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ACC121 Crossword Puzzle ACROSS DOWN Add tional cost, dat aame from an actnty of the organnon. 5 Finance provided to sopport the shorn-tem assets of the business. Cost associoted with goods or services parchased, or produced, foe sale (Along with 20 Across) Costs that ace treated as expenses in the persod Ameasure ofthe beneir sacrfced on one conne of action is chosen as prefesence to another Present value of tde cash inflows minus the present outflows, all discoanted ar the cost of capital value od the cash Peocess which assists managenent decision making by peoviding n a varity of was depeoding on the judgemests or decssons requared l6 (Along wirh 10 Dowrw ) Sunemens of the financial posinson of an entiry See 16 Across 10 showing assets, liabilitries and ownership claim. Cost that is such as prodacts or services or departiments See 11 Across 12 Budget that is desigmed to change when the volune of activity changes 15 The cost of one unit of output 20 oe service or department of the business Pricing besed on full cost of production phes desired profn. Abo called fall cost pricing 4 Tanget cost which should be atained under specified operating 24 Point of cont, are equal activity (measured as sales volemse) where total sales and toral conditions, Expressed in cost per unit. 25 The peoduct oe service provided by the eserpeie or one of in operating unts See 29 Across 27 Costing Also knownas ABC. 20 (Along with 26 Down) Estimated amount that an entity would 26 28 Delaware, according to the USPS Ser by management withour anviting those who will budgets to pasticipate in the process of sering the budgets. Abo caled 30 ACC121 Crossword Puzzle ACROSS DOWN Add tional cost, dat aame from an actnty of the organnon. 5 Finance provided to sopport the shorn-tem assets of the business. Cost associoted with goods or services parchased, or produced, foe sale (Along with 20 Across) Costs that ace treated as expenses in the persod Ameasure ofthe beneir sacrfced on one conne of action is chosen as prefesence to another Present value of tde cash inflows minus the present outflows, all discoanted ar the cost of capital value od the cash Peocess which assists managenent decision making by peoviding n a varity of was depeoding on the judgemests or decssons requared l6 (Along wirh 10 Dowrw ) Sunemens of the financial posinson of an entiry See 16 Across 10 showing assets, liabilitries and ownership claim. Cost that is such as prodacts or services or departiments See 11 Across 12 Budget that is desigmed to change when the volune of activity changes 15 The cost of one unit of output 20 oe service or department of the business Pricing besed on full cost of production phes desired profn. Abo called fall cost pricing 4 Tanget cost which should be atained under specified operating 24 Point of cont, are equal activity (measured as sales volemse) where total sales and toral conditions, Expressed in cost per unit. 25 The peoduct oe service provided by the eserpeie or one of in operating unts See 29 Across 27 Costing Also knownas ABC. 20 (Along with 26 Down) Estimated amount that an entity would 26 28 Delaware, according to the USPS Ser by management withour anviting those who will budgets to pasticipate in the process of sering the budgets. Abo caled 30