In the Lab Lab 3: Using Fieldset Controls to Organize a Form Instructions: Your manager at Horizon Learning has asked you to create a Web page form that novice HTML developers can use as a model for a well-designed, user-friendly form. Having created forms for several different Web sites, you have learned that using fieldset controls to group form controls results in a well-organized, easily readable form. Create a Web page form that utilizes three fieldset controls like the one shown in Figure 6-32. 12. Nested Groupings and Controls Within a Table Overall grouging Your name check box with choice selected E-mail address radio button with choice selected Your question here Your suestion he Your question here: O Choice 1 d Choice 1 Choice 2 two fieldset nested in overall grouping Choice4 here: selection control with three items in startup list Figure 6-32 1. Using Note adform the lotepadr+, create a new HTML fle with the tite Lab 63 in the main heading section. d the Web page heading Nested Groupings and Contrls Wihin a Tatle. 2. Addate a form and identify the form process using the post method with the action arbuste t 3 Creyr e-mail address (if you do not have an e-mail adress,use Caves and Places HTML 121 text boxes for name and e-mail address dd two radio buttons, with Choice 2 preselected, as shown in Figure 6-32, together with four check boxes with Choice 4 selected. w, 35-column textarea, as shown in Figure 6-32. 6. Add a 5-row, te 6. z. rt a selection menu with options of Choice 1 through Choice 4.Set the selection menu to display multiple options. three rows and have Choice 1 preselected as the default option. Allow the user to select . Add a Submit button that says Submit the Form and a Reset button that says Reset the Form at the 9. Add three fieldset controls to group the form controls,as shown in Figure 6-32.Nest the two 10. Save the HTML file in the Chapter06 IntheLab folder using the flenam lab-3solution.htnl. 11. Open bottom of the Web page form. subgroupings within the main grouping. Validate the Web page. Print the HTML file. Il. Open the lab-3solution.html ile in your browser and test 12. Print the Web page. nd test all controls except the Submit button uhmit the files in the format specified by your instructor