In 2021, Tesla projected sales of 200,000 units in the coming period consisting of 50,000 units of Model x, 50,000 units of Models and 100,000 units of Model 3. After careful examination of Statement of Operation, Telsa total fixed costs are expected to be $5,069M which calculated by adding total operating expenses ($4,430M) + Interest expenses ($639M) from the 2018 Statement of Operations. The followings are additional information obtained by carefully examining Tesla Financial statements and by researching other publicly available information: Model x Models Model 3 Total Projecte d salos 50,000 200,000 Total (in Total (in millions) % millions) 50,000 100,000 Total (in Total (in millions) Unit millions) Unit $ 90,000 $ 40,000 54,000 $ 28,000 Unit $ 120,000 72,000 100% Sales Var. exp. Contrib. margin Fixed exp. Net income $5,069M . (1) To calculate Sales mix and unit contribution margin for each model. . (2) To prepare a projected contribution margin income statement in 2021. (3) To project Telsa's Breakeven points in units and in sales revenue in 2021. In addition Mr. Musk asked (4) To provide how many units and sales revenue must be generated if Tesla want to have expected target profit of 25% of revenue for 2021? Mr. SHIM, a new CFO and a graduate of SHU accounting program, had absolutely' NO ideas what to DO with it. Please help Mr. SHIM in preparing contribution margin income statement, in solving breakeven, and in solving target profit problem! Consolidated Statements of Operations in the sands, except per share data) YesDesk 2017 2015 $ $ 17,631,522 882.401 18,514,983 1,555,244 12391.001 21,461,268 8,534,752 1.106.548 9,641,300 1,116,260 1.001.13 11.758,751 5,589,007 761.259 6,350,760 181,3944 407.977 7,000,132 13,685,572 488 425 14,173,997 1,364,896 1 BRO 354 172419 247 4,042,021 8,724.480 708 224 7.432,704 $74,538 1.220 022 9.536.204 2,222,487 4.268.07 481.994 4,750,081 178 332 472.462 5.400.875 1.599,257 1.378,073 2.476,500 Revenues Automotive sales Automotive leasing Total motive Reves Eation and storage Services and other Total revenues Cost of revenues Automotive sales Automotive leasing Total automotive cost of revenues Eation and storage Services and other Total cost of revenues Cross profit Operating expenses Research and development Selling and administrative Ragnar Total operating expenses Les fra operations Eest est aspesse Odcom (expense). Loss before come taxes Provision for contes Netlos Net loss attributable to moncontrolling merests and doimgests is side Net less attributable to common stockholders Niet loss per share of common stock attributable to common stockholders Basic Dhu Weighted average shares used in computing met loss per share of COCOS stock Basic Diluted $34.408 1,432,189 1.460 370 2,834,491 135232 4.430,094 358,073) 24,533 (663,071) 21866 (1,004,745) 57 837 (1,062,582) 3.854,573 (1.632,086) 19,686 (471,259) 225 373) (2,209,032) 31 540 (2.240,578) 2,266 592 (667,340) 8,530 (198,810) 111 272 746,348) 26.698 (773,046) (86.491) eze 173) (976,091) (1.901.109) (3.132) (074.914) (5.72 (57) 2 6.68) (11.83) 5 13 2 170.525 170,525 165.755 165258 14212 144 212 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial stats