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I need this document with the same points, but please as summarized as possible. It should be the same in structure, but much shorter. Competence

I need this document with the same points, but please as summarized as possible. It should be the same in structure, but much shorter.



Expected Practices



Expected Completion Date

Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior


Make ethical decisions applying the standards of the Codeofethicsof NASW, relevant laws and regulations,models for takingofethical decisions, ethical conduct of research and additional codes of ethics as appropriate to the context.

  1. Analysisofcasesethics: Select ethical cases that are relevant and study eachone ofthem in detail. Analyze cases based on the ethical standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, applicable laws and regulations, etc. Consider how ethical principles are applied to make ethical decisions.

  1. Ethical decision-making simulations where simulated scenarios are created that present dilemmasethicalcommonin social work
  1. Submit the analyzesto review by supervisors or ethical colleagues. You can also perform periodic self-assessmentsof skillsof theethicalanalysis .

  1. After each simulation you can performagroup discussion to reflect on the decisions made and theprocessoftakeof ethical decisions.



Cognitive/affective processes

Use reflection and self-regulationto manage valuespersonal and maintain the


1.Diaryofethicalreflection :

Keep a reflection journalethicsinhewhich experiences and dilemmas are recorded


1.Journal Review: Take the time to review my notes periodically, so thatcanassessYeahThe notes show a


situationsof practice.

find in the intervention. Write regularly about how II felt,whichwerepersonal values at stakeandasHEThey applied ethical principles to address the situation.

2 .Analysis of Ethical Cases with Peers: Select specific ethical casesandShare them with fellow students. Organize discussion sessions in which ethical dilemmas are collectively analyzed, so that they can reflect on their own values and discuss the different ways in which these cases could be addressed.

ofthedilemmasethicaland how personal valuesinfluenceIn Myselftakeof decisions.

  1. Stakeinthe discussion

  1. Peerfeedback
  2. Solutionssuggested






Demonstrate professional behaviorin behavior;


  1. Appearance
    • Appropriate clothing
    • Hygienestaff

1.Observationdirectly from a supervisor or evaluator.

December 2


communicationoral, written and electronic

  • Positionandbody language
  1. CommunicationOral
    • Stake
    • Oratory
    • Peerfeedback
  2. CommunicationWritten
    • Quality of workwritings
    • Styleofprofessional writing
    • Revisionandedition 4. Electronic communication
    • Useemailprofessional
    • Securityof data
    • Timely responses
    • Managementofsocial networks
  1. Peer evaluation (colleagueseithercoworkers can provide feedback).

  1. Self appraisal

  1. Revisionof documents
  2. Professional portfolio


Wearthe technology in an ethical and appropriate manner to facilitatepracticeoutcomes

  1. Participate in courses or trainingaboutdigital ethics and online privacy .

  1. Implementmeasuressecurity to protect sensitive data from


  1. carry outethical self-assessment of practicestechnologies to identify possible areas of improvement.



3.Obtain informed consentfromthecustomersforuseof technology.

2.Surveys to clients asking them to evaluatehisexperience regarding the use of technology in interacting with me.

Cognitive/affective processes

Use monitoring and consultationfor guideprofessional judgment and behavior.

  1. Clinical case supervision: During clinical supervision, cases that present cognitive challenges are selectedandemotional. Work closely with a supervisorexperienced who can help analyze and understand the process in depth.

  1. Seek opportunities to participate in interprofessional consultations with other mental health professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, family therapists, or othersworkersspecializedsocial
  1. At the end of each supervision session, there will be reflection on how the supervision influenced the approach towardsthecasesandHow the supervisor's recommendations were applied in practice.

  1. Evaluate how the perspectives of others were integrated into practice and whether quality improvement was achievedofthecustomer service as a result of the consultation.



Engage diversity and differenceinthe practice


Apply and communicate understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping people's lives.experiencesof life in practice at the micro, mezzo and macro levels.

  1. Organize awareness and training sectionsinDiversity for the work team. Issues related to diversity can be addressedcultural,ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, etc. I have invited experts in these topics to teach the sections. During the sessions, you can exploretheshapesinthat each topic influences the life of each individual and how it affects positively or negatively.

  1. Developing Culturally Competent Treatment Plans: Work collaboratively with clients to develop treatment plans that reflect acomprehensiondepth of his experiences oflife and cultural dimensionsandperspectivesand diversity (the beliefs, values) that influence


  1. Surveys or questionnaires can be used to evaluate the knowledge acquired and the willingness to apply this knowledgeindaily practice

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of plans through continuous monitoring and review. Evaluations can be carried outregularly with clients to measure their satisfaction, progress, and the importance of interventions based on their cultural diversity and life experiences.




Introduce oneselfas trainees and involve clients and groups asexpertsin their own experiences.

  1. Carrytocapereflective interviews with clients where the objective is to learn from their experiences andperspectives
  2. Organize focus groups that include clientsandmembersofcommunityculturally diverse
  1. Record observations and learningsofevery interview

  1. Asktothecustomers feedbackabouthisinterview experience.

  1. Conduct surveysofsatisfactionforthus collect comments from participants aboutoftheutilityof the focus groups .



Cognitive/affective processes

Apply self-awarenessandself -regulationto manage the influence of personal biases and values when working with diverse clients and groups.

  1. Participate in training and workshops on awareness and competenceculturalto increase understanding of cultural differencesandhisimpactin practice.
  2. Seek reflective supervision with experienced professionals who can assist with explorationofthebiases



Carry out



peer or supervisor evaluations to obtain feedbackonmyapplicationof what was learned.

2. Record the specific strategies thatHEimplementin the reflective supervisory response.

can affect decisionsandpractices.

Promote human rightsand justicesocial, economic and environmental


Apply your understanding of social, economic and environmental justice to defend human rights tolevelindividualand of the system.

  1. Participate in campaignsdefendingofthehuman rights and social justice,alreadybetolevellocal, national or international.
  2. to impartworkshops,talks or educational programs to increase awareness of social, economic and environmental justice issues.
  1. Assessheimpact ofthecontributions to policy change or public awareness.

  1. Conductknowledge assessmentsbeforeand after the presentations to measureheimpactinunderstanding of social justice.
  2. Observe if they are generateddiscussionsand debates significant ineducational programs .




Engage in practices that promote justicesocial, economic and environmental

  1. Collaborate with disadvantaged communitiesto addresstheeconomic and social inequalities, such as lack of access to affordable housing or health care services.
  2. Workon advocacy and promotion of policies that address issues of social, economic and justice justice.environmental.Includingthe participationincampaigns that can promote these values.
  1. Trackofchanges in policies as a result of the efforts.
  2. Measure public awareness of issuesthatHEthey are promoting.

  1. Assesstheimprovementof theconditionsoflife in the communities in which we work.

  1. Carry outsurveys to measure community members' satisfaction with available services and resources.

December 2


Participatein practice-based researchand practicebased on the



WearthePractical experience and theory to inform research and scientific inquiry.

1.Identifyquestionschallenge-based researcheitherissuesthat you encounter in daily practice as a Social Worker.

1.Monitorialtherobustness and feasibility of the proposed research designs.

December 2


2. Design research studiesthataddress the questions considering methodological design, data collection, and sample selection.

2.Assessthequalityand the consistency of the data collected.

3.Perform statistical or qualitative analysisappropriate and communicate the results clearly .


Apply critical thinkingto participateinthe analysis of quantitative research methodsand qualitative and research findings.

  1. Select research studiesquantitative and qualitative data relevant toyoufieldofjoband performarevisioncriticism of them.

  1. Participate and/or in the analysis of quantitative data from research studies, in the analysis of qualitative data,identifying patterns, themes and trends in the qualitative data collected.
  1. Makepresentations or debatesbasedinthe critical review of research studies or data analysis.

  1. Collaborate with researchersexpertsinhefieldand share the analyzes with them.

December 2



Use and translate research evidence to informandimprove practice,

1.Develop evidence-based practice guidelines that provideguidelinesclear and based on

1.Performsurveys, interviews, or case reviews to evaluate whether evidence of



policies and deliveryof services

research for professionalsandcustomers.

2.Collaborate on applied research projects that aim to address problems or questionsspecificinthe practiceof thejobsocial.

investigationHEused in decision making and practice improvement.



Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that affectshewell-being, service provision and access to social services.

  1. Join advocacy groups or committees that address social policy issues and participate in meetings, awareness campaigns, or other activitiesofpromotion.

  1. Carry outindependent research on specific social policiesandsharefindings with colleagues, supervisors, and affected communities.
  1. Gatherfeedback from colleaguesandsupervisors about the usefulness and relevance of the research.

  1. Keep track of activities and contributions in groupsofdefending.




Assessas economicandsocial welfare policies affect the

benefitand the

1.Select practical cases of individuals or communities that have experienced difficultiesin itaccessto


1. Evaluate completenessanalysisofcases, thus measuring the ability to




access to servicessocial.

policieseconomiceitherof social welfare.

2.Look fortheresultsof existing social programs to determine if they are having a positive impact on the population affected by economic and social welfare policies.

policy impactsin specificsituations .

2.Documentyour program evaluation findings .Evaluate whether the programs are

meeting your objectivesdeclared.

Cognitive/affective processes

Apply critical thinkingto analyze, formulate and advocate for policies that promote rights human rights andsocial,economic and social rights .


  1. Select existing rights-related policieshumans,thejusticesocial andenvironmental,analyzingits effectiveness and compliance with ethical principles
  2. Formulate policy proposals that address human rights issuesinsetofJusticesocialandenvironmental.
  1. Measure what is the ability to identifydeficiencies and areas for improvement in policies.

  1. Evaluatingwhichisthe ability to clearly articulate the objectives of the policies already proposed.



Interactwith individuals, families, groups, organizationsand communities


Apply knowledge of human behaviorand the social environment, the person in the environment and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworksto interact with clients and interest groups.




Carry out



personalized interventionbasedin understanding human behavior and the social environment of clients or groups.

Thus using theoretical approachesfortackleyour needs.

2.Facilitatetherapeutic, support groups or communities of practice usingknowledge

aboutdynamicgroups and the social context.

periodic evaluations ofgroupsor communities with which intervention has been made, taking into account the group dynamics, the progress towardsthegoalsandthe satisfaction of the participants.

Cognitive/affective processes

Usetheempathy, reflection and interpersonal skillstoinvolveeffectively to variouscustomersand interest groups.

  1. Conduct individual interviewseitherwithinterest groups, demonstrating empathy by actively listening to their concerns,feelings and needs.

  1. To collaboratewithcommunity networks and organizations to address social problems.
  1. Evaluate my ability to listenandunderstand customer or group concerns. Measuretheeffectivenessof my empathy in building relationships of trust.
  2. Measureheimpactof community collaborations through evaluations



Assess individuals, families, groups, organizationsand communities

Cognitive/affective processes

Collect and organize data, and apply critical thinkingto interpret the informationofclients and interest groups

  1. Conduct assessment interviews with individual clients, families, groups, organizations, or community membersforgather relevant information about your needs, challenges and resources.

  1. Conduct a case studydetailedthatincludes gathering information about the client, their situation, needs and resources. Then,developaplan ofintervention based oninformationcollected.
  1. Spend time in reflective self-assessment after completing an assessment and collectionofdata alreadybeofacustomeror group.

  1. Collect feedbackabout the quality of the case study, the depth of informationcollected and the coherenceThe plan ofintervention.

December 2



Apply knowledgeabout human behaviorand the social environment, the person in the environment and other multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge.frames in the


  1. Participate in community researchthat involves assessing the needs and resources of a community. Using theoriesmultidisciplinary to analyze the collected data.
  2. Carry outstructured interviews with
  1. HEcanassessthe ability used to design research,collect and analyze data, and present findings that inform community decision-making .
  2. HEcanassessthe quality of the



customer evaluationandgroups

individualseithergroupsto collect relevant information. Using interview theories and communication skills.

interviews,including asking questions,theempathyand the collection of relevant data.


mutually agreed upon intervention goals and objectivesbased on the critical evaluation of strengths,needs and challenges.

within the clientsandgroups

  1. Analyzethestorieslife of individuals or families as part of the evaluation. Identifying past experiences, achievements and challenges that can inform futuregoal planning .
  2. Lead planning groups with community members or organizations, identifying collective goalsanddevelop action plans


  1. Canbeevaluated the ability to extract relevant information from life stories and apply it to goal planning.

  1. The effectiveness of the planning groups and the quality of the action plans generated canbeevaluated by observation and feedback.

December 2



Select appropriate interventionstrategiesbased ontheassessment,knowledgeofresearch and the values and preferences of clients and constituencies

  1. Stakeinteams ofplanningandtakeof decisions
  2. Studiesandanalysisof cases



December 2


studythatincludethe selection ofintervention strategies based on evaluation, research andvalues.

2. Evaluate how strategies align

withtheirneedsand preferences.

Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizationsand Communities

Cognitive/affective processes

choose and implement interventionsto achieve practice objectivesandimprove thecapabilitiesof clients and groups

  1. Assessmentofresults and goal achievements

  1. Carry out interventions as planned,adapting according tobenecessaryto address the needs

changingofthe clients





Results can be achieved through follow-ups with clients, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and reporting.aboutheachievement of objectives.

or groups.

2.Thefeedback fromthe clients themselves and the review of records and documentation of the intervention can

serveasshapesof evaluation.


Apply knowledgeabout human behaviorand the social environment, the person in the environment and other multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge.frameworks in interventions with clients and interest groups

  1. Conduct comprehensive assessments of needs, strengths, challengesandresourcesofclients or groups.

  1. Develop intervention plansbasedinthe theoryandthemultidisciplinary knowledge. The plans themselves must include clear objectives, strategiesofintervention and evaluation methods.
  1. canbe evaluated bytherevisionfrom evaluation reports, client interviews and feedback from supervisors.
  2. The quality and effectiveness of intervention plans can be evaluated bytherevisionof the plans, their alignmentwiththetheory and results





Use interprofessional collaborationaccording toappropriate to achieve beneficial practice results

  1. Establish effective channelsofcommunication with other professionals, including the transfer of informationrelevantandupdating on client progress.

  1. Work together to address needsofthecustomers from a perspective




December 2


timeliness of communication between professionals can be evaluatedthroughmonitoring communication records and satisfaction surveys.

2. Team cohesion, collaborationeffective and the ability to


strengths of each professional are indicatorsclueof success.


Negotiate,mediateand defend with and on behalf ofvarious clients and groups

  1. Act as a mediator foreasetheresolution of conflicts between differentparts.Aidparties to communicate, understand each other and find mutually acceptablesolutions .

  1. Defendtherightsand resources of clients or groups before systems, institutions or organizations thatmay be limiting your access to services or






effectiveness of mediationthroughreducing conflicts, improvingthe relationships between the parties and the feedback from the parties involved.

2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of defense by achieving positive changesinpolicies, practiceseitherdecisions that benefit



Facilitatetransitions and endingsthat promote mutually agreed objectives.

1.Collaborate with clients or groups to plan and prepare for important transitions,ashedischarge from a treatment, the completion of a

programeitherthetransition to

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of planningby monitoring preparation and customer satisfaction during the




astagedifferentoflife .

2. Provide emotional supportandpracticaltoclients or groups that are experiencing losses,alreadybetheloss of a loved one, a job or a relationship. Helps in the grieving and adaptation process.

2. Evaluate clients' emotional well-beingandhisability to cope with loss over time.

Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizationsand communities


Select and use appropriate methodsforthe evaluation of the results

  1. Implement the evaluation methods selected to collectdatarelevant aboutthe results ofthe intervention. This may include administering surveys, conductingofstructured interviews or observation of specific behaviors.
  2. Carriescapeheanalysis ofthedataofevaluation collected to identify patterns,


  1. Evaluatethequalityof the data collected, including the integrity,consistency and validity of the information.

  1. Evaluate accuracyand the validity of the results of the analysis ofdataandtheability to reach conclusions based on evidence.




Apply knowledgeabout human behaviorand the social environment, the person in the environment and other multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge.frameworks in the evaluation of results

  1. Identifyandselect the multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks that are most relevant to understanding and addressing the specific problems and challenges of your clients or interest groups.

  1. Design specific indicators that reflecttheresultsthatHEyou want to measure based on the

theoretical frameworks and variablesidentified.

  1. Evaluatetheselection offramestheoristsdepending on its relevance and applicability to the situation.

  1. Evaluatetheclarityand the suitability of the indicators developed for the evaluation.



Cognitive/affective processes

Critically analyze,monitor and evaluate the processes and results of the interventionandthe program

  1. Implementsystemsdata collection to capture informationabout how interventions are being carried out.Thismay include session logs, field notesor participation records .
  2. Analyzethedataof process and outcome critically to identify trends, patterns or areas of


  1. Evaluates the quality and consistency of the collected process data and whether it providesinsightsrelevant to the implementation of the intervention.

  1. Evaluate depth and qualityof theanalysisof data, as well as the ability to identify insights relevant.



analysisquantitativeand qualitative as appropriate.


Apply evaluation findings to improve effectivenessofpractice at the micro, mezzo and macro levels

  1. Feedbackof resultstotheclients highlighting the strengths and areas of improvement identified.

  1. Look foropportunitiestraining and professional development to improve skills and knowledge in areas identified as needs.





communication effectivenessofthe results to clients and whether they are satisfied with the feedback provided.

2. Evaluate the effectiveness of training and its impact on capacityforprovide more practice



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