I chose Gross Profit Rate, all these questions are revolving around gross profit rate of delta airlines
- Using the data provided, write out the formula and result for the three most recent yearsfor your selected company. Include the name of the company.
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Ratios & Consolidated Balance Sheets & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{ Consolidated Statements of Oper } & per \\ \hline \multirow{2}{*}{\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ Censelidated Statements of Operations - USD (S) 5 in Milisiens }} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{12 Months Ended } & \multirow[b]{2}{*}{ Dec. 31.2019} \\ \hline & & Dec. 31,2022 & Dec. 51.2021 & Dec. 31,2020 & \\ \hline \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{ Pakcenger: } \\ \hline Total passenger & enue & 40.218 & 22,519 & 1283 & 42.277 \\ \hline Cargo & & 1,050 & 1,032 & 608 & 753 \\ \hline Other & & 9314 & 6,348 & 3,604 & 3,977 \\ \hline Total operating & ense & 50,582 & 29,899 & 17.095 & 47,007 \\ \hline \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{ Operating Expesce: } \\ \hline Salarics and rela & cesats & 11,902 & 9,728 & 8,754 & 11.225 \\ \hline Aircraft fuel and & lated taxes. & 11,482 & 5,653 & 3,176 & R,519 \\ \hline Regonal carriet & xpense & 2,081 & 5,693 & 2.479 & 3,584 \\ \hline Depreciation an & mortiration & 2.107 & 1,998 & 2.312 & 2,581 \\ \hline Contracted serv: & & 3.345 & 2,430 & 1,778 & 2.641 \\ \hline Aircraft mainter & ce materials and outside repain: & 1,982 & 1,201 & 822 & 1.751 \\ \hline Passenger comm & ions and other selling expenses & 1.891 & 953 & 582 & 1,993 \\ \hline Landing fees an & dher teess & 2.181 & 2,019 & 1518 & 1.762 \\ \hline Paksenger servik & & 1.453 & 756 & 523 & 1.251 \\ \hline Profit waring & & 563 & 108 & 0 & 1,643 \\ \hline Aireraft vent & & 50x & 410 & 399 & 423 \\ \hline Restructuring sh & & -124 & -19 & 8.219 & 0 \\ \hline Govemment yra & recovenition & 0 & 4,512 & 3,946 & 0 \\ \hline Otber & & 7580 & 1,405 & 2.948 & 3016 \\ \hline Total epsiatine & ense & 46.921 & 2x,013 & 29,564 & 40,359 \\ \hline Operating lacon & & 3,061 & 1.KM6 & -12.469 & 6,618 \\ \hline \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{ Nen-Operating Expense! } \\ \hline Interest experese & & 1,020 & -1.279 & 2920 & -101 \\ \hline Impairments and & quity mcthod losses & +20 & -337 & 2.432 & +2 \\ \hline Uneratined gain & tos en investments, net & 72 & 46 & -105 & 119 \\ \hline Miscelleseon. & & 85 & 72 & 348 & .176 \\ \hline Total not-opsrai & expense, net & -1.747 & 1,48KB & 3,11k & -420 \\ \hline Income before & vens Twes & 1,914 & 398 & 15.57 & 6.196 \\ \hline Inoome Tax Pro & & -596 & -118 & 3,202 & 1,431 \\ \hline Net Icae & & 51,318 & & 5(12,158) & 54,767 \\ \hline Bave Earming & Share (USS per thare) & 52.07 & 50.44 & 5(10.49) & 5.32 \\ \hline Diluted tarning & er Sharv (USS per share) & 2.06 & 0.44 & (19.49) & 7,30 \\ \hline Cash Dividends & clared for Share (USs per share) & 5000 & 5000 & 50.40 & 5131 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Consolidated Statements of Cas \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Consolidated Balance Sheets & Consolidated Stater & nents of e & per & onsolidate \\ \hline Consolidated Balance Shests - USD (S) 5 in Malliens & Dec, 31,2022 & Dee, 31.2021 & Dat, 31, 2020 & Dec. 31.2019 \\ \hline \\ \hline Cash and cash cquivalents & $3,266 & 87,933 & 58,307 & $2.882 \\ \hline Shon-tems investments & 3,268 & 3,386 & 5,789 & 0 \\ \hline Aecounts feceivahle, nes of ae allowathe for uncollectihle aceorets & 3,176 & 2,404 & 1,394 & 2.854 \\ \hline Fuel imventory & 1.424 & 1,098 & 377 & 730 \\ \hline Expentable parts and supplies inventories. net of an allowance for oboulescence & 0 & 0 & 355 & 521 \\ \hline Prepaid expenses aed other & 1.877 & 1,119 & 1,150 & 1,262 \\ \hline Total curtent aksets & 13811 & 15,940 & 17,404 & 8.249 \\ \hline \multicolumn{5}{|l|}{ Property and Equipment. Net: } \\ \hline Froperty and equipenent, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization & 33,109 & 28,749 & 26,529 & 31,310 \\ \hline \multicolumn{5}{|l|}{ Other Assets: } \\ \hline Operating lease riphe-of-use awets & 7,036 & 7,237 & 5,733 & 5,627 \\ \hline Goodwill & 9.753 & 9.753 & 9.753 & 9.71 \\ \hline Identifiable intaneibles, net of accumalated amortization & 5.992 & 6.001 & 6.011 & 5.163 \\ \hline Cash ecstricted foe airport construction & 0 & 473 & 1,556 & 656 \\ \hline Defericd incoene taxes, net & 325 & 1.294 & 1,95 & 120 \\ \hline Other Eoncurient asscts & 3,062 & 3.012 & 3,022 & 3,646 \\ \hline Total other assets & 26.168 & 27,770 & 28,063 & 24.973 \\ \hline Total assets & 72.28 & 72,459 & 71,996 & 64.532 \\ \hline \multicolumn{5}{|l|}{ Curreat Liabitities! } \\ \hline & 3,073 & 2,455 & 2,410 & 3.08k \\ \hline Air traffic liability & 8.160 & 6,228 & 4,044 & 5,116 \\ \hline Accounts payable & 5.106 & 4240 & 2,840 & 3.266 \\ \hline Accrued salaries and related benefits & 3,288 & 2,457 & 2,06 & 3,701 \\ \hline Frequent flyer defenral nevenue & 3,434 & 2,710 & 1,777 & 3,219 \\ \hline Fued catd oblization & 1,100 & 1,100 & 1,100 & 736 \\ \hline Other accrued liabilitios & 1.779 & 1.746 & 1,670 & 1.078 \\ \hline Total curreat labilities & 25,940 & 20,966 & 15,927 & 20,204 \\ \hline Nencurrent tiabilities: & & & & \\ \hline Lohic-1erm debt and capial keases & 20,671 & 25,138 & 27,425 & 8.873 \\ \hline Nescourent air traffic liability & 100 & 130 & 500 & 0 \\ \hline Fensicen, postretirement and related beseffiss & 3,707 & 6.035 & 10,610 & 8.452 \\ \hline Frequent flyer defened evenue & 4,448 & 449 & 5,408 & 3,509 \\ \hline Deferred income wases, net & 0 & 0 & o & 1.456 \\ \hline Other noncurrum liabilities & 1040 & 11.454 & 10,579 & 6.60 \\ \hline Total mocorenent liabdities & 19,766 & 47,006 & 54,535 & 28,970 \\ \hline Comminmetss and Cestingersies & & & & \\ \hline Sqechlhelders' Equaity: & & & & \\ \hline Common stosk at $0,000t par value: 1,500,000,000 shares auhorised & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \hline Adfiticeal paid-in capital & 11526 & 11,447 & 11.259 & 11.129 \\ \hline Reained earning & 1,170 & (14s) & (428) & 12.454 \\ \hline Accumulated other compechensive loss & (5,01) & (7,190) & (9,03x) & (7,959) \\ \hline Treasury stock, at cost. & (3)3) & (2k2) & (259) & (236) \\ \hline Total sockholders' equity & 6.582 & & 1,534 & 15.35x \\ \hline Total liabitinies asd steckholder's' equity & 572.288 & 572.459 & 571,996 & 564.532 \\ \hline & 0 & 0 & o & 0 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Ratios & Consolidated Balance Sheets & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{ Consolidated Statements of Oper } & per \\ \hline \multirow{2}{*}{\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ Censelidated Statements of Operations - USD (S) 5 in Milisiens }} & \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{12 Months Ended } & \multirow[b]{2}{*}{ Dec. 31.2019} \\ \hline & & Dec. 31,2022 & Dec. 51.2021 & Dec. 31,2020 & \\ \hline \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{ Pakcenger: } \\ \hline Total passenger & enue & 40.218 & 22,519 & 1283 & 42.277 \\ \hline Cargo & & 1,050 & 1,032 & 608 & 753 \\ \hline Other & & 9314 & 6,348 & 3,604 & 3,977 \\ \hline Total operating & ense & 50,582 & 29,899 & 17.095 & 47,007 \\ \hline \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{ Operating Expesce: } \\ \hline Salarics and rela & cesats & 11,902 & 9,728 & 8,754 & 11.225 \\ \hline Aircraft fuel and & lated taxes. & 11,482 & 5,653 & 3,176 & R,519 \\ \hline Regonal carriet & xpense & 2,081 & 5,693 & 2.479 & 3,584 \\ \hline Depreciation an & mortiration & 2.107 & 1,998 & 2.312 & 2,581 \\ \hline Contracted serv: & & 3.345 & 2,430 & 1,778 & 2.641 \\ \hline Aircraft mainter & ce materials and outside repain: & 1,982 & 1,201 & 822 & 1.751 \\ \hline Passenger comm & ions and other selling expenses & 1.891 & 953 & 582 & 1,993 \\ \hline Landing fees an & dher teess & 2.181 & 2,019 & 1518 & 1.762 \\ \hline Paksenger servik & & 1.453 & 756 & 523 & 1.251 \\ \hline Profit waring & & 563 & 108 & 0 & 1,643 \\ \hline Aireraft vent & & 50x & 410 & 399 & 423 \\ \hline Restructuring sh & & -124 & -19 & 8.219 & 0 \\ \hline Govemment yra & recovenition & 0 & 4,512 & 3,946 & 0 \\ \hline Otber & & 7580 & 1,405 & 2.948 & 3016 \\ \hline Total epsiatine & ense & 46.921 & 2x,013 & 29,564 & 40,359 \\ \hline Operating lacon & & 3,061 & 1.KM6 & -12.469 & 6,618 \\ \hline \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{ Nen-Operating Expense! } \\ \hline Interest experese & & 1,020 & -1.279 & 2920 & -101 \\ \hline Impairments and & quity mcthod losses & +20 & -337 & 2.432 & +2 \\ \hline Uneratined gain & tos en investments, net & 72 & 46 & -105 & 119 \\ \hline Miscelleseon. & & 85 & 72 & 348 & .176 \\ \hline Total not-opsrai & expense, net & -1.747 & 1,48KB & 3,11k & -420 \\ \hline Income before & vens Twes & 1,914 & 398 & 15.57 & 6.196 \\ \hline Inoome Tax Pro & & -596 & -118 & 3,202 & 1,431 \\ \hline Net Icae & & 51,318 & & 5(12,158) & 54,767 \\ \hline Bave Earming & Share (USS per thare) & 52.07 & 50.44 & 5(10.49) & 5.32 \\ \hline Diluted tarning & er Sharv (USS per share) & 2.06 & 0.44 & (19.49) & 7,30 \\ \hline Cash Dividends & clared for Share (USs per share) & 5000 & 5000 & 50.40 & 5131 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Consolidated Statements of Cas \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Consolidated Balance Sheets & Consolidated Stater & nents of e & per & onsolidate \\ \hline Consolidated Balance Shests - USD (S) 5 in Malliens & Dec, 31,2022 & Dee, 31.2021 & Dat, 31, 2020 & Dec. 31.2019 \\ \hline \\ \hline Cash and cash cquivalents & $3,266 & 87,933 & 58,307 & $2.882 \\ \hline Shon-tems investments & 3,268 & 3,386 & 5,789 & 0 \\ \hline Aecounts feceivahle, nes of ae allowathe for uncollectihle aceorets & 3,176 & 2,404 & 1,394 & 2.854 \\ \hline Fuel imventory & 1.424 & 1,098 & 377 & 730 \\ \hline Expentable parts and supplies inventories. net of an allowance for oboulescence & 0 & 0 & 355 & 521 \\ \hline Prepaid expenses aed other & 1.877 & 1,119 & 1,150 & 1,262 \\ \hline Total curtent aksets & 13811 & 15,940 & 17,404 & 8.249 \\ \hline \multicolumn{5}{|l|}{ Property and Equipment. Net: } \\ \hline Froperty and equipenent, net of accumulated depreciation and amortization & 33,109 & 28,749 & 26,529 & 31,310 \\ \hline \multicolumn{5}{|l|}{ Other Assets: } \\ \hline Operating lease riphe-of-use awets & 7,036 & 7,237 & 5,733 & 5,627 \\ \hline Goodwill & 9.753 & 9.753 & 9.753 & 9.71 \\ \hline Identifiable intaneibles, net of accumalated amortization & 5.992 & 6.001 & 6.011 & 5.163 \\ \hline Cash ecstricted foe airport construction & 0 & 473 & 1,556 & 656 \\ \hline Defericd incoene taxes, net & 325 & 1.294 & 1,95 & 120 \\ \hline Other Eoncurient asscts & 3,062 & 3.012 & 3,022 & 3,646 \\ \hline Total other assets & 26.168 & 27,770 & 28,063 & 24.973 \\ \hline Total assets & 72.28 & 72,459 & 71,996 & 64.532 \\ \hline \multicolumn{5}{|l|}{ Curreat Liabitities! } \\ \hline & 3,073 & 2,455 & 2,410 & 3.08k \\ \hline Air traffic liability & 8.160 & 6,228 & 4,044 & 5,116 \\ \hline Accounts payable & 5.106 & 4240 & 2,840 & 3.266 \\ \hline Accrued salaries and related benefits & 3,288 & 2,457 & 2,06 & 3,701 \\ \hline Frequent flyer defenral nevenue & 3,434 & 2,710 & 1,777 & 3,219 \\ \hline Fued catd oblization & 1,100 & 1,100 & 1,100 & 736 \\ \hline Other accrued liabilitios & 1.779 & 1.746 & 1,670 & 1.078 \\ \hline Total curreat labilities & 25,940 & 20,966 & 15,927 & 20,204 \\ \hline Nencurrent tiabilities: & & & & \\ \hline Lohic-1erm debt and capial keases & 20,671 & 25,138 & 27,425 & 8.873 \\ \hline Nescourent air traffic liability & 100 & 130 & 500 & 0 \\ \hline Fensicen, postretirement and related beseffiss & 3,707 & 6.035 & 10,610 & 8.452 \\ \hline Frequent flyer defened evenue & 4,448 & 449 & 5,408 & 3,509 \\ \hline Deferred income wases, net & 0 & 0 & o & 1.456 \\ \hline Other noncurrum liabilities & 1040 & 11.454 & 10,579 & 6.60 \\ \hline Total mocorenent liabdities & 19,766 & 47,006 & 54,535 & 28,970 \\ \hline Comminmetss and Cestingersies & & & & \\ \hline Sqechlhelders' Equaity: & & & & \\ \hline Common stosk at $0,000t par value: 1,500,000,000 shares auhorised & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \hline Adfiticeal paid-in capital & 11526 & 11,447 & 11.259 & 11.129 \\ \hline Reained earning & 1,170 & (14s) & (428) & 12.454 \\ \hline Accumulated other compechensive loss & (5,01) & (7,190) & (9,03x) & (7,959) \\ \hline Treasury stock, at cost. & (3)3) & (2k2) & (259) & (236) \\ \hline Total sockholders' equity & 6.582 & & 1,534 & 15.35x \\ \hline Total liabitinies asd steckholder's' equity & 572.288 & 572.459 & 571,996 & 564.532 \\ \hline & 0 & 0 & o & 0 \\ \hline \end{tabular}