Answered step by step
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1 Approved Answer
Imagine that you are running your Littlefield factory with the following resources: 3 board stuffing machines (Station 1), 2 testing machines (Station 2), and 1
Imagine that you are running your Littlefield factory with the following resources: 3 board stuffing machines (Station 1), 2 testing machines (Station 2), and 1 tuning machine (Station 3). Each customer order is for 60 units. The setup and processing times at each step are as follows:
Step | Setup Time (per lot) | Processing Time (per unit) |
Step 1 | 1.4 hours | 0.06 hours |
Step 2 | 0.2 hours | 0.01 hours |
Step 3 | 0.3 hours | 0.02 hours |
Step 4 | 0.5 hours | 0.02 hours |
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