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In this assignment youre going to implement splay trees. BST Implementation For splay trees, you should begin by implementing a basic (unbalanced) binary search tree,

In this assignment youre going to implement splay trees.

BST Implementation

For splay trees, you should begin by implementing a basic (unbalanced) binary search tree, with integer keys and no values (i.e., a Set data structure). Use the following node type:

struct node { int key; node* left; node* right; node* parent; }; 

Maintaining parent pointers complicates some of the algorithms! I would suggest implementing the basic, unbalanced BST operations first, and then adding the parent pointers and making sure everything still works, and finally adding the balancing code. Of course, your code wont pass the tests until the balancing code is correct.


You must implement the following tree operations:

void rotate(node* child, node* parent); // Rotation bool find(node*& root, int value); // Search node* insert(node* root, int value); // Insertion node* splay(node* t); // Splay t to root  

These functions should work in exactly the same way as described in class. Note that find and insertshould all do a splay step after their main operation, to rebalance the tree! (The splay function will be tested independently of them, to make sure that it works correctly on its own.) You do not need to implement removal, because its really hard to get right.

find is a bit different than the implementation shown in class: It takes the root of the tree by reference, finds the target node, and then splays it to the root of the tree. Thus, after a find, root->key == value and theres no need to return the found node. Instead, it returns a bool, true if the node was found, and false otherwise. Note that if find returns false then the tree must be unchanged!

rotate does not return the new parent node: because we have parent pointers, we can rewrite the tree in-place.

insert does return the new root of the tree, and thus must be used like this:

node* tree = ...; tree = insert(tree, 5); // Insert 5 into tree  

Be sure to correctly handle the case where root == nullptr (i.e., the empty tree)!

When you compile, link with assign4_test.cpp. The test runner will first test your rotate function (because if that doesnt work correctly, nothing else will, either) and then proceed to construct a BST by inserting and finding nodes. After each operation, it will verify the tree structure, to make sure that parent pointers are lined up and such, and after every insert and find, it will check to make sure the target node has been splayed to the root.

/* * * Assignment 4 (BST) test runner. */ #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  #include  using std::cout; std::vector make_random_permutation( std::size_t len, int seed = 1) { std::default_random_engine generator(seed); std::vector ret(len, 0); // Initialize vector to 0...len-1 for(std::size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) = i; std::shuffle(ret.begin(), ret.end(), generator); return ret; } // Node structure struct node { int key; node* left; node* right; node* parent; }; /* * User-implemented functions */ void rotate(node* child, node* parent); // Rotation bool find(node*& root, int value); // Search node* insert(node* root, int value); // Insertion //node* remove(node* root, int value); // Deletion node* splay(node* t); // Splay /****************************************************************************** Tree structure checking ******************************************************************************/ // Balance measurement, returns a balance factor between 0 (not possible) and 1 // (perfectly balanced). float balance(node* root) { if(!root) return 1.0; // Empty tree is perfectly balanced else if(!root->left) { // One subtree, on the right return 0.5 * balance(root->left); } else if(!root->right) { return 0.5 * balance(root->right); } else // Two subtrees return (balance(root->right) + balance(root->left)) / 2; } // Safe find, that does not modify the tree structure bool safe_find(node* root, int value) { if(!root) return false; else if(root->key == value) return true; else if(value < root->key) return safe_find(root->left, value); else // value < root->key return safe_find(root->right, value); } int count_nodes(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; else return 1 + count_nodes(root->left) + count_nodes(root->right); } int tree_height(node* root) { if(!root) return 0; else return 1 + std::max(tree_height(root->left), tree_height(root->right)); } // Pretty-print a tree. This does cycle-checking at the same time, so that if // there's a cycle in the tree we won't get stuck in a loop. void print(node* root, int level, int parents, bool left_child, std::set& nodes) { if(level == 0) cout << "--- Tree structure --- "; // Print indent for node for(int i = 0; i < level-1; ++i) if(parents & (1 << i)) cout << "  "; else cout << " "; if(level > 0) cout << (left_child ? " " : " "); if(root == nullptr) { cout << "(null)" << std::endl; } else if(nodes.count(root) > 0) { // Already printed this node somewhere else cout << "CYCLE (" << root->key << ")" << std::endl; } else { nodes.insert(root); // Visit root // Print children cout.width(3); cout << root->key; if(root->parent != nullptr) cout << " [p = " << root->parent->key << "]"; cout << std::endl; // Print children if(root->left || root->right) { // We only print both children if one of them is non-null. // If both are null we don't print anything, to avoid making a huge // mess. // We print the children in the order right, left so that you can // turn your head (or your screen) to the left and the tree will // be correct. print(root->right, level+1, parents | (1 << level), true, nodes); print(root->left, level+1, parents, false, nodes); } } } void print(node* root) { std::set nodes; print(root, 0, 0, true, nodes); } /* check_for_cycles(n) Traverse the tree (preorder) starting at n, checking for cycles of nodes. Note that this does not check for parent-pointer cycles, only child-pointer cycles. */ bool check_for_cycles(node* n, std::set& nodes) { if(nodes.count(n) > 0) return false; else { nodes.insert(n); // Mark n as seen // Explore left and right subtrees bool ret = true; if(n->left) ret = ret && check_for_cycles(n->left, nodes); if(n->right) ret = ret && check_for_cycles(n->right, nodes); return ret; } } bool check_for_cycles(node* n) { std::set nodes; if(!check_for_cycles(n, nodes)) { cout << "FAILED: tree structure contains a cycle. "; return false; } else return true; } // Check the pointer structure of the tree (parent/child) to make sure it is // correct. bool check_tree_pointers(node* root, bool is_root = true) { if(!root) return true; else { if(is_root && root->parent != nullptr) { cout << "FAILED: root->parent should always be null. "; return false; } // Child child nodes (if they exist) to make sure their parents // point back to root. if(root->left) { if(root->left->parent != root) { cout << "FAILED: found node " << root->left->key << " with incorrect parent pointer. "; return false; } if(root->left->key >= root->key) { cout << "FAILED: found node " << root->left->key << " which is on the wrong side of parent. "; return false; } } if(root->right) { if(root->right->parent != root) { cout << "FAILED: found node " << root->right->key << " with incorrect parent pointer. "; return false; } if(root->right->key <= root->key) { cout << "FAILED: found node " << root->right->key << " which is on the wrong side of parent. "; return false; } } if(root->right && root->left) { // Both children, if they exist, have valid parent pointers. // So now we check both subtrees recursively. return check_tree_pointers(root->left, false) && check_tree_pointers(root->right, false); } return true; } } bool check_tree_values(node* root, int low = std::numeric_limits::min(), int high = std::numeric_limits::max()) { if(!root) return true; else if(root->key <= low) { cout << "FAILED: found node " << root->key << " improperly placed. "; return false; } else if(root->key >= high) { cout << "FAILED: found node " << root->key << " improperly placed. "; return false; } else { // root->key is in the correct range return check_tree_values(root->left, low, root->key) && check_tree_values(root->right, root->key, high); } } bool check_tree(node* root) { if(root->parent != nullptr) { cout << "FAILED: Root of tree must have null parent pointer"; cout << " (root->parent->key = " << root->parent->key << ") "; return false; } return check_for_cycles(root) && check_tree_pointers(root) && check_tree_values(root); } /****************************************************************************** Tree testing ******************************************************************************/ template struct scope_exit { scope_exit(Func f) : exit(f) {} ~scope_exit() { exit(); } Func exit; }; template scope_exit make_scope_exit(Func f) { return scope_exit(f); } // To test the tree functions, we generate a random permutation of the integers // from -20 to 20 and insert them into the tree. Then, we generate another // permutation and find them in that order. Finally, we generate another // permutation and remove them in that order. After every operation, we perform // a full check of the tree structure. The test stops if the tree structure is // not valid at any point. bool test_rotate() { // This is a huge mess. I need to come up with a better way to test // left/right rotations. Maybe use member-pointers to abstract over // the orientation? // Root of the pseudo-tree node* root = new node{10000, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; /* Left-rotation tree: p / \ c Z / \ X Y */ node* X = new node{-10, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; node* Y = new node{-20, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; node* Z = new node{-30, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; node* child = new node{2, X, Y, nullptr}; node* parent = new node{1, child, Z, root}; // This is to avoid memory leaks: the function will be called when this // function returns. auto exiter = make_scope_exit([&]() { delete X; delete Y; delete Z; delete child; delete parent; }); child->parent = parent; X->parent = Y->parent = child; Z->parent = parent; rotate(child, parent); /* New structure should be c / \ X p / \ Y Z */ if(child->parent != root) { cout << "FAILED: parent's parent is not preserved. "; return false; } if(child->right != parent) { cout << "FAILED: rotate did not make parent into child. "; return false; } if(child->left != X) { cout << "FAILED: left child of child should be unchanged "; return false; } else if(parent->left != Y) { cout << "FAILED: child's right child should become right-child of parent. "; return false; } else if(parent->right != Z) { cout << "FAILED: right child of parent should be unchanged. "; return false; } else if(parent->parent != child) { cout << "FAILED: parent->parent is not original child. "; return false; } else if(!check_for_cycles(child)) { cout << "FAILED: rotation created a cycle "; print(child); return false; } // Right-rotation delete child; delete parent; child = new node{2, Y, Z, nullptr}; parent = new node{1, X, child, root}; child->parent = parent; X->parent = parent; Y->parent = Z->parent = child; rotate(child, parent); if(child->parent != root) { cout << "FAILED: parent's parent is not preserved. "; return false; } if(child->left != parent) { cout << "FAILED: rotate did not make parent into child. "; return false; } if(parent->left != X) { cout << "FAILED: left child of parent should be unchanged. "; return false; } else if(child->right != Z) { cout << "FAILED: right child of child should be unchanged. "; return false; } else if(parent->right != Y) { cout << "FAILED: left child of child should become right child of parent "; return false; } else if(parent->parent != child) { cout << "FAILED: parent->parent is not original child. "; return false; } else if(!check_for_cycles(child)) { cout << "FAILED: rotation created a cycle "; print(child); return false; } // Do a quick test with null children and null root // If the user made a mistake here, this will most likely segfault. delete child; delete parent; child = new node{1, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; parent = new node{0, child, nullptr, nullptr}; child->parent = parent; rotate(child, parent); if(parent->parent != child) { cout << "FAILED: parent did not become the child "; return false; } else if(child->right != parent) { cout << "FAILED: parent did not become right child "; return false; } return true; } bool test_tree() { node* t = nullptr; // Empty tree // Generate test data std::vector test = make_random_permutation(41, 12); // Insert a random permutation cout << "Testing tree insertion..."; for(unsigned u : test) { const int i = static_cast(u); cout << u << " "; t = insert(t, i); if(!check_tree(t)) { print(t); return false; // Stop if the check fails. } if(t->key != i) { cout << "FAILED: After inserting " << i << " it should be splayed to the root "; print(t); return false; } } cout << std::endl; int cn = count_nodes(t); if(cn != 41) { cout << "FAILED: tree does not have the correct number of nodes. "; cout << "(expected 41, found " << cn << ") "; print(t); return false; } else { cout << "OK so far... "; print(t); } // Find a random permutation cout << "Testing tree find()..."; for(unsigned u : test) { const int i = static_cast(u); cout << i << " "; if(!find(t, i)) { cout << "FAILED: find() couldn't find " << i << " "; return false; } if(t->key != i) { cout << "FAILED: find() did not splay target to the root. "; print(t); return false; } if(!check_tree(t)) { print(t); return false; } } cout << std::endl; print(t); // We no longer test removal, because students are not required to implement // remove(). It's too fiddly to get right, too many edge cases. /* // Remove a random permutation cout << "Testing tree removal... "; for(unsigned u : test) { const int i = static_cast(u); t = remove(t, i); if(!check_tree(t)) { print(t); return false; } if(safe_find(t,i)) { cout << "FAILED: removed element " << i << " is still present in the tree "; print(t); return false; } } if(t != nullptr) { cout << "FAILED: Tree not empty after removing all elements. "; print(t); return false; } */ return true; } int main() { cout << "---- Beginning tree tests ---- "; if(test_rotate() && test_tree()) cout << "---- All tests successful ---- "; return 0; } 

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