Instruction: This paper consists of TWO (2) SECTIONS. Answer AI. . questions in SECTION A and SECTION B. SECTION A Question 1 (a) Explain the following terms with ONE (1) relevant case study- (i) Conflict of Interest. (ii) Insider Trading (15 marks) (b) Jessica who is the clerk for ABC Sda Bhd is currently under great pressure and stress where she is thinking to resign from the company. Jessica shares her concerns with her Manager, Ms B that the reason why she wants to leave the company was becanse she was sexually harassed by Mr A who is the Chief Executive Officer of ABC Sdn Bhd. Ms B informed Jessica to keep quiet and if she really wants to resign, she always has the option to do so. Upon hearing this, Jessica is angry that Ms B is not symparbetic of her situation and proceed in posting a post on social media on how she was being sextally harassed and victimised in the eompany. Discuss the concept of whistleblowing with ONE (1) relevant case study and apply Norman Bowie's factor to whistle blow to the abovementioned hrypothetical scenario. (10 marks) (Total: 25 marks) Question 2 DEF Sdn Bhd is a renowned ear manufacturer who selis its cars in both local and inmernational market. Recently, James bought a car from XYZ Company, an authorized seller of DEF, James was excited and begin using when it was delivered to (his) house. The brake failed to work when he drove, and his car collided with a lorry. He saffered severe injury and was hospitalised for 5 moaths. Using due care and strict product liability concepts, advise James whether he can sae the manufacturer and authorized seller with ONE (1) relevant case study cach. (25 marks) (Total: 25 marks) Anticipated Harm on Constmer Responses to Deceptive Advertising ' (2015) Journal Business Ethics, Vol 129, pp 28I-293) (a) With reference to the statement above, explain FOUR (4) types of deceptive advertisement with examples. (10 marks) (b) Would a company consider using deception in their advertisements if they hold on to the narrow view that is introduced by Milton Friedman? Explain. (15 marks) (Total: 25 marks) SECTION B Question 1 ABCS dn Bhd is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Malaysia with the aim and vision to provide Malaysians with the best affordable generic medicines. Generic medicines provide the same clinical benefits and effectiveness as the branded ones, but the generic ones can be purchased at a much lower price. To fulfill the vision of ABC Sdn Bhd, the company had built a factory/ plant at Kampung Melur beside the Melur River. The Melur River is the natural habitat for fish and wildlife such as freshwater catfish, bass, and other endangered species as well as source of food for the residents of Kampung Melur. Recently, the residents of Kampung Melur discovered a mountain of dead fish and other wildlife at the Melur River. In addition, some residents who have been consuming the water and fishes caught at the Melur River became ill. They suspected that it was due to the toxic pollution discharged from ABCSdn Bhd factory. With reference to the above scenario, discuss whether the decision to build the factory at Kampung Melur is considered as ethical or unethical by applying Utilitarianism and Kantian Theory. (25 marks) Instruction: This paper consists of TWO (2) SECTIONS. Answer AI. . questions in SECTION A and SECTION B. SECTION A Question 1 (a) Explain the following terms with ONE (1) relevant case study- (i) Conflict of Interest. (ii) Insider Trading (15 marks) (b) Jessica who is the clerk for ABC Sda Bhd is currently under great pressure and stress where she is thinking to resign from the company. Jessica shares her concerns with her Manager, Ms B that the reason why she wants to leave the company was becanse she was sexually harassed by Mr A who is the Chief Executive Officer of ABC Sdn Bhd. Ms B informed Jessica to keep quiet and if she really wants to resign, she always has the option to do so. Upon hearing this, Jessica is angry that Ms B is not symparbetic of her situation and proceed in posting a post on social media on how she was being sextally harassed and victimised in the eompany. Discuss the concept of whistleblowing with ONE (1) relevant case study and apply Norman Bowie's factor to whistle blow to the abovementioned hrypothetical scenario. (10 marks) (Total: 25 marks) Question 2 DEF Sdn Bhd is a renowned ear manufacturer who selis its cars in both local and inmernational market. Recently, James bought a car from XYZ Company, an authorized seller of DEF, James was excited and begin using when it was delivered to (his) house. The brake failed to work when he drove, and his car collided with a lorry. He saffered severe injury and was hospitalised for 5 moaths. Using due care and strict product liability concepts, advise James whether he can sae the manufacturer and authorized seller with ONE (1) relevant case study cach. (25 marks) (Total: 25 marks) Anticipated Harm on Constmer Responses to Deceptive Advertising ' (2015) Journal Business Ethics, Vol 129, pp 28I-293) (a) With reference to the statement above, explain FOUR (4) types of deceptive advertisement with examples. (10 marks) (b) Would a company consider using deception in their advertisements if they hold on to the narrow view that is introduced by Milton Friedman? Explain. (15 marks) (Total: 25 marks) SECTION B Question 1 ABCS dn Bhd is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Malaysia with the aim and vision to provide Malaysians with the best affordable generic medicines. Generic medicines provide the same clinical benefits and effectiveness as the branded ones, but the generic ones can be purchased at a much lower price. To fulfill the vision of ABC Sdn Bhd, the company had built a factory/ plant at Kampung Melur beside the Melur River. The Melur River is the natural habitat for fish and wildlife such as freshwater catfish, bass, and other endangered species as well as source of food for the residents of Kampung Melur. Recently, the residents of Kampung Melur discovered a mountain of dead fish and other wildlife at the Melur River. In addition, some residents who have been consuming the water and fishes caught at the Melur River became ill. They suspected that it was due to the toxic pollution discharged from ABCSdn Bhd factory. With reference to the above scenario, discuss whether the decision to build the factory at Kampung Melur is considered as ethical or unethical by applying Utilitarianism and Kantian Theory. (25 marks)