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In lacrosse, a ball is thrown from a net on the end of a stick by rotating the stick and forearm about the elbow.

In lacrosse, a ball is thrown from a net on the end of a stick by rotating the stick and forearm about the elbow. If the angular velocity of the ball about the elbow joint is 35.0 rad/s and the ball is 1.35 m from the elbow joint, what is the velocity of the ball? m/s Supporting Materials Physical Constants Submit Answer -/1 Points] DETAILS WEBASSIGNALGPHYS1 6.1.002. MY NOTES ASK YOUR TEACHER An automobile with 0.240 m radius tires travels 75,000 km before wearing them out. How many revolutions do the tires make, neglecting any backing up and any change in radius due to wear? rev A bicycle tire of radius 0.38 m has a piece of gum stuck on its rim. What is the angle through which the tire rotates when the gum has moved through a linear distance of 1.90 m? Express your answer in radians and degrees. rad
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