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In MonitoringandControlling I need answer this questions Working for Let's Hog it Up, you were pleased to be appointed project manager for a project to
In MonitoringandControlling I need answer this questions
- Working for "Let's Hog it Up", you were pleased to be appointed project manager for a project to develop an alternative to the hot dog that would never have any health hazardsassociated with it.Early on during the project, you and your core team got together andidentified risks that might occur during product development.Everyone was concerned thatthe three key microbiologists that needed to be involved, particularly during quality control,might be too busy working on other pork products.You then worked out an arrangement toinstead use other microbiologists working at the local University if in fact the "Hog it Up"scientists were unavailable.All you needed to do was issue a purchase order to obtain theservices of the University scientists two weeks in advance.This was your contingency plan.Now, it appears that you will need to implement this plan because the "Hog it Up"microbiologists are working so diligently on an alternative to pork chops that they just cannotleave their current assignment.With the University microbiologists now working on yourproject, andperformingthis contingencyplan,thisis an exampleof:
- Aworkaround
- Additional riskresponsedevelopment
- Preventive action
- Corrective action
- Calculatingearned valueservestoanswerwhichofthefollowingquestions:
- Howmuchmorewillittaketocompletethejob?
- Howmuchworkisdone?
- Howmuch workshouldbedone?
- Howmuchdid the "isdone"workcost?
- Throughouttheproject,itisessentialtoobtaininformationonthedeliverablesthathavebeen fullyorpartiallycompletedandthecostsandresources thathavebeenincurredorcommitted.This information particularly is useful in risk monitoring and control.Reportsthatare commonly usedtomonitor andcontrol risksinclude allbutone ofthefollowing:
- IssuesLogs
- Escalation Notices
- Action-ItemLists
- ResourceHistograms
- CalculatetheBACtoanswerthequestion:
- Howmuchworkisdone?
- Howmuchmorewillittaketocompletethework?
- Whatwasthetotaljobsupposedtocost?
- Whatisthetotaljobnowexpected tocost?
- Wantingtobufferoptimism andreportprogress usingearnedvalueusingmostconservativemethod, youshould usewhich ofthefollowing:
- 100- 0 rule
- 0- 100 rule
- 20- 80 rule
- 80- 20 rule
- In addition to earned value, all but one of the following is a commonly used method of performancereporting:
- Varianceanalysis
- Trendanalysis
- Performance reviews
- Controlchart
- Working in the information systems field, your company is concerned about the dismalschedule and cost performance that typically results from its projects.It has examined itsperformance against others by looking at data, such as that in the Standish Company's"Chaos" report, and has learned it is not alone, and many IS projects are late, are overbudget,anddonotmeetcustomerrequirements.TheheadofyourCenterofExcellenceforProject Management is determined that your organization, "First to Successful SoftwareCompletion", will reverse the industry trend.She is mandating that each project prepareregular and meaningfulperformancereports. Theyshouldbeprepared:
- Whenaperformancereview isforthcoming
- Wheneverthereisamajorvariance
- Asdiscussedinthecommunicationsmanagementplan
- Asdiscussedintheinformation managementplan
- AllbutoneofthefollowingisamethodthatcanbeusedtocalculateEAC:
- AC+(BAC-EV)/cumulative CPI
- AC+(RemainingPV/SPI)
- The performance measurement baseline is an essential component of earned value projectmanagement.It can be used to inform the project manager as to whether the project iskeepingupwithitsplannedschedule andhowmuch workisbeingaccomplished inrelationto themoniesbeingspent. Thefirststepinforming thebaselineisto:
- Establishthereportingsystemtouse
- Planandschedule thework
- Definetheproject scope
- Estimateandauthorize thebudget
- Aqualitycharacteristicthateitheris classifiedas conformingor non-conformingis:
- Acontrollimit
- Atolerance
- Avariable
- Anattribute
- Depending upon the nature of the change, the corresponding baseline document may need tobe revised and reissued to reflect the approved change and to form the new baseline forfuture changes. In scopechangecontrol,this is knownas:
- Lessonslearned
- Refinements
- Revisions
- Adjustedbaseline
- Onyour project,you wanttoforecastthemostlikelytotalproject costssoyou have decidedto calculate the EAC.Your variances to date are viewed by your team as typical of futurevariances.Therefore, youshouldcalculateyour EAC by:
- AC+(RemainingPV/SPI)
- Your client has requested that at the end of each phase of your project to develop a trainingprogram based around the current PMBOK Guidethat you submit each unit of the coursefor review.Recognizing that there still can be some changes as the rest of the trainingprogram is developed, the client has noted that it will only provide conditional acceptance ofthe deliverables.This, however,still ispart of formal acceptancein:
- Qualitycontrol
- Performance reporting
- Qualityassurance
- Scopeverification
- You are responsible for an environmental remediation project. This project has been underway for almost one year. You now can take advantage of new technology that just becameavailable.This isanexample ofascopechangethat is:
- Avalue-addingchange
- Anerrororomissionindefining productscope
- Basedontechnologicalobsolescence
- Basedonanomissionintheproject'sWBS
- Samplesizeaffectscontrol limitsinacontrolchartbyitseffectonthestandard deviation.Alarger samplesizethen:
- Resultsinwidercontrollimits
- Resultsinmorenarrowcontrol limits
- Meansthestandard deviationistwosigm as
- Thesixsigmaruleisbeingfollowed
- Yourproject teamhasinformed youthatalthough todateyouhavehadsomesignificantcostvariances based on earned value as compared to actual costs, that the team does not feelsimilar variances willoccurinthefuture.Theteambelieves thattheynowhavethesituationunder control.Accordingly,itisthereforeappropriate tocalculatetheEACby:
- AC+Remaining PV
- Youhavedecided tousethe50-50toplanandmeasureearned value.Underthe50-50rulewhenyou:
- Endatask,youchargetheremaining50%oftheEVtoit
- Endatask,youchargetheremaining50%oftheEACtoit
- Beginatask,youcharge50%ofthePVtoit
- Beginatask,youcharge 50%oftheEVtoit
- At times on projects based on variance analysis and performance measurement, it isnecessarytochangetheschedulestart andfinishdates in theapprovedtargetschedule.Newtarget schedules are the normal mode of schedule revision, which typically occurs if thereare:
- Changestotasksonthecriticalpath
- Scopechanges
- Costchanges
- Changesbecauseofanunidentifiedriskthatoccurs
- Your schedule performance index shows that your project has a behind-schedule condition.You believe that even though only 25% of your project is complete, it is an early indicator ofpotentialfutureproblems.But,youhavedecidedagainstaddingextra resourcesinanattempt to catch up and instead met with your customer and explained the situation.Youhave taken a look at the activities that seem to be running behind and have decided that oneproblemisthatthestaffassigneduse386computers,whichdonothavesufficientmemorytodo the necessary work.Plus these computers are just too slow! You believe that if you canupgrade their computers to Pentium 4, this should solve the problem.In this process as youexamined thecauseofthevariance in schedule control,youused:
- Controlcharts
- Rootcauseanalysis
- Preventive action
- Inspections
- TheParetoPrinciple statesthat:
- 20%ofthe elements account for80%ofthe problems
- Unpredictablemeasurementsareproduced byspecialcauses
- Asamplesizeof80% ofthe populationshouldbeconducted toassess whetherrework is needed
- 80%ofthe elements account for20%ofthe problems
- Realizing that risks will change during the project as it moves toward completion, new riskswilldevelop,andsomeanticipatedriskswillnotoccur,youknowtheimportanceofeffectiverisk monitoring and control in order to obtain the information you need for decision makingbefore ariskoccurs. Allbutoneof the following then isa purposeofriskmonitoring:
- Seeifproject assumptions arestillvalid
- Determine whetherproperpolicies andproceduresarefollowed
- Assesswhetherarisktrigger hasoccurred
- Implementacontingencyplan
- Because of schedule performance to date on your project, you realize it is necessary tomodify the schedule information used to manage the project.But, you may not need anyfurther adjustmentstoother aspects ofyour projectplan.Thisis known as:
- Arevision
- Arefinement
- Ascheduleupdate
- Anadjustedbaseline
- Realizing that inappropriate responses to cost variances can lead to quality or schedule problems, or both, or can produce an unacceptable level of risk later in the project, you havestressed to your team the importance of cost control on your project.You need to search outthe "whys" of both positive and negative cost variances.Cost control thus is concerned withall butoneof thefollowing:
- Informing appropriatestakeholdersofauthorized changes
- Considering ,andincorporatingproject closeoutprocedures
- Establishing astandalonecostchange controlsystem
- Revisingcostestimates tomodifythecostinformation usedtomanagetheproject
- Onyourproject,yourcostvariance issevere.Rebase lining thusmayberequired asaresultof:
- Budgetupdates
- Revisedcostupdates
- Cashflowdisbursementsthatexceedtheplan
- Anycostchange
- It is important to ensure that the project satisfies the needs for which it is undertaken.Youhave engaged the services of your company's Quality Control Department to provide twoanalysts that will work independently of your project team to ensure the project's qualityrequirementswillbemet.Theseanalysts willreportdirectly tothemanageroftheQualityControl Department.Theirpurposeon yourprojectwillbeto:
- Establishbenchmarks
- Establishtheoperational definitions tocontrol theprojectregardingquality
- Monitorspecific projectresultstoseeiftheycomply withrelevantquality standards
- Preparetheproject qualitymanagement plan
- ThePlanedValueisusedtoanswerwhichofthefollowingquestions:
- Isthecritical pathstillvalid fortheproject?
- Howmuch oftheworkshouldbedone?
- Whenwillthejobbedone?
- Howmuchmoreworkdoweneedtocomplete?
- Asamember ofyourcompany'sProjectManagementOffice ,youareworkingwithselected project managers to determine whether or not the standard project management process iseffective.You are monitoring cost and schedule variances and are assessing scheduleperformance on these selected projects to see if the procedures are being followed in yourmethodology.The measures you have collected to date show that immediate correctiveaction is necessary.Thismeansthat:
- Aprocessadjustmentisneeded
- Reworkhasoccurred
- Rebase lining willberequired
- Yournextstepshouldbetoconduct aqualityaudit
- Thepurpose ofattribute sampling istomeasure:
- Thedegreeofconformity
- Whetheracause isanormalprocessvariation oranunusualevent
- Whetherresultsareacceptablebecause theyarewithin thecontrollimit
- Whetherornot aresult conforms
- TheETCcanbeusedtodetermine:
- Howmuchmorewillittaketocompletethejob
- Whatthetotal jobisnowexpected to cost
- Thedifference betweenwhatthetotaljobwassupposed tocostandthetotal expectedcosts
- Howmuchworkhasbeenaccomplished
- Thedifferencebetween preventionandinspectionisthat:
- Inspectionin volves keepingerrorsoutoftheprocess
- Preventionin volveskeepingerrors outofthecustomer's hands
- Inspection involveskeepingerrors outofthecustomer'shands
- Prevention involvesmaking sureresults conform
- Your company has worked for one customer three times in the past five years.It seems thatthis customercannot explicitlydefinerequirements upfrontinthe project.Thisisaproblembecause the customer awards fixed-price contracts and does not easily issue change ordersfor scope changes.You are now project manager for a project for this unpredictablecustomer and have decided to use a control chart to monitor the frequency of scope changes.You want to use these data to show your management that in the future it should only accepttime and materials or cost-type contracts from this customer.Looking at the data collected thusfar,youhaveidentified arandom cause.Itisonethat is:
- Anunusualevent
- Anormalprocessvariation
- Somethingthatisoutsidetheuppercontrol limit
- Somethingthatisoutsidethelowercontrol limit
- Workinginmanufacturing,youhavedecided torateresultsonacontinuousscaletomeasure thedegree ofconformity.Inthissituation,youarefollowing principlesof:
- Pareto
- Attributesampling
- Configurationmanagement
- Variables sampling
- Being that your information project is being done under contract for the U.S. GeneralAccounting Office, youare following principles the American Institute of Certified PublicAccounts.As aresult ,youneedto:
- Useearnedvalueanalysis
- Considerprojectcloseout proceduresasapart ofcostcontrol
- Submitdetailed trendanalysis reportseachweek
- Documentalllessons learnedandsubmit themtotheGAO
- Aqualitycharacteristicmeasuredinincrementsisa:
- Controllimit
- Tolerance
- Variable
- Sample
- Attributes typicallyresultin:
- Theneedtoincreasethesamplesize
- Ago/no-go decisionbasedonconformancetorequirements
- Achangein or adjustmentto aprocess
- Theneedforfurtherinspection
- Achart,orderedby frequencyofoccurrencethatalso isconsideredtobea simple probabilityisas a:
- Controlchart
- Ishikawachart
- Histogram
- Flowchart
- Assume that you have prepared a project cost-expenditure spending plan that shows you havean authorized budget of $1,000,000 for your project during the year.The projectedexpenditures for the first quarter forecasted an amount of $300,000 for the first quarter.TheCEO reviewed your plan and gave his approval for this internally funded project but statedthat the project manager was to stay within the limits of this $1,000,000 commitment andcontinuously monitor performance.Now the first quarter ended and results thus far show anexpenditureof only $300,000.Onecan thereforeconcludethat:
- Thereisperfect costperformance
- Theprojectisperformingexactly toitsfinancialplan--$300,000planned and
- Theprojectisintrouble
- Theproject'struecostperformancecannotbedeterminedgiventhesedata
- In a normal distribution, two standard deviations represent the amount on either side of themean thatcontains:
- 68.3%ofthetotalpopulation
- 95.5%ofthetotalpopulation
- 95.5%ofthetotal sample
- 99.7%ofthetotalpopulation
- Inspectionsareoftenusedinbothqualitycontrol andalsoinscopeverification.However,different organizations refer to this technique using different terms.All but one of thefollowing is another termthatcanbeused for aninspection:
- Audit
- Walkthrough
- Productreview
- Traceability matrix
- You have been using a control chart to monitor cost and schedule variances.The data collectedthusfarshowthatyourcostandschedule performancereportingprocess isincontrol.Therefore,it
- Canbeadjusted
- Shouldnotbechangedevenifimprovements areneeded
- Shouldnot beadjusted
- Canbeeither adjustedorchanged
- Themostcommonly usedcostperformance indicatoriscalculated bywhichofthefollowingformulas:
- Workingonthenextgenerationautomobile,whichistobesolarpowered, youareconcernedbecause the first cars produced seem to have a number of problems such as:improperrotation, noise, wobble, pressure, axle caulking, case wobbles, plus several others. In orderto focus attention on the problems that are causing the greatest number of defects based onthe type orcategoryofdefined cause,youshouldprepare:
- Atrendanalysis
- Aflowchart
- AParetodiagram
- Anoperationaldefinition
- Onyourproject, becauseyouareusingstate-of-the-arttechnology, itisnotsurprisingthatasyou measure and report on progress to date, a number of risks that had not been identifiedearlyon, now havesurfaced.Thismeansthat:
- Youshouldcompletelyreviseyourmaster schedule
- Youshouldrepeat thecycleofthesixriskprocesses
- Youneedtorebase lineyourproject
- Yourprojectcannotbecompletedasplannedandbudgeted
- Allapprovedchanges ofanytypeshouldbe:
- Incorporated intoarevisedprojectbaseline
- Reflected intheperformancemeasurementbaseline
- SenttoaCCBforimplementation
- Partoftheearnedvalue trackingsystem
- You just finished a meeting with your customer to kick-off your project.The customer isproviding some computers to you for use on the project and also has assigned one of itssenior software engineers to work as a member of your team.During this meeting, you were requested to provide information about how resources, both labor and materials, are beingusedtoachieve projectobjectives.This is thepurposeofwhichofthefollowing processes:
- Resourceplanning
- Performance reporting
- Communicationsmanagement
- Scopeverification
- Inproject management,themostwidelyusedmethod ofperformancemeasurementis:
- Statusreporting
- Progressreporting
- Varianceanalysis
- Earnedvalue
- You have just been informed that the scope of your project is to be changed significantly.Originally, you were only providing one key component for the customer's new system touserobotsthroughoutitstornadomonitoringsystem; now,you aretoberesponsiblefortheentire system.Thismeansthat abudget update isnecessarywhichis a change:
- Toanapproved costbaseline
- Thatresultsbecause ofachangeintheCPI
- Madewheneveracostestimate isrevised
- That occurs when the earned value analysis indicates performance is not asplanned
- Working under a cost-plus-award-fee contract, it is important that scope changes be tracked andmonitoredcarefully.ProspectivechangesmayresultintheneedtomodifytheWBSandalso intheneed todeterminealternative approachestodesign theproduct.Asa result:
- Thescopechanges shouldbehandled aspartofthesolicitationprocess
- Thescopechange controlsystemmustcomplywithrelevantcontractualprovisions
- A scope change control systemis not needed because of the contractadministration process
- Thescopechanges shouldbe handledaspartofthe scopeverificationprocess
- On your telecom project, that has been under way for the past two years, the FederalCommunications Commission just issued a regulation to be effective in 30 days thatmandatesthatallnewphonesystems usetelephonepoles thatarepaint edged.Youneedtoissue a change request and then paint all poles red.This is an example of a scope changerequest thatis the resultof:
- Anerrorin definingthe scopeofthe product
- Anerrorin definingthe scopeofthe project
- Anexternalevent
- Avalue-addingchange
- Youareinterestedinknowingonyourproject thenumberofactivities thatwerecompletedeach week with significant variances.You believe this can assist you in forecasting futurevariances.This is thepurpose of:
- Trendanalysis
- Paretoanalysis
- Earnedvalueanalysis
- Performance reviews
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