i want the numbers please
Lab 40: Practice with grep and piping - Practice using snow.txt To complete this part of the practice you will need access to the snow.bxt file posted in this module. You can access it two Copy the snow.txt file into your virtual machine (making sure to save it somewhere that you know how to access). -OR- Create a new file named snow.txt using gedit and copy and paste the contents of snow.txt into your new 1. How many lines are in the snow.txt file? How many words are in the snow.txt file? Command used: we snow.txt Note: If you do not get 4558 & 4593, then your file is corrupt. Start over. 2. How many times does the word snow (all lowercase) appear alone OR as part of another word? e include snow, snow1, snow-ball, snowball, snowflake but NOT Snow, SNOW, Snowl) in ne anomalies 4558 4593 Command used: we snow.bet Command Used: 3. How many times does the word snow appear alone OR as part of another word? The Indude SNOW, Snow, snow, snowi, etc. as well as snowball, snowflake, etc.) Command used: 4. How many times does the word snow appear alone? e include SNOW, Snow, snow, snowi, snow-ball but NOT snowball, snowflake, etc.) Command used: 5. How many times does the word snow (all lowercase) appear alone? (e. include snow, snow1, snow-ball but NOT Snow, SNOW, snowball, snowflake, etc.) Command used: 6. On what line does the word Mrs.Snow appear? Command used: 7. on what line does the word snowman (all lowercase) appear? Command used: 8. What word appears on the line immediately below the word snowpatrol? Command used 9. Which word appears first in the file? snowlion or sweetsnow? Command used: 10. Given the results of a search on snow (all 4557 instances), how many of the words in the results include an exclamation point? Command used: 11. Given the results of a search on snow (all 4557 instances, how many of the words in the results include the word snowcone? Command used: Lab 40: Practice with grep and piping - Practice using snow.txt To complete this part of the practice you will need access to the snow.bxt file posted in this module. You can access it two Copy the snow.txt file into your virtual machine (making sure to save it somewhere that you know how to access). -OR- Create a new file named snow.txt using gedit and copy and paste the contents of snow.txt into your new 1. How many lines are in the snow.txt file? How many words are in the snow.txt file? Command used: we snow.txt Note: If you do not get 4558 & 4593, then your file is corrupt. Start over. 2. How many times does the word snow (all lowercase) appear alone OR as part of another word? e include snow, snow1, snow-ball, snowball, snowflake but NOT Snow, SNOW, Snowl) in ne anomalies 4558 4593 Command used: we snow.bet Command Used: 3. How many times does the word snow appear alone OR as part of another word? The Indude SNOW, Snow, snow, snowi, etc. as well as snowball, snowflake, etc.) Command used: 4. How many times does the word snow appear alone? e include SNOW, Snow, snow, snowi, snow-ball but NOT snowball, snowflake, etc.) Command used: 5. How many times does the word snow (all lowercase) appear alone? (e. include snow, snow1, snow-ball but NOT Snow, SNOW, snowball, snowflake, etc.) Command used: 6. On what line does the word Mrs.Snow appear? Command used: 7. on what line does the word snowman (all lowercase) appear? Command used: 8. What word appears on the line immediately below the word snowpatrol? Command used 9. Which word appears first in the file? snowlion or sweetsnow? Command used: 10. Given the results of a search on snow (all 4557 instances), how many of the words in the results include an exclamation point? Command used: 11. Given the results of a search on snow (all 4557 instances, how many of the words in the results include the word snowcone? Command used