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Im having some weird logic error and was wondering if someone can double check my code and tell me whats wrong code: #include // size_t

Im having some weird logic error and was wondering if someone can double check my code and tell me whats wrong


#include // size_t

#include // std::hash


#include // std::pair


#include "primes.h"

template , typename Pred = std::equal_to>

class UnorderedMap {


using key_type = Key;

using mapped_type = T;

using const_mapped_type = const T;

using hasher = Hash;

using key_equal = Pred;

using value_type = std::pair;

using reference = value_type &;

using const_reference = const value_type &;

using pointer = value_type *;

using const_pointer = const value_type *;

using size_type = size_t;

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;


struct HashNode {

HashNode *next;

value_type val;

HashNode(HashNode *next = nullptr) : next{next} {}

HashNode(const value_type & val, HashNode * next = nullptr) : next { next }, val { val } { }

HashNode(value_type && val, HashNode * next = nullptr) : next { next }, val { std::move(val) } { }


size_type _bucket_count;

HashNode **_buckets;

HashNode * _head;

size_type _size;

Hash _hash;

key_equal _equal;

static size_type _range_hash(size_type hash_code, size_type bucket_count) {

return hash_code % bucket_count;




class basic_iterator {


using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

using value_type = _value_type;

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

using pointer = value_type *;

using reference = value_type &;


friend class UnorderedMap;

using HashNode = typename UnorderedMap::HashNode;

const UnorderedMap * _map; // ++ operator

HashNode * _ptr;

explicit basic_iterator(UnorderedMap const * map, HashNode *ptr) noexcept{

_ptr = ptr;

_map = map;



basic_iterator() : _ptr(nullptr) {};

basic_iterator(const basic_iterator &) = default;

basic_iterator(basic_iterator &&) = default;

~basic_iterator() = default;

basic_iterator &operator=(const basic_iterator &) = default;

basic_iterator &operator=(basic_iterator &&) = default;

reference operator*() const {return _ptr->val;}

pointer operator->() const {return &(_ptr->val);}

basic_iterator &operator++() {

if (_ptr == nullptr){

return *this;


else if (_ptr->next == nullptr){

size_type bucket = _map->_bucket(_ptr->val);

while ((bucket +1) !=_map->_bucket_count ){

bucket ++;

if (_map->_buckets[bucket] != nullptr){

_ptr = _map->_buckets[bucket];

return *this;



_ptr = nullptr;

return *this;


_ptr = _ptr->next;

return *this;


basic_iterator operator++(int) {

basic_iterator temp(_map, this->_ptr);

if (_ptr == nullptr){

return temp;


else if (_ptr->next == nullptr){

size_type bucket = _map->_bucket(_ptr->val);

while ( (bucket+ 1) != _map->_bucket_count ){

bucket ++;

if (_map->_buckets[bucket] != nullptr){

_ptr = _map->_buckets[bucket];

return temp;



_ptr =nullptr;

return temp;



_ptr= _ptr->next;


return temp;


bool operator==(const basic_iterator &other) const noexcept {return _ptr == other._ptr;}

bool operator!=(const basic_iterator &other) const noexcept {return !(*this == other);}


using iterator = basic_iterator;

using const_iterator = basic_iterator;

class local_iterator {


using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;

using value_type = std::pair;

using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

using pointer = value_type *;

using reference = value_type &;


friend class UnorderedMap;

using HashNode = typename UnorderedMap::HashNode;

HashNode * _node;

explicit local_iterator( HashNode * node ) noexcept{

_node = node;



local_iterator() : _node(nullptr){}

local_iterator(const local_iterator &) = default;

local_iterator(local_iterator &&) = default;

~local_iterator() = default;

local_iterator &operator=(const local_iterator &) = default;

local_iterator &operator=(local_iterator &&) = default;

reference operator*() const {return _node->val;}

pointer operator->() const { return &(_node->val);}

local_iterator & operator++(){

if (_node == nullptr){

return *this;


_node =_node->next;

return *this;


local_iterator operator++(int){

if (_node == nullptr){

local_iterator it(nullptr);

return it;


local_iterator temp(this->_node);

this->_node = _node->next;

return temp;


bool operator==(const local_iterator &other) const noexcept {return _node == other._node;}

bool operator!=(const local_iterator &other) const noexcept {return !(*this == other);}



size_type _bucket(size_t code) const {return _range_hash(code, _bucket_count);}

size_type _bucket(const Key & key)const {return _bucket(_hash(key));}

size_type _bucket(const value_type & val) const {return _bucket(val.first);}

HashNode*& _find(size_type code, size_type bucket, const Key & key){

HashNode** cur = &_buckets[bucket];

while (*cur != nullptr){

if (_equal((*cur)->val.first, key)){

return *cur;


cur = &((*cur)->next);


return *cur;


HashNode*& _find(const Key & key) {

size_type code = _hash(key);

size_type bucket = _bucket(code);

return _find(code, bucket, key);


HashNode * _insert_into_bucket(size_type bucket, value_type && value) {

HashNode* new_node = new HashNode(std::move(value), _buckets[bucket]);

_buckets[bucket] = new_node;

if (!_head || _bucket(_head->val) > bucket) {

_head = new_node;


return new_node;


void _move_content(UnorderedMap & src, UnorderedMap & dst) {

src._buckets = new HashNode *[_bucket_count]();

src._head = nullptr;

src._size = 0;

dst._bucket_count = std::move(src._bucket_count);

dst._buckets = std::move(src._buckets);

dst._head = std::move(src._head);

dst._size = src._size;

dst._hash = src._hash;

dst._equal = src._equal;



explicit UnorderedMap(size_type bucket_count, const Hash & hash = Hash { },

const key_equal & equal = key_equal { }) {

_bucket_count = next_greater_prime(bucket_count);

_hash = hash;

_equal = equal;

_head = nullptr;

_size = 0;

_buckets = new HashNode * [_bucket_count]();


~UnorderedMap() {


delete [] _buckets;


UnorderedMap(const UnorderedMap & other){

_bucket_count = other._bucket_count;

_buckets = new HashNode*[_bucket_count]{};

_head = nullptr;

_size = 0;

iterator it(&other, other._head);

while (it._ptr != nullptr){


it ++;


_hash = other._hash;

_equal = other._equal;


UnorderedMap(UnorderedMap && other) {

_move_content(other, *this);


UnorderedMap & operator=(const UnorderedMap & other) {

if (this == &other){

return *this;



delete [] _buckets;

_bucket_count = other._bucket_count;

_buckets = new HashNode*[_bucket_count]{};

_head = nullptr;

_equal = other._equal;

_hash = other._hash;

iterator it(&other, other._head);

while (it._ptr != nullptr){


it ++;


return *this;


UnorderedMap & operator=(UnorderedMap && other) {

if (this == &other){

return *this;




_move_content(other, *this);

return *this;


void clear() noexcept {

if (_head == nullptr){



iterator it(this,_head);

while (it._ptr!= nullptr){




_size = 0;


size_type size() const noexcept {return _size;}

bool empty() const noexcept {return _size == 0;}

size_type bucket_count() const noexcept {return _bucket_count;}

iterator begin() {iterator it(this, _head); return it;}

iterator end() {iterator it(this, nullptr); return it;}

const_iterator cbegin() const {const_iterator it(this, _head);return it;};

const_iterator cend() const {const_iterator it(this, nullptr);return it;};

local_iterator begin(size_type n) {return local_iterator(_buckets[n]);}

local_iterator end(size_type n) {return local_iterator(nullptr);}

size_type bucket_size(size_type n) {

HashNode* ptr = _buckets[n];

size_type size = 0;

if (ptr == nullptr){

return 0;


while (ptr != nullptr){

size ++;

ptr = ptr->next;


return size;


float load_factor() const {

float bucket = bucket_count();

float size1= size();

return size1/bucket;


size_type bucket(const Key & key) const {return _bucket(key);}

std::pair insert(value_type && value) {

HashNode* cur = _find(value.first);

if (cur == nullptr){


iterator it(this, _find(value.first));

return std::pair(it, true);



iterator it(this, nullptr);

return std::pair(it, false);



std::pair insert(const value_type & value) {

HashNode* cur = _find(value.first);

if (cur == nullptr){

value_type copy = value;


iterator it(this, _find(value.first));

return std::pair(it, true);



iterator it(this, nullptr);

return std::pair(it, false);



iterator find(const Key & key) {

iterator it(this, _buckets[_bucket(key)]);

while (it._ptr != nullptr){

if (_equal(it->first,key)){

return it;




it._ptr = nullptr;

return it;


T& operator[](const Key & key){

iterator it = find(key);

if (it._ptr == nullptr){

mapped_type map = key;

size_type bucket = _bucket(key);

value_type value(key, map);

HashNode* ptr = _insert_into_bucket(bucket, std::move(value));

return ptr->val.second;



return (*it).second;



iterator erase(iterator pos) {

if (pos._ptr == nullptr){

return pos;


size_type bucket = _bucket(*pos);

iterator it(this, _buckets[bucket]);

if (it == pos){

if (_head == it._ptr){

iterator newhead(this, it._ptr);


_head = newhead._ptr;


_buckets[bucket] = it._ptr->next;


delete pos._ptr;

_size --;

return it;


while (it._ptr->next != pos._ptr){



it._ptr->next = pos._ptr->next;

delete pos._ptr;

_size --;


return it;


size_type erase(const Key & key) {

iterator pos = find(key);

if (pos._ptr != nullptr){

pos = erase(pos);

return 1;


return 0;



friend void print_map(const UnorderedMap & map, std::ostream & os);



void print_map(const UnorderedMap & map, std::ostream & os = std::cout) {

using size_type = typename UnorderedMap::size_type;

using HashNode = typename UnorderedMap::HashNode;

for(size_type bucket = 0; bucket


HashNode const * node = map._buckets[bucket];

while(node) {

os val.first val.second

node = node->next;






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