information: Douglas Clark and his wife, Susan have been patients of mine since about 2009. During the years 2014 through 2016, Clark paid the following amounts for medical services to my office in cash:2014: $2,880.00 2015: $5,578.00 2016: $9,776.00 Records of these payments are stored on my office computer, a copy of which has been ordered for you from my bookkeeper.I have readthe foregoing statement consistingofthispageonly.I fully understand this statement anditistrue, accurateand complete tothebest of my knowledgeandbelief.I made any corrections shownand placed my initials opposite each. I madethis statement freely and voluntarily, without any threats or rewards, or promises of reward having been made to me in return for said statement.Subscribed and sworn to before me this30thday ofat Los Angeles, California (signature) (title) (signature of witness)DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICEFORM 2311(REV 8- 96)2017 42 DOUGLAS AND SUSAN CLARK CASE STUDYITEM 30 -AFFIDAVIT OF ALLEN MANCHESTERAFFIDAVITUnitedStatesof AmericaJudicial District ofCalifornial, Allen Manchester DDSstate that:I reside at 1357 Upton St., Los Angeles, California. I am a self-employed dentistwith an office located at 1500 Weber Ave., Los Angeles, California. Pursuant to a subpoenafor records, I am providing the following information: Douglas Clark and his wife Susan havebeen patients of mine since about 2011. During the years 2014 through 2016, Clark paid the following amounts for dental services to my office in cash:2014: $2,532.002015: $2,690.002016: $2,912.00Records of these payments are stored on my office computer, a copy of which has been ordered for you from my bookkeeper.I have read the foregoing statement consisting of this page only. I fully understand this statement and it is true, accurate and