I'm trying to understand this project. Can someone please show mr an example of how to do it.
1. Design (using a flowchart and pseuodocode with C syntax) and implement a program that will calculate the calculate the average ya receiving In the main function display a welcome message prompt the user to enter the number of receptions and the number of yards The program wleet were provided by your yards (i.e. Welcome to YourName's Football Stats) identifying the program. Then ards, and the average. Display a message that the results were pr will calculate the average number of yards per reception. Display the number of number of receptions, y name. Include a comment containing course, code Provide 3 sets of test data that the program runs correctly g your name, course, and date at the beginning of the source code. Include comments to document the (sample input and expected results) Run the program on the sample input and capture the output to verity 2. To submit your assignment . Add a comment to the end of your source code and include your test cases (sample input and expected results) (Use/ and"/ to . Copy and paste the sample runs (output) into another comment at the end of your source code. (Use / and/ to . Copy and paste the flowchart and pseudo-code for your program into a Word document (In Word, use Ctri-A to select entire enclose the test cases.) runs.) then click "Remove space after paragraph" to tighten the line spacing ) r sized paper, rather than A-4, so you don't lose lines belween pages Change the print option to print in Black & White if you are not printing t printer) Staple the documents Upload an electronic copy of the source code, flowchart, and documentation files for the program to Blackboard under the Project link When complete, Submit the assignment : Tum in the printed documents for scoring on or before the due date Note This program demonstrates using input calculations, and output in C