though Arlin's proposed fifth stage produced more questions than answers, it opens the door to understanding the learning needs of adults; to be approached as thinkers. According to a literature review by Ross (2002), humanism, personal responsibility orientation, behaviorism, neobehaviorism, critical perspectives, and constructivism are all important facets of, and perspectives on, adult learning theory. The most common treatments of the research of these areas of self-directed adult learning are learning projects, qualitative studies, and quantitative measures. Collins (1991) explores adult learning as the interactive relationship of theory and practice. In basic terms, the adult learner studies a particular theory and then puts it into practice when presented with the opportunity to do so. Thus, the understanding of an adult learning theory can prompt practice and practice can prompt adult learning theory revision. Andragogy Knowles (1968) popularized this European concept over thirty years ago. Andragogy, (andr 'man'), contrasted with pedagogy, means "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Knowles, 1980, p. 43). Knowles labeled andragogy as an emerging technology which facilitates the development and implementation of learning activities for adults. This emerging technology is based on six andragogical assumptions of the adult learner: 1. N eed to Know: Adults need to know the reason for learning. 2. E xperience: Adults draw upon their experiences to aid their learning. 3. S elf Concept: Adult needs to be responsible for their decisions on education, involvement in planning and evaluation of their instruction. 4. R eadiness: The learning readiness of adults is closely related to the assumption of new social roles. 5. O rientation: As a person learns new knowledge, he or she wants to apply it immediately in problem solving. 6. M otivation (Later added): As a person matures, he or she receives their motivation to learn from internal factors. These six assumptions dovetail with the thoughts and theories of others. Merriam and Caffarella (1999) point to three keys to transformational learning: experience, critical reflection and development. The aspect of experience (the second assumption to andragogy) seems like an important consideration in creating an effective learning opportunity for adults. The learning opportunity needs to be relevant and applicable to a person's set of experiences. Argote, McEvily, and Reagans (2003) point to experience as an important factor in one's ability to \"Within companies, instructional methods are designed for improving adult learners' knowledge and skills. It is important to distinguish the unique attributes of adult learners so as to be better able to incorporate the principles of adult learning in the design of instruction\" (Yi, 2005, p. 34). Within this context, adult learning is aimed at not only improving individual knowledge and skill, but ultimately it is the goal to improve the organizational performance by transfer of learning directly to work applications. Yi suggest three methods to foster learning in adult organizations: Problem-Based Learning which seeks to increase problem-solving and critical thinking skills; Cooperative Learning, which builds communication and interpersonal skills; and Situated Learning, which targets specific technical skills that can be directly related to the field of work (Yi, 2005). Each of these methods support the assumptions about how adults learn; specifically they are more self-directed, have a need for direct application to their work, and are able to contribute more to collaborative learning through their experience. Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner represents those theorists who have dismissed the idea of one type of intelligence as typically measured by today's psychometric instruments. He posited that there were seven (later eight) types of intelligences (Gardner, 1993): Linguistic intelligence, Logical-mathematical intelligence, Spatial intelligence or the ability to form a mental model of the spatial world and to maneuver within it using this model, Musical intelligence, Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, or the ability to solve problems using one's body as performed by athletes, dancers and other craftspeople, Interpersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand other people, Intrapersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand one's self. Gardner (1993) maintains that the first two are the types of intelligence commonly measured by IQ tests, and which are commonly accepted as \"intelligence.\" Gardner later added an eighth intelligence to his taxonomy, Naturalist Intelligence, which he defined as \"expertise in the recognition and classification of the numerous species -- the flora and fauna -- of his or her environment\" (Gardner, 1999, p. 48) Sternberg's Triarchic Theory can be viewed as an interpretation of intelligence as information processing. Li (1996) provides us with a useful summary of Sternberg's theory. He tells us that: \"In Sternberg's general theory, there are three subtheories: the componential subtheory, the experiential subtheory and the contextual subtheory, each divided into subdomains of concern. The contextual subtheory deals with the context of intelligence. Intelligence in the real world requiring adaptation, selection, and/or shaping the environment. Measurement of contextual intelligence would relate to the issue of social perception, culture fairness, and cultural relativeness. The experiential subtheory deals with the issue of novelty and automatizing of processing. It is related to the notion of learning and the dynamic interplay between controlled and automated processing in the competition for cognitive resources. Finally, there is the componential subtheory, which is subdivided into (a) metacomponents, (b) performance components, and (c) knowledge acquisition components, which are directly related to learning\" (p. 38) This assignment uses material excerpted from the Wikipedia article, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 Note: You will not need to do anything with this text box until the G Suite portion of your final project. Link #1: Link #2: Link #3: Paper Orders by Region OrderDate Region Rep Paper Code 1/6/15 Central Halpert B10 1/23/15 Central Halpert E5 2/9/15 Central Halpert A7 2/26/15 Central Halpert E12 3/15/15 Central Halpert A1 4/1/15 Central Halpert C4 4/18/15 Central Schrute D2 5/5/15 Central Schrute E12 5/22/15 Central Schrute B10 6/8/15 Central Schrute D4 6/25/15 Central Schrute A7 7/12/15 East Vance B10 7/29/15 East Vance E12 8/15/15 East Vance C4 9/1/15 East Vance G109 9/18/15 East Howard C3 10/5/15 East Howard D4 10/22/15 East Howard D4 11/8/15 East Howard E5 11/25/15 West Bernard A7 12/12/15 West Bernard A2 12/29/15 West Bernard C3 1/15/16 West 2/1/16 West 2/18/16 West 3/7/16 North 3/24/16 North 4/10/16 North 4/27/16 North 5/14/16 North Bernard Bernard Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson D4 E2 C4 E12 C4 B10 C4 A2 Total Average 54.38 Max 125.00 Min 19.96 Units Unit Cost Total 90.00 14.99 1,349.10 8.00 3.79 30.32 100.00 9.99 999.00 Total sales between January and May 1,600.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 56.00 2.99 167.44 60.00 4.99 299.40 75.00 1.99 149.25 90.00 4.99 449.10 600.00 32.00 1.99 63.68 400.00 60.00 8.99 539.40 90.00 4.99 449.10 29.00 1.99 57.71 81.00 19.99 1,619.19 35.00 4.99 174.65 2.00 125.00 250.00 16.00 15.99 255.84 28.00 8.99 251.72 64.00 8.99 575.36 15.00 19.99 299.85 96.00 4.99 479.04 67.00 1.29 86.43 74.00 15.99 1,183.26 46.00 87.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 66.00 96.00 53.00 8.99 15.00 4.99 19.99 4.99 1.99 4.99 1.29 413.54 1,305.00 19.96 139.93 249.50 131.34 479.04 68.37 1577 Total 12535.52 1,000.00 800.00 200.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 een January and May 5 6 7 8 9 Total orders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PowerPoint Basics CS165 Final Project Adding Online Pictures How to use Bullet Points and SmartArt How Much Content is Too Much? Organizing Your Thoughts Selecting the Right Content Thoughts Graphics Graphics Creating tables in PowerPoint Adult Online Learners by Age Group 25-29 13% 30-39 19% 40-99 19% Creating tables in PowerPoint Adult Online Learners by Age Group 25-29 13% 30-39 19% 40-99 19% Adult Learning (Excerpted from Wikipedia for the purpose of editing) Overview Typical adult learning theories encompass the basic concepts of behavioral change and experience. From there, complexities begin to diverge specific theories and concepts in an eclectic barrage of inferences. Up until the 1950s basic definitions of learning were built around the idea of change in behavior (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999). After this point more complexities were introduced \"such as whether one needs to perform in order for learning to have occurred or whether all human behavior is learned \" (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999, p. 249). Jean Piaget states that there are "four invariant stages of cognitive development that are age related" (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999, p. 139). According to the authors, Piaget contends that normal children will reach the final stage of development, which is the stage of formal operations, between the age of twelve and fifteen. As cited by Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin (1975, 1984), established from the work of Gruber (1973)on the development of creative thought in adults, has attempted to identify a fifth stage of development, in addition to Piaget's formal operations. "She [Arlin] contends that formal thought actually consists of two distinct stages, not one, as Piaget proposed" (p. 141). Arlin (1975) proposes that Piaget's fourth stage, formal operations, be renamed the problem-solving stage. According to Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin's hypothesized fifth stage was the problem-finding stage. This stage focuses on problem discovery. Though Arlin's proposed fifth stage produced more questions than answers, it opens the door to understanding the learning needs of adults; to be approached as thinkers. According to a literature review by Ross (2002), humanism, personal responsibility orientation, behaviorism, neobehaviorism, critical perspectives, and constructivism are all important facets of, and perspectives on, adult learning theory. The most common treatments of the research of these areas of self-directed adult learning are learning projects, qualitative studies, and quantitative measures. Collins (1991) explores adult learning as the interactive relationship of theory and practice. In basic terms, the adult learner studies a particular theory and then puts it into practice when presented with the opportunity to do so. Thus, the understanding of an adult learning theory can prompt practice and practice can prompt adult learning theory revision. Adult Online Learners by Age Group 25-29 13% 30-39 19% 40-99 19% Andragogy Knowles (1968) popularized this European concept over thirty years ago. Andragogy, (andr 'man'), contrasted with instruction, means "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Knowles, 1980, p. 43). Knowles labeled andragogy as an emerging technology which facilitates the development and implementation of learning activities for adults. This emerging technology is based on six andragogical assumptions of the adult learner: 1. Need to Know: Adults need to know the reason for learning. 2. Experience: Adults draw upon their experiences to aid their learning. 3. Self Concept: Adult needs to be responsible for their decisions on education, involvement in planning and evaluation of their instruction. 4. Readiness: The learning readiness of adults is closely related to the assumption of new social roles. 5. Orientation: As a person learns new knowledge, he or she wants to apply it immediately in problem solving. 6. Motivation (Later added): As a person matures, he or she receives their motivation to learn from internal factors. These six assumptions dovetail with the thoughts and theories of others. Merriam and Caffarella (1999) point to three keys to transformational learning: experience, critical reflection and development. The aspect of experience (the second assumption to andragogy) seems like an important consideration in creating an effective learning opportunity for adults. The learning opportunity needs to be relevant and applicable to a person's set of experiences. Argote, McEvily, and Reagans (2003) point to experience as an important factor in one's ability to \"Within companies, instructional methods are designed for improving adult learners' knowledge and skills. It is important to distinguish the unique attributes of adult learners so as to be better able to incorporate the principles of adult learning in the design of instruction\" (Yi, 2005, p. 34). Within this context, adult learning is aimed at not only improving individual knowledge and skill, but ultimately it is the goal to improve the organizational performance by transfer of learning directly to work applications. Yi suggest three methods to foster learning in adult organizations: Problem-Based Learning which seeks to increase problem-solving and critical thinking skills; Cooperative Learning, which builds communication and interpersonal skills; and Situated Learning, which targets specific technical skills that can be directly related to the field of work (Yi, 2005). Each of these methods support the assumptions about how adults learn; specifically they are more self-directed, have a need for direct application to their work, and are able to contribute more to collaborative learning through their experience. Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner represents those theorists who have dismissed the idea of one type of intelligence as typically measured by today's psychometric instruments. He posited that there were seven (later eight) types of intelligences (Gardner, 1993): 1. Linguistic intelligence. 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence. 3. Spatial intelligence or the ability to form a mental model of the spatial world and to maneuver within it using this model. 4. Musical intelligence. 5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence or the ability to solve problems using one's body as performed by athletes, dancers and other craftspeople. 6. Interpersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand other people. 7. Intrapersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand one's self. Gardner (1993) maintains that the first two are the types of intelligence commonly measured by IQ tests, and which are commonly accepted as \"intelligence.\" Gardner later added an eighth intelligence to his taxonomy, Naturalist Intelligence, which he defined as \"expertise in the recognition and classification of the numerous species -- the flora and fauna -- of his or her environment\" (Gardner, 1999, p. 48) Sternberg's Triarchic Theory can be viewed as an interpretation of intelligence as information processing. Li (1996) provides us with a useful summary of Sternberg's theory. He tells us that: \"In Sternberg's general theory, there are three subtheories: the componential subtheory, the experiential subtheory and the contextual subtheory, each divided into subdomains of concern. The contextual subtheory deals with the context of intelligence. Intelligence in the real world requiring adaptation, selection, and/or shaping the environment. Measurement of contextual intelligence would relate to the issue of social perception, culture fairness, and cultural relativeness. The experiential subtheory deals with the issue of novelty and automatizing of processing. It is related to the notion of learning and the dynamic interplay between controlled and automated processing in the competition for cognitive resources. Finally, there is the componential subtheory, which is subdivided into (a) metacomponents, (b) performance components, and (c) knowledge acquisition components, which are directly related to learning\" (p. 38) This assignment uses material excerpted from the Wikipedia article, which is released under the Creative Commons AttributionShare-Alike License 3.0 Note: You will not need to do anything with this text box until the G Suite portion of your final project. Link #1: Link #2: Link #3: Paper Orders by Region OrderDate Region Rep Paper Code 1/6/15 Central Halpert B10 1/23/15 Central Halpert E5 2/9/15 Central Halpert A7 2/26/15 Central Halpert E12 3/15/15 Central Halpert A1 4/1/15 Central Halpert C4 4/18/15 Central Schrute D2 5/5/15 Central Schrute E12 5/22/15 Central Schrute B10 6/8/15 Central Schrute D4 6/25/15 Central Schrute A7 7/12/15 East Vance B10 7/29/15 East Vance E12 8/15/15 East Vance C4 9/1/15 East Vance G109 9/18/15 East Howard C3 10/5/15 East Howard D4 10/22/15 East Howard D4 11/8/15 East Howard E5 11/25/15 West Bernard A7 12/12/15 West Bernard A2 12/29/15 West Bernard C3 1/15/16 West 2/1/16 West 2/18/16 West 3/7/16 North 3/24/16 North 4/10/16 North 4/27/16 North 5/14/16 North Bernard Bernard Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson D4 E2 C4 E12 C4 B10 C4 A2 Total Average 54.38 Max 125.00 Min 19.96 Units Unit Cost Total 90.00 14.99 1,349.10 8.00 3.79 30.32 100.00 9.99 999.00 Total sales between January and May 1,600.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 56.00 2.99 167.44 60.00 4.99 299.40 75.00 1.99 149.25 90.00 4.99 449.10 600.00 32.00 1.99 63.68 400.00 60.00 8.99 539.40 90.00 4.99 449.10 29.00 1.99 57.71 81.00 19.99 1,619.19 35.00 4.99 174.65 2.00 125.00 250.00 16.00 15.99 255.84 28.00 8.99 251.72 64.00 8.99 575.36 15.00 19.99 299.85 96.00 4.99 479.04 67.00 1.29 86.43 74.00 15.99 1,183.26 46.00 87.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 66.00 96.00 53.00 8.99 15.00 4.99 19.99 4.99 1.99 4.99 1.29 413.54 1,305.00 19.96 139.93 249.50 131.34 479.04 68.37 1577 Total 12535.52 1,000.00 800.00 200.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 een January and May 5 6 7 8 9 Total orders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Adult Learning (Excerpted from Wikipedia for the purpose of editing) Overview Typical adult learning theories encompass the basic concepts of behavioral change and experience. From there, complexities begin to diverge specific theories and concepts in an eclectic barrage of inferences. Up until the 1950s basic definitions of learning were built around the idea of change in behavior (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999). After this point more complexities were introduced \"such as whether one needs to perform in order for learning to have occurred or whether all human behavior is learned \" (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999, p. 249). Jean Piaget states that there are "four invariant stages of cognitive development that are age related" (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999, p. 139). According to the authors, Piaget contends that normal children will reach the final stage of development, which is the stage of formal operations, between the age of twelve and fifteen. As cited by Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin (1975, 1984), established from the work of Gruber (1973)on the development of creative thought in adults, has attempted to identify a fifth stage of development, in addition to Piaget's formal operations. "She [Arlin] contends that formal thought actually consists of two distinct stages, not one, as Piaget proposed" (p. 141). Arlin (1975) proposes that Piaget's fourth stage, formal operations, be renamed the problem-solving stage. According to Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin's hypothesized fifth stage was the problem-finding stage. This stage focuses on problem discovery. Though Arlin's proposed fifth stage produced more questions than answers, it opens the door to understanding the learning needs of adults; to be approached as thinkers. According to a literature review by Ross (2002), humanism, personal responsibility orientation, behaviorism, neobehaviorism, critical perspectives, and constructivism are all important facets of, and perspectives on, adult learning theory. The most common treatments of the research of these areas of self-directed adult learning are learning projects, qualitative studies, and quantitative measures. Collins (1991) explores adult learning as the interactive relationship of theory and practice. In basic terms, the adult learner studies a particular theory and then puts it into practice when presented with the opportunity to do so. Thus, the understanding of an adult learning theory can prompt practice and practice can prompt adult learning theory revision. Adult Online Learners by Age Group 25-29 13% 30-39 19% 40-99 19% Andragogy Knowles (1968) popularized this European concept over thirty years ago. Andragogy, (andr 'man'), contrasted with instruction, means "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Knowles, 1980, p. 43). Knowles labeled andragogy as an emerging technology which facilitates the development and implementation of learning activities for adults. This emerging technology is based on six andragogical assumptions of the adult learner: 1. Need to Know: Adults need to know the reason for learning. 2. Experience: Adults draw upon their experiences to aid their learning. 3. Self Concept: Adult needs to be responsible for their decisions on education, involvement in planning and evaluation of their instruction. 4. Readiness: The learning readiness of adults is closely related to the assumption of new social roles. 5. Orientation: As a person learns new knowledge, he or she wants to apply it immediately in problem solving. 6. Motivation (Later added): As a person matures, he or she receives their motivation to learn from internal factors. These six assumptions dovetail with the thoughts and theories of others. Merriam and Caffarella (1999) point to three keys to transformational learning: experience, critical reflection and development. The aspect of experience (the second assumption to andragogy) seems like an important consideration in creating an effective learning opportunity for adults. The learning opportunity needs to be relevant and applicable to a person's set of experiences. Argote, McEvily, and Reagans (2003) point to experience as an important factor in one's ability to \"Within companies, instructional methods are designed for improving adult learners' knowledge and skills. It is important to distinguish the unique attributes of adult learners so as to be better able to incorporate the principles of adult learning in the design of instruction\" (Yi, 2005, p. 34). Within this context, adult learning is aimed at not only improving individual knowledge and skill, but ultimately it is the goal to improve the organizational performance by transfer of learning directly to work applications. Yi suggest three methods to foster learning in adult organizations: Problem-Based Learning which seeks to increase problem-solving and critical thinking skills; Cooperative Learning, which builds communication and interpersonal skills; and Situated Learning, which targets specific technical skills that can be directly related to the field of work (Yi, 2005). Each of these methods support the assumptions about how adults learn; specifically they are more self-directed, have a need for direct application to their work, and are able to contribute more to collaborative learning through their experience. Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner represents those theorists who have dismissed the idea of one type of intelligence as typically measured by today's psychometric instruments. He posited that there were seven (later eight) types of intelligences (Gardner, 1993): 1. Linguistic intelligence. 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence. 3. Spatial intelligence or the ability to form a mental model of the spatial world and to maneuver within it using this model. 4. Musical intelligence. 5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence or the ability to solve problems using one's body as performed by athletes, dancers and other craftspeople. 6. Interpersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand other people. 7. Intrapersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand one's self. Gardner (1993) maintains that the first two are the types of intelligence commonly measured by IQ tests, and which are commonly accepted as \"intelligence.\" Gardner later added an eighth intelligence to his taxonomy, Naturalist Intelligence, which he defined as \"expertise in the recognition and classification of the numerous species -- the flora and fauna -- of his or her environment\" (Gardner, 1999, p. 48) Sternberg's Triarchic Theory can be viewed as an interpretation of intelligence as information processing. Li (1996) provides us with a useful summary of Sternberg's theory. He tells us that: \"In Sternberg's general theory, there are three subtheories: the componential subtheory, the experiential subtheory and the contextual subtheory, each divided into subdomains of concern. The contextual subtheory deals with the context of intelligence. Intelligence in the real world requiring adaptation, selection, and/or shaping the environment. Measurement of contextual intelligence would relate to the issue of social perception, culture fairness, and cultural relativeness. The experiential subtheory deals with the issue of novelty and automatizing of processing. It is related to the notion of learning and the dynamic interplay between controlled and automated processing in the competition for cognitive resources. Finally, there is the componential subtheory, which is subdivided into (a) metacomponents, (b) performance components, and (c) knowledge acquisition components, which are directly related to learning\" (p. 38) This assignment uses material excerpted from the Wikipedia article, which is released under the Creative Commons AttributionShare-Alike License 3.0 Note: You will not need to do anything with this text box until the G Suite portion of your final project. Link #1: BA/edit?usp=sharing Link #2: WBc/edit?usp=sharing Link #3: Paper Orders by Region OrderDate Region Rep Paper Code 1/6/15 Central Halpert B10 1/23/15 Central Halpert E5 2/9/15 Central Halpert A7 2/26/15 Central Halpert E12 3/15/15 Central Halpert A1 4/1/15 Central Halpert C4 4/18/15 Central Schrute D2 5/5/15 Central Schrute E12 5/22/15 Central Schrute B10 6/8/15 Central Schrute D4 6/25/15 Central Schrute A7 7/12/15 East Vance B10 7/29/15 East Vance E12 8/15/15 East Vance C4 9/1/15 East Vance G109 9/18/15 East Howard C3 10/5/15 East Howard D4 10/22/15 East Howard D4 11/8/15 East Howard E5 11/25/15 West Bernard A7 12/12/15 West Bernard A2 12/29/15 West Bernard C3 1/15/16 West 2/1/16 West 2/18/16 West 3/7/16 North 3/24/16 North 4/10/16 North 4/27/16 North 5/14/16 North Bernard Bernard Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson D4 E2 C4 E12 C4 B10 C4 A2 Total Average 54.38 Max 125.00 Min 19.96 Units Unit Cost Total 90.00 14.99 1,349.10 8.00 3.79 30.32 100.00 9.99 999.00 Total sales between January and May 1,600.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 56.00 2.99 167.44 60.00 4.99 299.40 75.00 1.99 149.25 90.00 4.99 449.10 600.00 32.00 1.99 63.68 400.00 60.00 8.99 539.40 90.00 4.99 449.10 29.00 1.99 57.71 81.00 19.99 1,619.19 35.00 4.99 174.65 2.00 125.00 250.00 16.00 15.99 255.84 28.00 8.99 251.72 64.00 8.99 575.36 15.00 19.99 299.85 96.00 4.99 479.04 67.00 1.29 86.43 74.00 15.99 1,183.26 46.00 87.00 4.00 7.00 50.00 66.00 96.00 53.00 8.99 15.00 4.99 19.99 4.99 1.99 4.99 1.29 413.54 1,305.00 19.96 139.93 249.50 131.34 479.04 68.37 1577 Total 12535.52 1,000.00 800.00 200.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 een January and May 5 6 7 8 9 Total orders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Adult Learning (Excerpted from Wikipedia for the purpose of editing) Overview Typical adult learning theories encompass the basic concepts of behavioral change and experience. From there, complexities begin to diverge specific theories and concepts in an eclectic barrage of inferences. Up until the 1950s basic definitions of learning were built around the idea of change in behavior (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999). After this point more complexities were introduced \"such as whether one needs to perform in order for learning to have occurred or whether all human behavior is learned \" (Merriam and Caffarella, 1999, p. 249). Jean Piaget states that there are "four invariant stages of cognitive development that are age related" (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999, p. 139). According to the authors, Piaget contends that normal children will reach the final stage of development, which is the stage of formal operations, between the age of twelve and fifteen. As cited by Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin (1975, 1984), established from the work of Gruber (1973)on the development of creative thought in adults, has attempted to identify a fifth stage of development, in addition to Piaget's formal operations. "She [Arlin] contends that formal thought actually consists of two distinct stages, not one, as Piaget proposed" (p. 141). Arlin (1975) proposes that Piaget's fourth stage, formal operations, be renamed the problem-solving stage. According to Merriam and Caffarella (1999), Arlin's hypothesized fifth stage was the problem-finding stage. This stage focuses on problem discovery. Though Arlin's proposed fifth stage produced more questions than answers, it opens the door to understanding the learning needs of adults; to be approached as thinkers. According to a literature review by Ross (2002), humanism, personal responsibility orientation, behaviorism, neobehaviorism, critical perspectives, and constructivism are all important facets of, and perspectives on, adult learning theory. The most common treatments of the research of these areas of self-directed adult learning are learning projects, qualitative studies, and quantitative measures. Collins (1991) explores adult learning as the interactive relationship of theory and practice. In basic terms, the adult learner studies a particular theory and then puts it into practice when presented with the opportunity to do so. Thus, the understanding of an adult learning theory can prompt practice and practice can prompt adult learning theory revision. Adult Online Learners by Age Group 25-29 13% 30-39 19% 40-99 19% Andragogy Knowles (1968) popularized this European concept over thirty years ago. Andragogy, (andr 'man'), contrasted with instruction, means "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Knowles, 1980, p. 43). Knowles labeled andragogy as an emerging technology which facilitates the development and implementation of learning activities for adults. This emerging technology is based on six andragogical assumptions of the adult learner: 1. Need to Know: Adults need to know the reason for learning. 2. Experience: Adults draw upon their experiences to aid their learning. 3. Self Concept: Adult needs to be responsible for their decisions on education, involvement in planning and evaluation of their instruction. 4. Readiness: The learning readiness of adults is closely related to the assumption of new social roles. 5. Orientation: As a person learns new knowledge, he or she wants to apply it immediately in problem solving. 6. Motivation (Later added): As a person matures, he or she receives their motivation to learn from internal factors. These six assumptions dovetail with the thoughts and theories of others. Merriam and Caffarella (1999) point to three keys to transformational learning: experience, critical reflection and development. The aspect of experience (the second assumption to andragogy) seems like an important consideration in creating an effective learning opportunity for adults. The learning opportunity needs to be relevant and applicable to a person's set of experiences. Argote, McEvily, and Reagans (2003) point to experience as an important factor in one's ability to \"Within companies, instructional methods are designed for improving adult learners' knowledge and skills. It is important to distinguish the unique attributes of adult learners so as to be better able to incorporate the principles of adult learning in the design of instruction\" (Yi, 2005, p. 34). Within this context, adult learning is aimed at not only improving individual knowledge and skill, but ultimately it is the goal to improve the organizational performance by transfer of learning directly to work applications. Yi suggest three methods to foster learning in adult organizations: Problem-Based Learning which seeks to increase problem-solving and critical thinking skills; Cooperative Learning, which builds communication and interpersonal skills; and Situated Learning, which targets specific technical skills that can be directly related to the field of work (Yi, 2005). Each of these methods support the assumptions about how adults learn; specifically they are more self-directed, have a need for direct application to their work, and are able to contribute more to collaborative learning through their experience. Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner represents those theorists who have dismissed the idea of one type of intelligence as typically measured by today's psychometric instruments. He posited that there were seven (later eight) types of intelligences (Gardner, 1993): 1. Linguistic intelligence. 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence. 3. Spatial intelligence or the ability to form a mental model of the spatial world and to maneuver within it using this model. 4. Musical intelligence. 5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence or the ability to solve problems using one's body as performed by athletes, dancers and other craftspeople. 6. Interpersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand other people. 7. Intrapersonal intelligence which is the ability to understand one's self. Gardner (1993) maintains that the first two are the types of intelligence commonly measured by IQ tests, and which are commonly accepted as \"intelligence.\" Gardner later added an eighth intelligence to his taxonomy, Naturalist Intelligence, which he defined as \"expertise in the recognition and classification of the numerous species -- the flora and fauna -- of his or her environment\" (Gardner, 1999, p. 48) Sternberg's Triarchic Theory can be viewed as an interpretation of intelligence as information processing. Li (1996) provides us with a useful summary of Sternberg's theory. He tells us that: \"In Sternberg's general theory, there are three subtheories: the componential subtheory, the experiential subtheory and the contextual subtheory, each divided into subdomains of concern. The contextual subtheory deals with the context of intelligence. Intelligence in the real world requiring adaptation, selection, and/or shaping the environment. Measurement of contextual intelligence would relate to the issue of social perception, culture fairness, and cultural relativeness. The experiential subtheory deals with the issue of novelty and automatizing of processing. It is related to the notion of learning and the dynamic interplay between controlled and automated processing in the competition for cognitive resources. Finally, there is the componential subtheory, which is subdivided into (a) metacomponents, (b) performance components, and (c) knowledge acquisition components, which are directly related to learning\" (p. 38) This assignment uses material excerpted from the Wikipedia article, which is released under the Creative Commons AttributionShare-Alike License 3.0 Note: You will not need to do anything with this text box until the G Suite portion of your final project. Link #1: BA/edit?usp=sharing Link #2: WBc/edit?usp=sharing Link #3:

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