In Java
Lab 22 Advanced Rock Paper Scissors Game Objective: Write one interface and three classes which will make a rock paper scissors game. First download the driver. The interface named RPSPlayerInterface will have the following methods public int getPoints0 public String getGesture0 public void setPoints(int aPoints) public void setGesture(String aGesture) public void chooseGesture0 The next class RPSPlayer implements this interface It has an instance variable gesture which is a string that corresponds to"rock","paper or 'scissors It has another instance variable points that keeps track of how many times the player has Won Create only a default constructor that sets the gesture to "none" and points to 0 Create the accessors and mutators for the instance varaibles o The mutator for setGesture should make sure it is either "rock", "paper", or "scissors". If it is not then tell the user that was a wrong choice and set gesture to "none" Write the chooseGesture method o In this case just set the instance variable gesture to "none" Next write the class RPSHumanPlayer which inherits from RPSPlayer It has an instance variable keyboard which is of type Scanner o Make sure to import java.util.Scanner Create a default constructor o Calls the parent's default constructor o Sets up the keyboard to Override the method chooseGesture o Call the parent's setGesture method and passthe string gotten from the Scanner keyboard. o You do not have to prompt the user. Next write the class RPSComputerPlayer which also inherits from RPSPlayer It has an instance variable rand which is of type Random o Make sure to import java.util.Random Create a default constructor o Calls the parent's default constructor o Constructs the rand variable Override the method chooseGesture o Using the random variable it should randomly selectanumber o Correspond the number to a string which will either rock, paper, or scissors For instance ifrand equals 0 then it is a rock, else if 1 then paper, else if 2 then Scissors o Use the parent's setGesture to then assign the randomly picked gesture