In each semester at a university, sbadent may enro in up to dates, and normy students, parents, Instructors, school administrators) can view and search formation about what dass stres, instructor names, their omes, emails, and phone number. Instructors and school maintain (insert, update, delete all the information listed above, as well as student information such as the numbers Part 1: What are the entity types in this database? List all the attributes of each any type Speilymeryd for type. Part 2: Describes all the relationships, including name associating entities, and multiplicities. You should normal. Et A(1.10) --->has->(5.) Entity B, which means, for entity A and B, there is a hasrelationship from A to 3d hchy A 1.10 m the multiplicity of Bis 6.. State your assumptions if necessary For the toolbar, pes ALT F10 (PO) or ALT.FN.F10 Mar) I. 5 Paragraph Arial 14px O WORDS POWERED BY QUESTION 17 In each semester at a university, a student may enroll in up to 8 classes, and an instructor may teach up to 4 dames All Including students, parents, instructors, school administrators) can view and search Information about classes such as the 1st hours, locations, class sizes, instructor names, their offices, emails, and phone numbers. Instructors and school administrators can also view, search and maintain (insert, update, delete) all the information listed above, as well as student information such as the 10, naman, adorates, and phone numbers. Part 1: What are the entity types in this database? List all the attributes of each entity type. Specify primary keys and foreign keyn ol each entity type. Part 2: Describes all the relationships, including namo, associating entities, and multiplicities. You should write in the form of, for instance, Enity A (1..10) ->has-->(5...) Entity B, which means, for entity A and B, there is a "has* relationship from A to B and the multiplicity of Als 1.10 and the multiplicity of Bis 5... State your assumptions If necessary. For the toolbar, press ALT-F10 (PC) or ALT FN:F10 (Mac) B IVS Paragraph Arial 14px LI 111