I want u to answer question 12
Homework 3. SQL Due on ons Write the following SQL commands in a hw3.sql file. Make sure you have set echo on in the beginning of the file. Also, spool your output to hw3.txt. Run hw3.sql until there is no error. Turn in a print out of the hw3.txt. You are encouraged to use comments to clearly label each question. You should start by writing, saving, and running a few commands, then gradually add more commands to your 1. Write an SQL command to delete a table named STUDENTS 2. Write an SQL command to create the STUDENTS table, with the following columns: SSN Lastname char(10) Firstname char(10) char(9) GPA DOB char(10) number(3,2) date 3. Write SQL commands to insert the following 4 student records into the STUDENT table. GPA DOB 3.41 5/18/92 3.25 3/11/90 2.82 10/11/91 2.78 4/4/91 Smith Smith 102 103 104 IS FIN HRM IS 4. Write an SQL command to display all records of the STUDENTS table 5. Write an SQL command to insert a new student record. This student's SSN is 105. Her last name is 'Lee' and first name is Jamie'. Her birthday is April 1, 1983. We have no information of her major and GPA, so leave them blank 6. Write an SQL command to save all records. 7. Write an SQL command to display only the last name and first name of all students. 8. Write an SQL command to display the last name and first name of all students whose GPA is higher than 3 9. Write an SQL command to display all columns of students whose major is not IS 10, write an SQL command to display students whose first name start with the letterJ, and last name start with the letter "S" 11. Write an SQL command to change student 101's major to FIN 12. Write an SQL command to undo the change of 101's major (that is, student 101 's major is still IS.) 13. Write one SQL code to change student 102's major to MKT' and GPA to 3.3