in this c++ program it only work if i chose one of the services like robbery or fire but when i chose "other" to shift the array or i chose "abc" it dosnt work correctly
#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const int size = 5 ; string services [size]= {"Robbery ", "Violation ", "Medical ","Fire "};//The menu string search; string Thesrevice; struct Info { string name; int age; string location; string AdditionalNote; }; void Ask(string &z){// Function for Searching in array while (true) { cout<< " Your emergency?"; cout << endl; cin>> z; bool valid = false; for (int i = 0 ; i< size ; i++){ if (services[i].find(z,0)!= string::npos){ valid = true; cout<< "Your choice is "<< services[i]< void get_data(Info *array,int S){ cout<< "Enter Your first name, age, location and any additional note"<> array[0].name>>array[1].age>>array[2].location>> array[3].AdditionalNote; } int R(){ srand(time(0)); cout <<" "<< "Your code: "<< rand(); } int gethelp(){ srand(time(0)); return rand()%(10-5+1)+5; } int main(){ string temp[size]; string tem; Info Array [5]; string answer; string repla; cout<< " 911 What's your emergency? " ; cout<< endl; for(int i = 0; i=size) NewIndex=NewIndex % size; temp [NewIndex]= services[i]; ;} cout<< "The new order:"<< endl; for (int i =0; iservices [y]){ tem=services [x]; services[x]=services[y]; services[y]=tem;}}} cout << " Alphabetical order of servisec : "; for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) cout << services[x] << "\t"; cout << endl; Ask(search);} cout<> answer; if (answer == "2"){ string Qrep; string Qrepp; string rep; int repp; int replaa; cout<<"Do you want to replace? Enter Y or N"<< endl; //Adding value cin>> Qrep; if(Qrep == "Y"){ cout << "Is it your age? Enter Y or N"<< endl; cin >> Qrepp; if (Qrepp == "Y"){ cout<< "Enter your real age please!"<< endl; cin>> repp; } Array[1].age=repp; }if (Qrepp=="N"){ // Updating values cout << "Enter your wrong answer "; cin>> rep; cout << "Write your replacementt:"; cin>> repla; if(Array[0].name== rep) Array[0].name=repla; if(Array[2].location== rep) Array[2].location=repla; if(Array[3].AdditionalNote== rep) Array[3].AdditionalNote= repla; } if (Qrep == "N"){ R(); } } cout<<"Okay " << Array[0].name << " Your updated data: "; cout<< "Your Name: "<<"\t"<< Array[0].name << " "; cout<< "Your Age: "<<"\t"<< Array[1].age << " "; cout<< "Your Location: "<<"\t"<< Array[2].location << " "; cout<< "Additional Note: "<<"\t"<< Array[3].AdditionalNote << "\t"<