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import java.util.Scanner; /* This application manages a collection of media items for a user. The items * are representeed by MediaItem objects. The items are

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import java.util.Scanner; /* This application manages a collection of media items for a user. The items * are representeed by MediaItem objects. The items are managed by a MediaList object. * Their are currently three types of MediaItems: books (electronic format), movies, and songs. * Each type is modeled as a subclass of MediaItem. * A user has several options that are displayed in a menu format. * This class runs a console interface between a user and the mediaList */ import*;

public class LibraryMain { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ System.out.println("My Media Library"); Scanner scan = new Scanner(; MediaList mediaList = new MediaList(5); boolean keepGoing = true; String userStr = ""; int position; while(keepGoing) { System.out.println("Main Menu:"); System.out.println("Enter A to add a new media item."); System.out.println("Enter F to find media items."); System.out.println("Enter P to view all media items."); System.out.println("Enter X to quit."); System.out.println(""); userStr = scan.nextLine(); if (userStr.equalsIgnoreCase("A")){ MediaItem item = null; System.out.println("Enter the title: "); String title = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the author/artist/director: "); String author = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the genre: "); String genre = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("What type of media? Enter B for book, M for movie, S for song: "); String type = scan.nextLine(); if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("B")){ System.out.println("Enter the number of pages: "); String pages = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the preferred font size: "); String font = scan.nextLine(); item = new Book(title, author, genre, Integer.parseInt(pages), Double.parseDouble(font)); } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("M")){ System.out.println("Enter the playing time (minutes): "); String playTime = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the lead actor: "); String actor = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the release year YYYY: "); String year = scan.nextLine(); item = new Movie(title, author, genre, Integer.parseInt(playTime), actor, year); } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("S")){ System.out.println("Enter the playing time (minutes): "); String playTime = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the album: "); String album = scan.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the label: "); String label = scan.nextLine(); item = new Song(title, author, genre, Double.parseDouble(playTime), album, label); } else System.out.println("Unrecognized type."); mediaList.addItem(item); } else if (userStr.equalsIgnoreCase("F")){ System.out.println("Enter T to search by title, G to search by genre:"); userStr = scan.nextLine(); if(userStr.equalsIgnoreCase("T")){ System.out.println("Enter the title:"); String title = scan.nextLine(); MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemsByTitle(title); if(items.length>0){ String listStr = getItemListAsString(items); System.out.println(listStr); } else System.out.println("Could not find "+title+" in the list."); } else if(userStr.equalsIgnoreCase("G")){ System.out.println("Enter the genre:"); String genre = scan.nextLine(); MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemsByGenre(genre); if(items.length>0){ String listStr = getItemListAsString(items); System.out.println(listStr); } else System.out.println("Could not find "+genre+" in the list."); } else System.out.println("Unrecognized search type."); } else if (userStr.equalsIgnoreCase("P")){ System.out.println("Your media: "); MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemList(); String listStr = getItemListAsString(items); System.out.println(listStr); } else if(userStr.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) keepGoing = false; else System.out.println("Unrecognized input."); } System.out.println("Bye for now."); scan.close(); } /* This method returns a String which consists of the String * representations of all MediaItems in the array passed in. * Assume the itemList does not contain NULL values. * Assume the itemList is not null, and length >=0. */ public static String getItemListAsString(MediaItem[] itemList){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(itemList.length>0){ for(int i=0; i


/** * This class encapsulates the data required to represent a MediaItem. * The attributes common to all MediaItems are: title, author and genre. * Subclasses should override the toString method. **/ public class MediaItem {

private String title; private String author; private String genre; /* Subclasses may add specific parameters to their constructor's * parameter lists. */ public MediaItem(String title, String author, String genre){ this.title = title; = author; this.genre = genre; } // get method for the title public String getTitle(){ return title; } // get method for the author public String getAuthor(){ return author; } // get method for the genre public String getGenre(){ return genre; } // Subclasses should override. public String toString(){ return title+", "+author+", "+genre; } }


/* This class encapsulates a list of media items in a user's collection. * The list is implemented as an array of type MediaItem. * Media items are either a book (electronic format), movie, or song. * Each type of media item is represented by an instance of the Book, Movie, or Song class. * These three classes are subclasses of MediaItem. The array stores media items as * references of type MediaItem. * * It is recommended that you maintain an int variable to keep track of the number of media items * on the array. */ public class MediaList { //Class member variable declarations: must include at least an array of type MediaItem.

/* Constructor that initializes the member variables. The array is * created using the initial length passed in to the constructor. * Any other member variables are initialized as well. */ public MediaList(int initialLen){

} /* Add the newItem passed in to the next available cell in the itemList. * Available cells have the vaue NULL. The numItems variable may be used * to keep track of the index of the next available cell. * For example, if the list contained: item1, item2, NULL, NULL, * the next available cell is at index 2. */ public void addItem(MediaItem newItem){


/* This method returns an array that contains only MediaItem objects whose * title matches the targetTitle passed in. * The array returned does not contain any NULL values. * This method returns an array of length 0 if there are no matches. * This method may call the getOnlyItems method. */ public MediaItem[] getItemsByTitle(String targetTitle){ } /* This method returns an array that contains only MediaItem objects whose * genre matches the targetGenre passed in. * The array returned does not contain any NULL values. * This method returns an array of length 0 if there are no matches. * This method may call the getOnlyItems method. */ public MediaItem[] getItemsByGenre(String targetGenre){ } /* This method returns an array of all of the MediaItem objects that are * stored in the itemList. The array returned does not contain any NULL * values. This method returns an array of length 0 if the itemList is empty. * This method may call the getOnlyItems metho */ public MediaItem[] getItemList(){

} /* Returns the number of items stored in the itemList. */ public int getNumItems(){

} /* Returns true if the itemList contains no MediaItems, false otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty(){

} /****** Private, "helper" method section ******/ /* Creates a new array that is double the size of the array passed in, copies the data * from that array to the new array, and returns the new array. * Note that the new array will contain the items from the previous array followed by NULL values. */ private MediaItem[] expandList(MediaItem[] inputList){

} /* A full item list is an array where all cells contain an item. That * means there is no cell that contains NULL. * This method returns true if all cells in the array contain a String * object, false otherwise. */ private boolean isFull(){

} /* * This method takes an array of MediaItems as an input as well as * the number of MediaItems on that array. The input array may contain * some NULL values. * This method returns an array that contains only the MediaItems in * the input array and no NULL values. * It returns an array of length 0 if there are no MediaItems in the input array. */ private MediaItem[] getOnlyItems(MediaItem[] inputArray, int size){ } }


import org.junit.Assert;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Before;

import org.junit.Test;

import java.lang.reflect.*;

public class MediaListTest {

private MediaList mediaList;

/** Fixture initialization (common initialization

* for all tests). **/

@Before public void setUp() {

mediaList = new MediaList(6);



public void itemListNameTest() {

Field[] fields = MediaList.class.getDeclaredFields();

boolean wasDeclared = false;

for(int i=0;i


wasDeclared = true;



assertEquals("Test 1: The instance variable itemList has not been declared.", true, wasDeclared);


/** Test for required instance variable initializations in constructor. **/


public void itemListTypeTest() {

Field[] fields = MediaList.class.getDeclaredFields();

String varType = null;

for(int i=0;i


varType = fields[i].getType().getName();



assertEquals("Test 2: The instance variable itemList has not been declared as an int.", "[LMediaItem;", varType);


/** Test that the list has been created. **/


public void initListTest() {

MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemList();

assertNotEquals("Test 3: The array is null- list may not have been initialized.", null, items);


/** Test the addItem method. **/


public void addOneItemTest() {

MediaItem item = new Movie("Black Panther", "Coogler", "fantasy", 134, "Chadwick Boseman", "2018");


MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemList();

assertEquals("Test 4: The item was not added.", item.toString(), items[0].toString());


/** Test the addItem method-length of array. **/


public void addOneItemLenOneTest() {

mediaList.addItem(new Movie("Black Panther", "Coogler", "fantasy", 134, "Chadwick Boseman", "2018"));

MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemList();

assertEquals("Test 5: Call to addItem- the list should contain one item.", 1, items.length);


/** Test the getNumberOfItems method on an empty list. **/


public void initListSizeTest() {

int len = mediaList.getNumItems();

assertEquals("Test 6: The getNumItems method should return 0 on an empty list.", 0, len);


/** Test the isEmpty method on a list with one item. **/


public void getItemListEmptyTest() {

MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemList();

assertEquals("Test 7: The getItemList method should return a zero length array on an empty itemList.", 0, items.length);



public void initListIsEmptyTest() {

boolean empty = mediaList.isEmpty();

assertEquals("Test 8: The isEmpty method should return true on an empty list.", true, empty);



public void oneItemListSizeTest() {

mediaList.addItem(new Movie("Black Panther", "Coogler", "fantasy", 134, "Chadwick Boseman", "2018"));

int len = mediaList.getNumItems();

assertEquals("Test 9: The getNumItems method should return 1 on list with 1 item.", 1, len);



public void listOneItemIsEmptyTest() {

mediaList.addItem(new Movie("Black Panther", "Coogler", "fantasy", 134, "Chadwick Boseman", "2018"));

boolean empty = mediaList.isEmpty();

assertEquals("Test 10: The isEmpty method should return false on a list with one item.", false, empty);


/* Test private method getOnlyItems. */


public void expandListTest4()throws Exception {

Class classToCall = Class.forName("MediaList");

MediaItem[] argu = {null, new Book("Goosebumps","R.L.Stine", "fiction",128,3.5), null,

new Song("Humble","Kendrick Lamar","hip hop", 2.57,"Damn","Top Dawg"), null};

Method methodToExecute = classToCall.getDeclaredMethod("getOnlyItems", new Class[]{MediaItem[].class, Integer.TYPE});


Object resultListObj = methodToExecute.invoke(mediaList, new Object[]{argu, 2});

MediaItem[] resultList = (MediaItem[])resultListObj;

assertEquals("Test 11: The expandList method did not correctly copy the data from the array passed in.", 2, resultList.length);


/** Test the getItemsByTitle method with zero matches. **/


public void getItemsByTitleZeroMatchesTest() {


MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemsByTitle("No Title Matches This");

assertEquals("Test 12: Test the getItemsByTitle method with zero matches.", 0, items.length);


/** Test the getItemsByTitle method with two matches. **/


public void getItemsByTitleTwoMatchesTest() {


MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemsByTitle("Goosebumps");

assertEquals("Test 13: Test the getItemsByTitle method with 2 matches.", 2, items.length);


/** Test the getItemsByGenre method with zero matches. **/


// @GradedTest(name = "Test 10: The isEmpty method should return true on an empty list.", max_score = 4.0)

public void getItemsByGenreZeroMatchesTest() {


MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemsByGenre("No Genre Matches This");

assertEquals("Test 14: Test the getItemsByGenre method with zero matches.", 0, items.length);


/** Test the getItemsByGenre method with two matches. **/


public void getItemsByGenreTwoMatchesTest() {


MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemsByGenre("sci fi");

assertEquals("Test 15: Test the getItemsByGenre method with 2 matches.", 2, items.length);


/* Test private method expandList on empty list of length 5. */


public void expandListTest()throws Exception {

Class classToCall = Class.forName("MediaList");

Method methodToExecute = classToCall.getDeclaredMethod("expandList", new Class[]{MediaItem[].class});


MediaItem[] args = new MediaItem[5];

Object expandedListObj = methodToExecute.invoke(mediaList, new Object[]{args});

MediaItem[] expandedList = (MediaItem[])expandedListObj;

int result = expandedList.length;

assertEquals("Test 16: The expandList method did not create an array of double the length of the array passed in.", 10, result);


/* Test private method isFull on default list. */


public void isFullTest1()throws Exception {

Class classToCall = Class.forName("MediaList");

Method methodToExecute = classToCall.getDeclaredMethod("isFull");


Boolean boolObj = (Boolean)methodToExecute.invoke(mediaList);

boolean result = boolObj.booleanValue();

assertEquals("Test 17: The isFull method should return false on an array with NULL values.", false, result);


/** Test the getItemList method after expansion. **/


public void getItemListAfterExpansionTest() {

mediaList = new MediaList(2);


MediaItem[] items = mediaList.getItemList();

assertEquals("Test 18: Test the getItemList method after expansion.", 6, items.length);



// // @GradedTest(name = "Test 1: The instance variable initialLength has not been declared.", max_score = 4.0)

public void getTitleOnEmptyListTest() {

MediaItem[] titleItems = mediaList.getItemsByTitle("Goosebumps");

assertEquals("Test 19: getItemsByTitle on empty list should return array length 0.", 0, titleItems.length);



// // @GradedTest(name = "Test 1: The instance variable initialLength has not been declared.", max_score = 4.0)

public void getGenreOnEmptyListTest() {

MediaItem[] genreItems = mediaList.getItemsByGenre("sci fi");

assertEquals("Test 20: getItemsByGenre on empty list should return array length 0.", 0, genreItems.length);



// // @GradedTest(name = "Test 1: The instance variable initialLength has not been declared.", max_score = 4.0)

public void getOneMatchTitleTest() {

mediaList.addItem(new Song("Humble","Kendrick Lamar","hip hop", 2.57,"Damn","Top Dawg"));

MediaItem[] genreItems = mediaList.getItemsByTitle("Humble");

assertEquals("Test 21: getItemsByTitle should return array length 1 with one match.", 1, genreItems.length);



// // @GradedTest(name = "Test 1: The instance variable initialLength has not been declared.", max_score = 4.0)

public void getOneMatchGenreTest() {

mediaList.addItem(new Song("Humble","Kendrick Lamar","hip hop", 2.57,"Damn","Top Dawg"));

MediaItem[] genreItems = mediaList.getItemsByGenre("hip hop");

assertEquals("Test 22: getItemsByGenre should return array length 1 with one match.", 1, genreItems.length);


// populate the array with 6 mixed types.

private void addSixMixedItems(MediaList list){

list.addItem(new Movie("2001; A Space Odyssey","Kubrick","sci fi",142,"Keir Dullea","1968"));

list.addItem(new Book("Snow Crash","Stephenson","sci fi",480,3.5));

list.addItem(new Book("Goosebumps","R.L.Stine", "fiction",128,3.5));

list.addItem(new Song("Humble","Kendrick Lamar","hip hop", 2.57,"Damn","Top Dawg"));

list.addItem(new Song("Goosebumps","Travis Scott","trap",4.03,"Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight","Epic"));

list.addItem(new Movie("Black Panther", "Coogler", "fantasy", 134, "Chadwick Boseman", "2018"));



In this project you will complete the implementation of a Java program that helps a user maintain a collection of their media. Media can be videos, audios, books (electronic format), and possibly more. The library is in the form of a list of media items. The program allows a user to add and remove items from the library as well as retrieve specific media items An example of a media item list could be Your media: 1 Movie: 2001; A Space Odyssey, Kubrick, sci fi, 142, Keir Dullea, 1968 2 Book: Snow Crash, Stephenson, sci fi, 480, 3.5 3 Book: Goosebumps, R.L.Stine, fiction, 128, 3.5 4 Song: Humble, Kendrick Lamar, hip hop, 2.57, Damn, Top Dawg 5 Song: Goosebumps, Travis Scott, trap, 4.03, Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight, Epic 6 Movie: Black Panther, Coogler, fantasy, 134, Chadwick Boseman, 2018

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