In two or three complete sentences, discuss how well the observed results of the activity could go to the predicted results.
Behavioral Ecology. Introduction Now that we have found that the gene asociated with male throat color in side-blotched lizards is tied to an evolutionary process, we will take a closer look at the sierificance of this phenotypic trait. Bley et al. (2007) investigated the effects of the male social environment, secifically the frequencies of the three throat color types in males of the population on the abilities of males of each type to find a mate and produce offsprinu. After comsidering this investigation of how throat color Infuences behaviors, we'l return to the question of what evolutionary processes are active on this trat Behavioral Observations of wide-blotched lizards have shown that orange-throated males are very adept at etominating territories and taking territories from blue throated males, in spite of the ability of blue throats to work together trying to detend their territories and mates Orange throated males are larger, more aggressive, and their territories can encompass the territories of many females Successfu orange thecaend males are polyvnoun lone male mates with many females. Orange-throated males take blue-throated mate's territory and females Although yellow throated males are weaker than the targe orange throats, the yellow theated males weak into orange throat's territories and when approached by an orange throated male they move their head up and down imitating a signal tot females use to indicate that they are not in a receptive state for mating. The large oranpe toats confuse the yellow throated males for unreceptive females, thay we them alone and then the yellow theats mate with orange-throated males females Yellow-throated males speak into orangut theated male's perritory and mate Lastly, blue-throated males are not tricked by yellow throated male's attempts to take in and act as though they are females Blue throated males while not as aggressive as the large orange throats are able to our compete the yellow throated males and gain access to their ferrulet. Blue-throatedrales do not het vellow theated moles into the territory. Hypothesis: The mating success of male-side blotched lizards depends on how their throat color compares to the overall frequencies of throat colors of males in their population Behavioral Ecology Data This table shows the results of the experiment described in Behavioral Ecology of Side-blotched Lizards". High Frequency of... Throat color Proportion of offspring sired in treatment Orange 0.35 Orange Yellow 0.41 Blue 0.24 High Frequency of... Throat color Proportion of offspring sired in treatment Orange 0.31 Yellow Yellow 0.28 Blue 0.41 High Frequency of... Throat color Proportion of offspring sired in treatment Orange 0.73 Blue Yellow 0.15 Blue 0.12 7. Behavioral Ecology In two or three complete sentences, discuss how well the observed costs of the activity compare to the predicted wit Behavioral Ecology. Introduction Now that we have found that the gene asociated with male throat color in side-blotched lizards is tied to an evolutionary process, we will take a closer look at the sierificance of this phenotypic trait. Bley et al. (2007) investigated the effects of the male social environment, secifically the frequencies of the three throat color types in males of the population on the abilities of males of each type to find a mate and produce offsprinu. After comsidering this investigation of how throat color Infuences behaviors, we'l return to the question of what evolutionary processes are active on this trat Behavioral Observations of wide-blotched lizards have shown that orange-throated males are very adept at etominating territories and taking territories from blue throated males, in spite of the ability of blue throats to work together trying to detend their territories and mates Orange throated males are larger, more aggressive, and their territories can encompass the territories of many females Successfu orange thecaend males are polyvnoun lone male mates with many females. Orange-throated males take blue-throated mate's territory and females Although yellow throated males are weaker than the targe orange throats, the yellow theated males weak into orange throat's territories and when approached by an orange throated male they move their head up and down imitating a signal tot females use to indicate that they are not in a receptive state for mating. The large oranpe toats confuse the yellow throated males for unreceptive females, thay we them alone and then the yellow theats mate with orange-throated males females Yellow-throated males speak into orangut theated male's perritory and mate Lastly, blue-throated males are not tricked by yellow throated male's attempts to take in and act as though they are females Blue throated males while not as aggressive as the large orange throats are able to our compete the yellow throated males and gain access to their ferrulet. Blue-throatedrales do not het vellow theated moles into the territory. Hypothesis: The mating success of male-side blotched lizards depends on how their throat color compares to the overall frequencies of throat colors of males in their population Behavioral Ecology Data This table shows the results of the experiment described in Behavioral Ecology of Side-blotched Lizards". High Frequency of... Throat color Proportion of offspring sired in treatment Orange 0.35 Orange Yellow 0.41 Blue 0.24 High Frequency of... Throat color Proportion of offspring sired in treatment Orange 0.31 Yellow Yellow 0.28 Blue 0.41 High Frequency of... Throat color Proportion of offspring sired in treatment Orange 0.73 Blue Yellow 0.15 Blue 0.12 7. Behavioral Ecology In two or three complete sentences, discuss how well the observed costs of the activity compare to the predicted wit