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I'm having a hard time with a data structures homework assignment. I need to adapt a test file that was made for static array implementation

I'm having a hard time with a data structures homework assignment.

I need to adapt a test file that was made for static array implementation for dynamic aray implementation, as well as fix the bugs I can't figure out within my implementation file.

The test file runs a series of tests and displays the success/failure of each. I made my way through about half of them.. But I'm stuck. The program stops running.

//File: 'poly0.h' **************************************** HEADER FILE ********************************************************* //Homework assignment Three //CS3304

#ifndef POLY0_H #define POLY0_H #include // Provides ostream #include

// If your compiler does not support namespaces, then please delete the // following line and the set of brackets that follow. using namespace std; namespace main_savitch_3 { class polynomial { public: // TYPEDEF and MEMBER CONSTANTS typedef double value_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; unsigned int degree = 3; //const static int MAX_EX = 5; // CONSTRUCTOR polynomial(); // Default constructor polynomial(double a0); // sets the X^0 coefficient only polynomial(const polynomial& source); //Copy constructor ~polynomial(); //Deconstructor

// MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS void add_to_coef(double amount, unsigned int exponent); void assign_coef(double new_coefficient, unsigned int exponent); void clear( ); void reserve(size_t number);

void print(); // CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS double coefficient(unsigned int k) const; //Returns coefficient for indicated exponent unsigned int get_degree( ) const; unsigned int get_array_size() const; //ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS polynomial& operator = (const polynomial& source); polynomial& operator = (double a0); //EVALUATION FUNCTIONS double eval(double x) const; double operator( ) (double x) const { return eval(x); } private: value_type *coef; unsigned int array_size; //void compute_degree(); }; // NON-MEMBER BINARY OPERATORS polynomial operator +(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2); polynomial operator -(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2); // NON-MEMBER OUTPUT FUNCTIONS //std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const polynomial& p);

} #endif

//File: 'poly0.cpp' ******************************** IMPLEMENTATION FILE ******************************************************************************** //Author: Benjamin Casazza //Homework assignment Three //CS3304

#include "poly0.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace main_savitch_3{ polynomial::polynomial(){ //Default Constructor coef = new double[degree]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; i++) coef[i] = 0.0; array_size = 3; degree = 0; } polynomial::polynomial(double a0){ //Constructor with coeffieicinet for x^0 coef = new double[degree]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; i++) coef[i] = 0.0; coef[0] = a0; degree = 0; array_size = 3; } polynomial::polynomial(const polynomial& source){ //Copy construtor coef = new double[source.array_size]; degree =; array_size = source.array_size; copy(source.coef, source.coef + array_size, coef); }

polynomial::~polynomial(){ // Deconstructor delete [] coef; } //MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS void polynomial::add_to_coef(double amount, unsigned int exponent){ //increaces the coefficinet of degree exponent unsigned int expi = degree; assert(exponent < array_size); coef[exponent] += amount; if(exponent > degree && coef[exponent] != 0.0) degree = exponent; else if(exponent == degree && coef[exponent] == 0){ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; i++){ if(coef[i] > 0){ expi = i; } } degree = expi; } }

void polynomial::assign_coef(double new_coefficient, unsigned int exponent){ //Sets ceofficient exponent to new-coefficient unsigned int expi = degree; assert(exponent <= array_size); coef[exponent] = new_coefficient; if(exponent > degree && coef[exponent] != 0.0){ degree = exponent; } else if(exponent == degree && coef[exponent] == 0){ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < degree; i++){ if(coef[i] > 0){ expi = i; } } degree = expi; } } void polynomial::clear(){ delete [] coef; coef = new double[3]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array_size; i++ ) coef[i] = 0.0; degree = 0; array_size = 3; } void polynomial::reserve(size_type number){ //Increaces degree capability //cout << "ORIGINAL ARRAY: "; //this->print(); value_type *larger_array; unsigned int original_array_size = array_size;

if (number == array_size) return; // The allocated memory is already the right size. if (number < array_size) number = array_size; // Can't allocate less than we are using.

larger_array = new value_type[number]; copy(coef, coef + array_size, larger_array); delete [ ] coef; coef = larger_array; array_size = number; for(unsigned int i = original_array_size; i < number; i++){ coef[i] = 0.0; } print(); } //CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS double polynomial::coefficient(unsigned int k) const{ //returns indicated coefficient return coef[k]; } unsigned int polynomial::get_degree() const{ //returns degree of polynomial return degree; } unsigned int polynomial::get_array_size() const{ return array_size; } //EVALUATION FUNCTIONS double polynomial::eval(double x) const{ //Exaluates a polynomial with value x double sum = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < this->get_array_size(); i++) sum += coef[i] * pow(x, i); return sum; }

//OVERRIDING OPERATORS polynomial operator +(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2){ polynomial p11 = p1; polynomial p22 = p2; polynomial sum; if(p11.get_array_size() > p22.get_array_size()){ sum.reserve(p11.get_array_size()); for(unsigned int u = 0; u < sum.get_array_size(); u++) { sum.assign_coef(0.0, u); //Filling sum with 0.0 } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sum.get_array_size(); i++){ if(i < p22.get_array_size()) sum.assign_coef(p1.coefficient(i) + p2.coefficient(i), i); else sum.assign_coef(p11.coefficient(i), i); } } else if (p11.get_array_size() <= p22.get_array_size()){ sum.reserve(p22.get_array_size()); for(unsigned int u = 0; u < sum.get_array_size(); u++){ sum.assign_coef(0.0, u); //Filling sum with 0.0 } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sum.get_array_size(); i++){ if(i < p11.get_array_size()) sum.assign_coef(p11.coefficient(i) + p22.coefficient(i), i); else sum.assign_coef(p22.coefficient(i), i); } } return sum; } polynomial operator -(const polynomial& p1, const polynomial& p2){ polynomial p11 = p1; polynomial p22 = p2; polynomial diff; if(p11.get_array_size() > p22.get_array_size()){ diff.reserve(p11.get_array_size()); for(unsigned int u = 0; u < diff.get_array_size(); u++) diff.assign_coef(0.0, u); //Filling sum with 0.0 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < diff.get_array_size(); i++){ if((p22.coefficient(i) != 0 || p11.coefficient(i) != 0) && i < p22.get_array_size()) diff.assign_coef(p1.coefficient(i) - p22.coefficient(i), i); else diff.assign_coef(p11.coefficient(i), i); } } else if (p11.get_array_size() <= p22.get_array_size()){ diff.reserve(p22.get_array_size()); for(unsigned int u = 0; u < diff.get_array_size(); u++) diff.assign_coef(0.0, u); //Filling sum with 0.0 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < diff.get_array_size(); i++){ if((p22.coefficient(i) != 0 || p11.coefficient(i) != 0) && i < p22.get_array_size()) diff.assign_coef(p1.coefficient(i) - p2.coefficient(i), i); else diff.assign_coef(p22.coefficient(i), i); } } return diff; } polynomial& polynomial::operator = (const polynomial& source){ delete [] coef; this->coef = new double[source.array_size]; this->degree =; this->array_size = source.array_size; copy(source.coef, source.coef + array_size, coef); return *this; } polynomial& polynomial::operator = (double a0){ this->clear(); coef[0] = a0; return *this; } void polynomial::print(){ unsigned int i; cout<<"DEGREEEEE: " << degree << " ARRAY_SIZE: " << array_size << endl; for(i = 0; i < array_size; i++){ cout << coef[i] << "x^" << i << " + "; } cout << endl; } }

// FILE: polyexam0.cxx ************************************************* TESTING FILE *********************************************************************

// Written by: Michael Main (, Sep 8, 2000

// Non-interactive test program for the polynomial class

// from

#include // Provides UINT_MAX

#include // Provides fabs

#include // Provides rand

#include // Provides memcpy

#include // Provides cout

#include "poly0.h"

using namespace std;

using namespace main_savitch_3;

const unsigned int TESTSIZE = 5;

// Descriptions and points for each of the tests:

const size_t MANY_TESTS = 8;

const int POINTS[MANY_TESTS + 1] = {

//60, // Total points for all tests.

50, // we're skipping two tests here CBS

25, // Test 1 points

5, // Test 2 points

5, // Test 3 points

5, // Test 4 points

5, // Test 5 points

5, // Test 6 points

5, // Test 7 points

5 // Test 8 points


const char DESCRIPTION[MANY_TESTS + 1][256] = {

"tests for polynomial class",

"Testing basic functions",

"Testing derivative function",

"Testing eval and operator ( )",

"Testing next_term and previous_term function",

"Testing operator +",

"Testing operator -",

"Testing operator *",

"Testing operator <<"


// **************************************************************************

// bool close(double a, double b)

// Returns true if a is within EPSILON of b.

// **************************************************************************

bool close(double a, double b) {

const double EPSILON = 0.0001;

return (fabs(a - b) < EPSILON) || (fabs(1 - a / b) < EPSILON);


// **************************************************************************

// bool correct(const polynomial& test, unsigned int d, double c[ ])

// This function determines if the polynomial (test) is "correct" according

// to these requirements:

// a. it's degree is d

// b. For each i in the range 0...(degree), test.coefficient(i) is c[i].

// **************************************************************************

bool correct(const polynomial &test, unsigned int d, double count[]) {

size_t i;

bool answer = true;

if (test.get_degree() != d) {

cout << "Incorrect degree. " << endl;

answer = false;


else {

for (i = 0; i <= d; ++i) {

if (!close(count[i], test.coefficient(i))) {

cout << "Incorrect coefficient(" << i << ")" << endl;

answer = false;



for (i = d + 1; i <= test.get_degree() * 2; ++i) {

if (!close(test.coefficient(i), 0)) {

cout << "Incorrect-coefficient(" << i << ")" << endl;

answer = false;



cout << (answer ? "Test passed. " : "Test failed. ") << endl;


return answer;


double test1() {

polynomial empty;

polynomial p;


polynomial x_squared;

x_squared.assign_coef(1.0, 2);

polynomial also_empty;

also_empty.assign_coef(0.0, 2);

double c[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

double rand_c[p.get_array_size()];

size_t i;

cout << "I will now test the default constructor. After initializing "

<< "with the default constructor, a the coefficient member "

<< "function should always return zero (even beyond MAX_EX)."

<< endl;

if (!correct(empty, 0, c)) return 0;

cout << "I will now test the constructor with arguments." << endl;

c[2] = 1.0;

if (!correct(x_squared, 2, c)) return 0;

cout << "I will now test constructor like this: polynomial p(0.0, 3). "

<< "After initializing this way, a polynomial "

<< "should have all zero coefficients (even beyond MAX_EX)."

<< endl;

if (!correct(also_empty, 0, c)) return 0;

cout << "I will now test assign_coef." << endl;

p.assign_coef(1.0, 2);

if (!correct(p, 2, c)) return 0;

cout << "I will now test add_to_coef." << endl;

p.add_to_coef(2.0, 2);

c[2] += 2.0;

if (!correct(p, 2, c)) return 0;

cout << "Checking that add_to_coef correctly adjusts degree downward." << endl;

p.assign_coef(1.0, 4);

p.add_to_coef(-p.coefficient(4), 4);

if (!correct(p, 2, c)) return 0;

cout << "Checking that assign_coef correctly adjusts degree downward." << endl;

p.assign_coef(1.0, 4);

p.assign_coef(0, 4);

if (!correct(p, 2, c)) return 0;

cout << "I will now test the clear function." << endl;


c[2] = 0.0;

if (!correct(p, 0, c)) return 0;

cout << "Inserting " << p.get_array_size() << " random coefficients ";

cout << " and then checking the basic functions.";

cout << endl;

for (i = 0; i < p.get_array_size(); i++) {

rand_c[i] = ((rand() % 1000) / 100.0) + 1;

p.assign_coef(rand_c[i], i);


if (!correct(p, p.get_array_size()-1, rand_c)) return 0;

return POINTS[1];


// Test derivative function

//double test2( )


// polynomial p;

// double c[TESTSIZE];

// unsigned int i;


// cout << "Testing derivative." << endl;

// p.assign_coef(((rand( ) % 1000)/100.0), 0);

// for (i = 1; i <= TESTSIZE; ++i)

// {

// p.assign_coef(((rand( ) % 1000)/100.0), i);

// c[i-1] = i * p.coefficient(i);

// }

// p.assign_coef(0.0, TESTSIZE/2);

// c[(TESTSIZE/2)-1] = 0.0;

// if (!correct(p.derivative( ), TESTSIZE-1, c)) return 0;


// return POINTS[2];


// Testing eval

double test3() {

polynomial p;


double value = 0.0;

double power_of_x = 1.0;

unsigned int i;

const double X = 3.0;

double c;

cout << "Testing eval and operator ( )." << endl;

for (i = 0; i < TESTSIZE; ++i) {

c = ((rand() % 1000) / 100.0);

if (i == TESTSIZE / 2) c = 0.0;

p.assign_coef(c, i);

value += c * power_of_x;

power_of_x *= X;


if (!close(p.eval(X), value)) return 0;

if (!close(p(X), value)) return 0;

return POINTS[3];


// Test next_term function

double test4() {

polynomial p;

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i < p.get_array_size(); ++i) {

p.assign_coef(((rand() % 1000) / 100.0) + 1, i);


p.assign_coef(0.0, TESTSIZE / 2);

return POINTS[4];


// Test operator + function

double test5() {

polynomial p, q;



double c[5] = {0,4,8,12,16};

unsigned int i;

cout << "Testing operator +" << endl;

for (i = 0; i < p.get_array_size(); i++) {

p.assign_coef(i*2, i);

q.assign_coef(i*2, i);


if (!correct(p + q, p.get_array_size(), c)) return 0;

return POINTS[5];


// Test operator - function

double test6() {

polynomial p, q;

double c[TESTSIZE + 1];

unsigned int i;

cout << "Testing operator -" << endl;

for (i = 0; i < TESTSIZE; ++i) {

p.assign_coef(((rand() % 1000) / 100.0), i);

q.assign_coef(((rand() % 1000) / 100.0), i);

c[i] = p.coefficient(i) - q.coefficient(i);


p.assign_coef(((rand() % 1000) / 100.0) + 1, TESTSIZE);

c[5] = p.coefficient(TESTSIZE);

if (!correct(p - q, TESTSIZE, c)) return 0;

return POINTS[6];


// Test operator * function

//double test7( )


// polynomial p, q;

// double c[2*TESTSIZE + 1];

// unsigned int i,j;


// cout << "Testing operator *" << endl;

// for (i = 0; i < TESTSIZE; ++i)

// {

// p.assign_coef(((rand( ) % 1000)/100.0), i);

// q.assign_coef(((rand( ) % 1000)/100.0), i);

// }

// p.assign_coef(((rand( ) % 1000)/100.0)+1, TESTSIZE);

// q.assign_coef(((rand( ) % 1000)/100.0)+1, TESTSIZE);


// for (i = 0; i <= 2 * TESTSIZE; ++i)

// c[i] = 0.0;


// for (i = 0; i <= TESTSIZE; ++i)

// for (j = 0; j <= TESTSIZE; ++j)

// c[i+j] += p.coefficient(i) * q.coefficient(j);


// if (!correct(p*q, 2*TESTSIZE, c)) return 0;


// return POINTS[7];


// Write a polynomial to cout for visual inspection

double test8() {

polynomial p;

p.assign_coef(-5.5, 5);

p.assign_coef(+3.3, 3);

p.assign_coef(-2.2, 2);

p.assign_coef(1.1, 1);

p.assign_coef(10.0, 0);

cout << "Printing a polynomial for visual inspection by the TA: ";


cout << endl;

return POINTS[8];


double run_a_test(int number, const char message[], double test_function(), int max) {

double result;

cout << endl << "START OF TEST " << number << ":" << endl;

cout << message << " (" << max << " points)." << endl;

result = test_function();

if (result > 0) {

cout << "Test " << number << " got " << result << " points";

cout << " out of a possible " << max << "." << endl;



cout << "Test " << number << " failed." << endl;

cout << "END OF TEST " << number << "." << endl << endl;

return result;


// **************************************************************************

// int main( )

// The main program calls all tests and prints the sum of all points

// earned from the tests.

// **************************************************************************

int main() {

double sum = 0;

cout << "Running " << DESCRIPTION[0] << endl;

sum += run_a_test(1, DESCRIPTION[1], test1, POINTS[1]);

// sum += run_a_test(2, DESCRIPTION[2], test2, POINTS[2]);

sum += run_a_test(3, DESCRIPTION[3], test3, POINTS[3]);

sum += run_a_test(4, DESCRIPTION[4], test4, POINTS[4]);

sum += run_a_test(5, DESCRIPTION[5], test5, POINTS[5]);

sum += run_a_test(6, DESCRIPTION[6], test6, POINTS[6]);

// sum += run_a_test(7, DESCRIPTION[7], test7, POINTS[7]);

sum += run_a_test(8, DESCRIPTION[8], test8, POINTS[8]);

cout << "If you submit this to HAL now, you will have ";

cout << sum << " points out of the ";

cout << POINTS[0];

cout << " points from this test program. ";



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