icick the icon to view the inoome stalement] Finat tow tesumements Data table Hequirement 2. The business segmects hed the folowing numbers of cumomers: Dyton, 30 , Mytrod, 110, and Flour each buainest segrtent. Requirements The 2. The business sogrnents had the following nuabers of cuatomers. 0raph 39. Mytrod. 110, and Fiounder, be. Computo the aefvice feverup por culamer. variable cost bey oubteriser, and condributon rargon per custamor fer bich busness segment. 3. Which business segrort was most proftable? Lat aorme pelabe hassons the corperty in the long term? Lower employeo weges in the most ficdiatio butirast angriant Feod the regilrments Data table Founser Requirement 3. Which business segment was most profiabia? List kome possitle reasons why this dogment was m. The businest segrient was the most proftable because the Potsble reasons for the profiabary of this bunines segmert incude the following folselect al that acply. A. Lower cerronce per customar in the most pratable businass sopnont B. Bether routes with shorter deve litas asowifry more customoos to be served in the med pruflabla tratiness s. C. Heduoing the amount of poot chemicks used in service cals for the most proftable busiress segment D. Emplogees in the most protibble busimess sogeone ourting comers when pertorming secvioe cafts E. Hegter revotue per customer in the most profisablo business segment. F. Lower employee wages in the most prodtable butiness segment a. Lengthy touse with longet dove limas alowirg fener cunlomeri to be kerved in the moat peokiable business H. Higher employes magss in the most prottacie business sognent Requirements How might the vanous reaoons afloct the conpary in the long torm? 1. Cabulahe the coetributon margin inbis for each butinest nogment The possible side effects of the tems identifed in the preceding atep could be (Sesect al that asply) 2. The businese segmeciti has the folowhg numbers of ausiomers: Erton, 30; Myted, 110 and Flounder, s0 Compute the nervice revinue per cuntomer. A. inereased customer base dye is oomgeteive anrvice prices variable cowi per outbomat, and contribution macpo per cuitomer for aoch buainese segrtent E. lesi fuel ahd mariesance cosis beciejse of langriter routes 3. Which bualress aegeent was moet froftuble? List dome pousble me3ons c. increand anfvice costs because of roduced pool chemical unagp carang poor water qualty and astisand senice calls the sonpary in the long thim? 17. discrlahed custimers because of inateguate service E. highly compenoatod mmioyeet resuling in an inarelbe in contrbution magn F. ists fuw and raintenance costo bocause of efticient roctes. a. inereaseot encioyet turnorer because of low maget icick the icon to view the inoome stalement] Finat tow tesumements Data table Hequirement 2. The business segmects hed the folowing numbers of cumomers: Dyton, 30 , Mytrod, 110, and Flour each buainest segrtent. Requirements The 2. The business sogrnents had the following nuabers of cuatomers. 0raph 39. Mytrod. 110, and Fiounder, be. Computo the aefvice feverup por culamer. variable cost bey oubteriser, and condributon rargon per custamor fer bich busness segment. 3. Which business segrort was most proftable? Lat aorme pelabe hassons the corperty in the long term? Lower employeo weges in the most ficdiatio butirast angriant Feod the regilrments Data table Founser Requirement 3. Which business segment was most profiabia? List kome possitle reasons why this dogment was m. The businest segrient was the most proftable because the Potsble reasons for the profiabary of this bunines segmert incude the following folselect al that acply. A. Lower cerronce per customar in the most pratable businass sopnont B. Bether routes with shorter deve litas asowifry more customoos to be served in the med pruflabla tratiness s. C. Heduoing the amount of poot chemicks used in service cals for the most proftable busiress segment D. Emplogees in the most protibble busimess sogeone ourting comers when pertorming secvioe cafts E. Hegter revotue per customer in the most profisablo business segment. F. Lower employee wages in the most prodtable butiness segment a. Lengthy touse with longet dove limas alowirg fener cunlomeri to be kerved in the moat peokiable business H. Higher employes magss in the most prottacie business sognent Requirements How might the vanous reaoons afloct the conpary in the long torm? 1. Cabulahe the coetributon margin inbis for each butinest nogment The possible side effects of the tems identifed in the preceding atep could be (Sesect al that asply) 2. The businese segmeciti has the folowhg numbers of ausiomers: Erton, 30; Myted, 110 and Flounder, s0 Compute the nervice revinue per cuntomer. A. inereased customer base dye is oomgeteive anrvice prices variable cowi per outbomat, and contribution macpo per cuitomer for aoch buainese segrtent E. lesi fuel ahd mariesance cosis beciejse of langriter routes 3. Which bualress aegeent was moet froftuble? List dome pousble me3ons c. increand anfvice costs because of roduced pool chemical unagp carang poor water qualty and astisand senice calls the sonpary in the long thim? 17. discrlahed custimers because of inateguate service E. highly compenoatod mmioyeet resuling in an inarelbe in contrbution magn F. ists fuw and raintenance costo bocause of efticient roctes. a. inereaseot encioyet turnorer because of low maget