In Eveniver 3.167-3.176. a. obsain asd inderpuct the youmiles. b. derenuine tad imeypan the interquirile ninge. 2. inemiry promatat autliers, if atre 3.167 The Great Gretzky. Wayne Gretaky, a retired professional hockey player, played 20 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL), from 1980 through 1999 . S. Herry explored some of Gretaky's accomplishments in "A Statistician Reads the Sports Pages" (Charce, Vol. I6. No. 1, pp. 49-54) The following table shows the number of games in which Gretaky played during each of his 20 seasons in the NHL. 3.175 Pixa Diameters. In the article, "Assessing Claims Made by a Pisza Chain" by P. Dunn, (Joumai of Sratistics Eidication, Vol. 20, No. 1, Pp. 1-19), a sample of pizeas from Domino's was collected. The intention of the study was to test the clain of a local piza shop that its pixzas are bigger than Doenino's. The following table gives the diameters, in centimeters (cm), of 41 large Supreme pirsas from Domino's. In Eveniver 3.167-3.176. a. obsain asd inderpuct the youmiles. b. derenuine tad imeypan the interquirile ninge. 2. inemiry promatat autliers, if atre 3.167 The Great Gretzky. Wayne Gretaky, a retired professional hockey player, played 20 seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL), from 1980 through 1999 . S. Herry explored some of Gretaky's accomplishments in "A Statistician Reads the Sports Pages" (Charce, Vol. I6. No. 1, pp. 49-54) The following table shows the number of games in which Gretaky played during each of his 20 seasons in the NHL. 3.175 Pixa Diameters. In the article, "Assessing Claims Made by a Pisza Chain" by P. Dunn, (Joumai of Sratistics Eidication, Vol. 20, No. 1, Pp. 1-19), a sample of pizeas from Domino's was collected. The intention of the study was to test the clain of a local piza shop that its pixzas are bigger than Doenino's. The following table gives the diameters, in centimeters (cm), of 41 large Supreme pirsas from Domino's