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I run my code on the command line but when I do I seem to get a segmentation fault. What could be wrong with it.

I run my code on the command line but when I do I seem to get a segmentation fault. What could be wrong with it.

The goal of the code is to take a .csv and organize the information in rows and coloumns

Here is the main code



#include "../include/common.h"

#include "../include/stats.h"

#include "../include/utils.h"

#include "../include/io.h"

// this function counts the number of columns and valid lines in

// fname and assigns then to cols and rows, respectively

void get_num_lines(const char *fname, const char delim, int *rows, int *cols);

// this function assigns the stock values and volume to their respective arrays

// you need to make sure you're not parsing blank lines. use rows and cols as

// an extra safety measure to prevent you from accessing unallocated memory

void get_1d_array_values(const char *fname, float *open, float *close, float *high, float *low, float *volume, char delim, int rows, int cols);

// the function assigns the stock values and dates to 2d-arrays. stocks_array should have a size

// columns x rows. volume should be included in stocks_array and treated as a float since all the

// statistics done on the volume array will be of type float

void get_2d_array_values(const char *fname, float **stocks_array, char **date, char delim, int rows, int cols);

// this function takes in a stats_array of structures containing statistics for each of the data

// arrays in our file: open, high, low close, volume and prints a pretty-formatted tabled with the results

// like the one shown in the project writeup

void print_stats_table(const Stats *stats_array, int size);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])


int size, i;

char delim = ',';

// structure that holds the stats for an array

Stats stats,


// individual arrays that hold the stock values

float *stocks, // stock values from options 1-4

*open, // open stock price from option 5

*close, // close stock price from option 5

*high, // high stock price from option 5

*low, // low stock price from option 5

*volume; // trade volume of stock from option 5

char **date; // array of strings to hold the date from option 5

float **stocks_array; // 2d array to hold the open, close, high, low , & volume stock prices from option 5

int option = 0, rows = 0, cols = 0;

if (argc == 1)


// greet and get the stock values


printf("How many stocks prices would you like to analyze? ");

scanf("%d", &size);

stocks = (float *) malloc(size * sizeof(float));

if(stocks == NULL)


printf("Error! Cannot allocate memory for stocks - Exiting... ");



read_array(stocks, size);

option = 1;


else if (argc == 2)


char *pointer1 = NULL;

char temp_delim = '.';

pointer1 = strchr(argv[1], temp_delim);

if (pointer1 != NULL)


char *fname = argv[1];

get_num_lines(fname, delim, &rows, &cols);

open = (float *) malloc (rows *sizeof(float));

close = (float *) malloc (rows *sizeof(float));

high = (float *) malloc (rows *sizeof(float));

low = (float *) malloc (rows *sizeof(float));

volume = (float *) malloc (rows *sizeof(float));

stocks_array = (float **) malloc (rows * sizeof(float));

date = (char **) malloc (rows * sizeof(char *));

for (int i =0; i


stocks_array[i] = (float *) malloc ((cols-1) * sizeof(float));

date[i] = (char *) malloc (10 * sizeof(char));


get_1d_array_values(fname, open, close, high, low, volume, delim, rows, cols);

stats_array = (Stats *) malloc ((cols -1) *sizeof(Stats));

get_stats(stats_array, open, rows);

get_stats(stats_array + 1, close, rows);

get_stats(stats_array + 2, high, rows);

get_stats(stats_array + 3, low, rows);

get_stats(stats_array + 4, volume, rows);

print_stats_table (stats_array, cols - 1);



char *ptr = NULL;

ptr = strchr(argv[1], delim);

// does the string contain the delimiter???

if (ptr == NULL) // this is case $ ./stocks.x 4


size = atoi(argv[1]);

stocks = (float *) malloc(size * sizeof(float));

if(stocks == NULL)


printf("Error! Cannot allocate memory for stocks - Exiting... ");



read_array(stocks, size);

option = 1;


else // this is case $ ./stocks 1,2,3,4



size = get_num_tokens(argv[1], delim);

stocks = (float *) malloc(size * sizeof(float));

if(stocks == NULL)


printf("Error! Cannot allocate memory for stocks - Exiting... ");



get_tokens_array(argv[1], stocks, size, delim);

option = 1;



else if (argc > 2) // this is case $ ./stocks.x 1 2 3 4


// ignore the executable

size = argc - 1;

stocks = (float *) malloc(size * sizeof(float));

if(stocks == NULL)


printf("Error! Cannot allocate memory for stocks - Exiting... ");



// assign all the values but the executable to the array

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)

stocks[i] = atof(argv[i+1]);

option = 1;


if (option == 1)


// get stats and print results

get_stats(&stats, stocks, size);

print_results(&stats, stocks, size);

// free memory



return 0;


void get_num_lines(const char *fname, char delim, int *rows, int *cols)


int c, r; //colum and rows

char row[256] = {0x0};

FILE *project_5;

project_5 = fopen( fname, "r");

delim = ',';

while( !feof (project_5))


fgets(row, 255, project_5);

if(row[0] == ' ')





char *token = strtok(row, &delim);

while(token != NULL)



token = strtok(NULL, &delim);


*cols = c;

*rows = r;



void get_1d_array_values(const char *fname, float *open, float *close, float *high, float *low, float *volume, char delim, int rows, int cols)


int i =0;

char row[256];

char temp_row[1024];

char *token;

FILE *project_5;

project_5 = fopen(fname, "r");

fseek(project_5, 0, SEEK_SET);

fgets(row, 255, project_5);

for (i =0; i < rows; i++)


fgets(row, 255, project_5);

strcpy(temp_row, row);

token = strtok(temp_row, &delim);

token = strtok(NULL, &delim);

open[i] = atof(token);

token = strtok(NULL, &delim);

close[i] = atof(token);

token = strtok(NULL, &delim);

high[i] = atof(token);

token = strtok(NULL, &delim);

low[i] = atof(token);

token = strtok(NULL, &delim);

volume[i] = atof(token);




void get_2d_array_values(const char *fname, float **stocks_array, char **date, char delim, int rows, int cols)


FILE *project_5;

project_5 = fopen(fname, "r");

int r, c, end_coloumn;

char* token;

char row[256];

for(r=0; r < rows; ++r)


fgets(row, 255, project_5);

token = strtok(row, &delim);

for (c=1; c < cols; ++c)


token = strtok(NULL, &delim);

if ( c == 1)


end_coloumn = (token - &row[0]);


stocks_array[r][c] = atof(token);


for(end_coloumn = 0; end_coloumn > 0; --end_coloumn)


date[r][end_coloumn] = row[end_coloumn];





void print_stats_table(const Stats *stats_array, int size)


int i = 0;

printf(" open high low close volume ");

printf("min: ");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


printf("%2f ",stats_array[i].min);


printf(" max: ");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


printf("%2f ",stats_array[i].max);


printf(" average: ");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


printf("%2f ",stats_array[i].mean);


printf(" stdv: ");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


printf("%2f ",stats_array[i].stddev);


printf(" median: ");

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)


printf("%2f ",stats_array[i].median);



Here are the rest of the codes incase you want to try to run it


#include #include "io.h"

// prompt the user for input and read the values into an array void read_array(float *array, int size) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { printf ("Please enter stock entry #%d: ", i+1); scanf("%f", array + i); } }

// say hi to the user void print_greeting(void) { printf("you put whatever greeting you want here "); }

// display array values void print_array(const float array[], int size) { int i = 0;

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) printf("%.2f ", array[i]);

printf(" ");


// print the stat results including input data void print_results(const Stats *stats, const float array[], int size) {

printf(" Say something here about the ouput "); print_array(array, size); print_stats(stats);


// print the stat results including input data void print_stats(const Stats *stats) {

printf(" Say something here about the ouput "); printf("%-10s $%.2f ", "min:", stats->min); printf("%-10s $%.2f ", "max:", stats->max); printf("%-10s $%.2f ", "mean:", stats->mean); printf("%-10s $%.2f ", "stddev:", stats->stddev); printf("%-10s $%.2f ", "median:", stats->median);



#ifndef IO_H #define IO_H #include "common.h"

void read_array(float *array, int size); void print_greeting(void); void print_array(const float array[], int size); void print_results(const Stats *stats, const float array[], int size); void print_stats(const Stats *stats);




#include "stats.h"

// sorts the values of an array according to order

void sort (float output[], const int size, char order)


int i, j;

float temp;

if (order == 'a' || order == 'A')


for ( i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i )

for ( j = i + 1; j < size; ++j )

if ( output[i] > output[j] )


temp = output[i];

output[i] = output[j];

output[j] = temp;



else if (order == 'd' || order == 'D')


for ( i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i )

for ( j = i + 1; j < size; ++j )

if ( output[i] < output[j] )


temp = output[i];

output[i] = output[j];

output[j] = temp;






// calculates the mean of the elements of an array

float get_average(const float array[], int size)


int i;

float sum = 0.0;

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

sum += array[i];

sum /= size;

return sum;


// calculates the variance of the emelemts of an array

// this function calls the get_average to get the mean

float get_variance(const float array[], int size)


int i;

float sum = 0.0;

float mean = get_average(array, size);

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

sum += array[i] * array[i];

sum = sum/size - mean*mean;

return sum;


// gets the median of an array after it sorts it

float get_median(const float array[], int size)


int i;

float temp_array[size]; // temp array tp be manipulated

float median;

// copy oroginal array to the temp array

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

temp_array[i] = array[i];

sort(temp_array, size, 'a');

if (size % 2 == 0)

median = (temp_array[size/2] + temp_array[size/2-1])/2.0;


median = temp_array[size/2];

return median;


// finds the maximum value of the elements of an array

float get_max(const float array[], int size)


int i;

float max = array[0];

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

if (array[i] >= max)

max = array[i];

return max;


// finds the minimum value of the elements of an array

float get_min(const float array[], int size)


int i;

float min = array[0];

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

if (array[i] <= min)

min = array[i];

return min;



#ifndef STATS_H #define STATS_H

void sort (float output[], int size, char order); float get_average(const float array[], int size); float get_variance(const float array[], int size); float get_median(const float array[], int size); float get_max(const float array[], int size); float get_min(const float array[], int size);



#include #include "utils.h" #include "stats.h" int get_num_tokens(const char str[], char delim) { int counter = 0; char temp[1024]; strcpy(temp, str);

char *token = strtok(temp, &delim);

while(token) { counter++; token = strtok(NULL, &delim); }

return counter; }

void get_tokens_array(const char str[], float array[], int size, char delim) { char temp[1024]; strcpy(temp, str); char *token = strtok(temp, &delim); int idx = 0; array[idx] = atof(token);

while(token && idx < size - 1) { token = strtok(NULL, &delim); array[++idx] = atof(token); }


void get_stats(Stats *stats, const float array[], int size) { // get the stats stats->mean = get_average(array, size); stats->stddev= sqrt(get_variance(array, size)); stats->min = get_min(array, size); stats->max = get_max(array, size); stats->median = get_median(array, size); }


#ifndef UTILS_H #define UTILS_H

#include #include #include "common.h"

int get_num_tokens(const char str[], char delim); void get_tokens_array(const char str[], float array[], int size, char delim);

void get_stats(Stats *stats, const float array[], int size);



#ifndef COMMON_H #define COMMON_H

typedef struct { float min, max, mean, stddev, median; } Stats;


The test file is big but here it is


13-Oct-17 39.44 39.81 39.28 39.67 16829366
12-Oct-17 39.35 39.39 38.98 39.19 18286944
11-Oct-17 39.48 39.67 39.06 39.3 30754708
10-Oct-17 39.93 39.95 39.38 39.65 29890017
9-Oct-17 39.68 39.88 39.52 39.86 18494080
6-Oct-17 39.6 39.89 39.42 39.63 18887536
5-Oct-17 39.5 39.65 39.21 39.53 17710277
4-Oct-17 39.39 39.4 38.86 39.34 28368824
3-Oct-17 38.95 39.7 38.95 39.38 34002193
2-Oct-17 38.12 39.09 38.08 39.04 37394514
29-Sep-17 37.84 38.15 37.7 38.08 23217336
28-Sep-17 37.32 37.88 37.29 37.83 21171441
27-Sep-17 37.62 37.69 37.1 37.54 25727062
26-Sep-17 37.21 37.64 37 37.47 29790369
25-Sep-17 37.05 37.23 36.85 37.16 23180838
22-Sep-17 36.95 37.22 36.95 37.18 21631754
21-Sep-17 36.99 37.27 36.85 37.2 22954158
20-Sep-17 37.23 37.29 36.66 37.07 23957476
19-Sep-17 37.2 37.3 37.02 37.23 23850525
18-Sep-17 37 37.33 36.8 37 19393834
15-Sep-17 36.55 37.08 36.22 37 33596072
14-Sep-17 36.19 36.7 36.16 36.48 18093946
13-Sep-17 36 36.4 35.97 36.33 15509787
12-Sep-17 35.88 36.34 35.74 36.09 19489892
11-Sep-17 35.49 36 35.14 35.77 20037575
8-Sep-17 35.19 35.54 35.08 35.19 14125018
7-Sep-17 35.88 35.95 35.33 35.54 16297077
6-Sep-17 35.22 35.94 35.11 35.76 28076438
5-Sep-17 35.02 35.33 34.93 35.02 19300594
1-Sep-17 35.24 35.39 35.07 35.09 12821972
31-Aug-17 34.94 35.18 34.87 35.07 16366772
30-Aug-17 34.75 34.96 34.63 34.89 18565007
29-Aug-17 34.51 34.75 34.46 34.73 15843668
28-Aug-17 34.78 34.8 34.59 34.65 20712876
25-Aug-17 34.82 34.93 34.58 34.67 14726829
24-Aug-17 34.7 34.89 34.55 34.71 14301892
23-Aug-17 34.54 34.81 34.38 34.66 19648134
22-Aug-17 35.02 35.19 34.62 34.65 26097791
21-Aug-17 35.09 35.28 34.7 34.92 26493271
18-Aug-17 35.29 35.31 34.99 35.01 16231408
17-Aug-17 35.6 35.68 35.17 35.17 19524961
16-Aug-17 35.98 36.07 35.56 35.81 22013991
15-Aug-17 36.3 36.32 35.82 36 21706563
14-Aug-17 36.12 36.47 36.08 36.34 18469448
11-Aug-17 36.26 36.4 35.79 35.87 19275060
10-Aug-17 36.4 36.56 36.11 36.14 22693316
9-Aug-17 36.28 36.66 36.02 36.59 22796797
8-Aug-17 36.37 36.7 36.3 36.41 22819871
7-Aug-17 36.39 36.55 36.22 36.43 18169335
4-Aug-17 36.45 36.56 36.1 36.3 20520301
3-Aug-17 36.55 36.59 36.15 36.49 26611347
2-Aug-17 36.33 36.67 36.06 36.64 35004283
1-Aug-17 35.66 36.43 35.57 36.35 38710244
31-Jul-17 35.47 35.74 35.32 35.47 27056989
28-Jul-17 35.13 35.86 35 35.31 36291484
27-Jul-17 34.78 35.25 34.67 34.97 43062842
26-Jul-17 34.7 34.97 34.59 34.75 15499322
25-Jul-17 34.55 34.74 34.4 34.67 18096682
24-Jul-17 34.73 34.8 34.38 34.5 16146284
21-Jul-17 34.54 34.82 34.4 34.73 22245041
20-Jul-17 34.54 34.84 34.48 34.75 17506216
19-Jul-17 34.68 34.68 34.46 34.56 17036197
18-Jul-17 34.43 34.58 34.25 34.53 14362830
17-Jul-17 34.74 34.74 34.36 34.47 21044407
14-Jul-17 34.48 34.71 34.26 34.68 16316353
13-Jul-17 34.33 34.4 34.12 34.24 15046199
12-Jul-17 34.28 34.39 33.94 34.25 23768337
11-Jul-17 33.64 33.93 33.43 33.92 25737540
10-Jul-17 33.25 33.74 33.23 33.65 29918436
7-Jul-17 33.7 34.12 33.7 33.88 18304460
6-Jul-17 34.12 34.29 33.56 33.63 20733189
5-Jul-17 33.52 34.43 33.48 34.34 30010803
3-Jul-17 33.51 34.03 33.43 33.46 12676894
30-Jun-17 33.87 33.93 33.54 33.74 24432020
29-Jun-17 33.92 34.1 33.34 33.54 25215664
28-Jun-17 33.77 34.24 33.74 34.2 25940057
27-Jun-17 34 34.14 33.65 33.65 27078918
26-Jun-17 34.26 34.51 34.03 34.07 18854766
23-Jun-17 34.21 34.55 34.1 34.19 29260888
22-Jun-17 34.56 34.63 34.29 34.36 24602910
21-Jun-17 34.33 34.6 34.09 34.58 27138493
20-Jun-17 35.45 35.45 34.84 34.86 21536505
19-Jun-17 35.61 35.61 35.32 35.51 21583752
16-Jun-17 35.28 35.33 35.01 35.21 30762781
15-Jun-17 35.21 35.48 35.14 35.31 20410009
14-Jun-17 35.99 36.05 35.22 35.53 19149017
13-Jun-17 35.68 35.95 35.53 35.88 20588247
12-Jun-17 35.59 36.01 35.41 35.73 28488290
9-Jun-17 36.5 36.56 35.31 35.71 33322053
8-Jun-17 36.34 36.53 36.16 36.48 17154167
7-Jun-17 36.13 36.57 36.1 36.26 17191983
6-Jun-17 36.16 36.45 35.98 36.13 18420926
5-Jun-17 36.3 36.5 36.2 36.34 11685699
2-Jun-17 36.27 36.33 36 36.32 19127420
1-Jun-17 36.12 36.13 35.8 36.12 17510915
31-May-17 36.31 36.38 35.87 36.11 17741896
30-May-17 36.27 36.44 36.09 36.18 13026915
26-May-17 36.26 36.33 36.13 36.26 11145523
25-May-17 36.12 36.39 36.06 36.26 13148542
24-May-17 35.98 36.18 35.89 36.12 20860257
23-May-17 35.87 35.99 35.56 35.86 16903704
22-May-17 35.48 36.11 35.38 35.77 14638066
19-May-17 35.15 35.55 35.13 35.4 18340127
18-May-17 35.19 35.47 35.08 35.22 17171872
17-May-17 35.67 35.99 35.02 35.04 26670188
16-May-17 35.75 35.89 35.42 35.82 22291843
15-May-17 35.54 35.72 35.42 35.63 22120137
12-May-17 35.72 35.74 35.4 35.53 19730842
11-May-17 35.91 36 35.45 35.69 21508923
10-May-17 36.27 36.38 35.93 36.01 25133822
9-May-17 36.48 36.75 36.28 36.37 17819144
8-May-17 36.73 36.85 36.48 36.54 17660214
5-May-17 36.86 36.93 36.5 36.82 18119243
4-May-17 36.99 37.11 36.64 36.85 16437088
3-May-17 36.72 37.17 36.62 36.98 22040256

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